With this Manifesto released at Kalimpong on this 27th day of January 2016, in the sixty seventh year of the Republic, the Jana Andolan Party begins its journey into Indian politics, beginning more specifically with the politics of the local region of the districts of Darjeeling and Kalimpong and their contiguous areas.

For the present our Manifesto is therefore limited, but not confined, to the concerns of such region. However, with the passage of time the Manifesto shall be developed and expanded to encompass both national and international issues.

The region has been shadowed by a political darkness that has lasted for more than thirty years, a darkness which threatens to push the people further into deep backwardness by perpetuating a corrupt feudal and fascist political order that cloaks itself in the sheepskin of liberal democracy.

This backward movement has been exacerbated by the sudden and rapid transition of the rest of the country into a global theatre thrusting its people into a market-driven consumer economy that they are ill-prepared for.

The twin pressures for large-scale industrialisation and rapid growth has led to acute scarcities of both natural and man made resources.

The region’s economic, social, linguistic and cultural differences with the rest of the State and unique ecological concerns have also pointed to the lack of more contemporary political discourse tailored to the needs of the hour.

Against such a backdrop, the JANA ANDOLAN PARTY assures to the people that
We Shall:


  • 1. Work towards the goal of autonomy and self-governance by the eventual attainment of a separate state of this region based on the principle of inclusiveness, territorial contiguity, cultural harmony and economic and political rationality, all the time bearing in mind the twin concerns of national integrity and security;
  • 2. Demand and strive to secure a fair and just land administration that will grant rayaitti patta rights to plantation, village and urban dwellers as elaborated in our Mission Paper 2025, more specifically starting with the grant of parcha-patta rights to homesteads in tea and cinchona plantations.
  • 3. Eradicate all vestiges of colonial administration by ensuring adherence to land reforms;
  • 4. Fight for securing the recognition of Bhujel, Gurung, Mangar, Newar, Jogi, Khas [Chettri, Bahun, Giri and Sanyasi], Rai, Sunuwar, Thami, Yakhha [Dewan], Dhimal and all other deserving communities as members of the Scheduled Tribes.
  • 5. Ensure full and effective delivery of all Government initiatives to the poorest of the poor and the weakest of the weak through proper implementation.
  • 6. Restore the rule of law by strengthening and respecting public and democratic institutions that are integral and essential to a good polity;
  • 7. Fight the nexus between politics, business and crime as well as expose and indict the corruption that has kept the region in a perpetual state of economic undernourishment;
  • 8. Demand and ensure accountability and transparency in public office and public life, accounts and audit;
  • 9. Demand and ensure inclusiveness in economic planning and administration in the region in keeping with the right to self-governance;
  • 10. Fight to eliminate the pernicious practice of local political parties of selling out our parliamentary representation (e.g., electing MPs from outside the region) for short-term political gains or other narrow benefits.
  • 11. Demand and ensure security of service for temporary employees and facilitate just, equitable and transparent opportunities for service through fair recruitment.


  • 12. Ensure rural empowerment and development and work towards eradicating rural poverty by restoring and strengthening the institution of Panchayati Raj;
  • 13. Ensure the proper and efficient working of all Municipalities, local authorities and civic bodies by ensuring true democratic representation, free of corruption and bias;
  • 14. Ensure equality and quality in educational opportunities for the coming generations, especially the poor and needy;
  • 15. Demand for the restoration of the region’s economic backbone by opening the Jelep la Pass trade route for realistic and fruitful international trade;
  • 16. Foster, nurture, train and develop human resources with the goal of capability building for real autonomy and self-governance;
  • 17. Foster, nurture and develop entrepreneurial skills to build self-reliance and reduce dependence on Government or charitable benevolence;
  • 18. Create an expert advisory body to prepare a road map for the economic and political future of the region and to adhere to it and execute it in a staged manner as outlined in the Mission Paper 2025;
  • 19. Ensure cordial working relations between the region with its Central and State Governments;
  • 20. Ensure proper economic planning and coordination in all institutions and adherence to timely implementation;
  • 21. Ensure preservation and equitable sharing of all resources including water, timber, mines and minerals;
  • 22. Ensure environmental protection and eco friendly practices, starting with a moratorium on tree-felling in the Himalayan region;
  • 23. Ensure equitable labour relations and enforcement of labour laws to protect all workers, wherever they be.

We appeal to our fellow men, our brothers and sisters, our women, our youth, our workers and farmers, our teachers and academicians, our professionals and intellectuals to rise to our call and help us realize these goals.

JANUARY 27, 2016

Download Manifesto of Jan Andolan Party (JAP)

Via JAP website

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