Oppositions filed RTI to find the truth behind claim by GJM on gorkhaland committee assured by the center.

Opposition Says Morcha Has ZERO Credibility - Filed RTI to find the Truth Behind "Committee to Study Gorkhaland Issue" Claim by GJM .
Oppositions filed RTI to find the truth behind claim by GJM on gorkhaland committee
From left Pratap Khati, Govind Chettri, Dr. Enos Das Pradhan
Coming down heavily on the 'assurances' given to GJM by the Home Minister opposition leaders stated that there people should never trust GJM on Gorkhaland issue.

Speaking to the press Opposition leader Rev Dr. Enos Das Pradhan said, "you cannot take Morcha on their words, when they say that based on the assurance given by the Home Minister regarding the formation of a study committee, the GJM took its proposed Delhi based program back..."

He further added, "if it is indeed true then when is such a committee going to be formed, when is it going to start the study and when is it going to submit its findings?" Since we cannot trust Morcha, we have filed an RTI with the Home Ministry to find out the truth.

CPRM central committee member Govind Chettri added, "the Home Minister alone cannot speak on the formation of any such committee... this issue needs to be discussed and approved by the Cabinet, only then we can trust the Morcha claim"

Furthermore, "many such committees have been formed since Independence and none of the committees have taken any positive decision in favour of the Gorkhas... Whatever happened to the High Powered Fact Verification committee, which was supposed to decide on the additional Gorkha majority mouzas from Terai and Dooars to be added to GTA region? no one knows" he said.

Moreover, "the fact that GJM did not publicly release the petition they submitted to the Home Minister indicates that something is fishy... Morcha is always trying to deceive the public... so there is no reason to believe them"

ABGL leader Pratap Khati said, "the so called committee to study Gorkhaland issue, is a figment of imagination of the GJM leaders... there is no indication that the Home Minister actually said it... only GJM is claiming he said so, but where is the proof?" he asked

He further added, "If we were to believe GJM, they should have formed Gorkhaland by March 10, 2010... this is 2014 and still there is no Gorkhaland... we elected BJP MPs twice for Gorkhaland and there has not even been a squeak on behalf of Gorkhaland... so how can anyone expect us to trust the Morcha?"

Taking a jab at the gullible public he said, "those who believe Morcha lies are either selfish and hope to gain something from the Morcha or are crazy.... ABGL has never believed GJM and never will he added"

Source: DC

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