Prof Mahendra‬ P Lama to speak on Energy Security in Pakistan

Prof ‪P Lama has been invited by the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad, to speak in the Global Conference on Narratives of National Security on November 25-26 at Islamabad.
Institute of Strategic Studies is the most eminent think tank of Pakistan on various issues of International Relations in Pakistan.
Prof Mahendra‬ P Lama to speak on Energy Security in Pakistan
Prof Mahendra‬ P Lama 
Very noted speakers from around the world will be addressing this Conference on various themes of national security. The Conference would be inaugurated by Shri Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Federal Minister for Water and Power & Additional Charge of Defense Ministry – Government of Pakistan.
Prof Lama would be speaking on “Security Issues in Cross Border Energy Trade: Framework for South Asia”. He would mainly highlight the strong possibility of signing of an agreement for the free exchange of energy among South Asian countries in the forthcoming SAARC Summit in Kathmandu on 26-27th November.
He would present the security issues related to cross border transmission lines on which Prof Lama has worked extensively in the last 20 years.
While on his way to Pakistan he would also speak in the University of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

Source: kalimpongnews

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