Showing posts with label AIGL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AIGL. Show all posts

SS Ahluwalia's appointment as minister of state - opinions and reactions

12:56 PM
DARJEELING 5 Jul 2016 Darjeeling MP Surendra Singh Ahluwalia’s promotion as a minister of state and induction into the Union cabinet - the first instance for a Member of Parliament from Darjeeling since Independence - has brought mixed reactions from political parties of the hills.

The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha welcomed Ahluwalia’s induction, saying it reflected the respect and sense of inclusiveness the BJP-led government has accorded to the people living in Darjeeling and the Dooars region. In a press statement, GJM president Bimal Gurung congratulated the Darjeeling MP and extended his gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“With Ahluwalia joining the Union Cabinet, not only Darjeeling but the entire region of north Bengal will find representation at the highest policy making body of the country, and he will now be able to push for transformation of this region for the better. This also shows Modiji’s commitment towards the people of Darjeeling and we look forward to the day when all our long pending demands will be fulfilled,” Gurung said, without specifying his party’s statehood demand.

Over the years,the Darjeeling hills did have representation in both the lower and upper Houses of Parliament, mostly from the hill units of national parties such as the Congress and the CPM. This is the first time that a Darjeeling MP has been appointed as a minister of state and inducted into the Union Cabinet.

SS Ahluwalia
SS Ahluwalia
The All India Gorkha League (AIGL) and the Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) too welcomed the development but were cautious with their words. “It is a good gesture for the hills and hope it will benefit us. As for the statehood demand, only time will say what impetus Ahluwalia will bring,” said Pratap Khati, the AIGL general secretary.

NB Chhetri, central committee member of the GNLF, said, “Ahluwalia’s induction into the Union Cabinet will benefit the hills. But it will depend on what portfolio the BJP leader is given.”

The newly formed Jan Andolan Party (JAP) led by Harka Bahadur Chhetri and the Communist Party of Revolutionary Marxist (CPRM) were critical in their observation, saying Ahluwalia’s appointment was aimed at the election in Punjab where the BJP wants to give a face. “The sole agenda of the BJP government in making

Ahluwalia a minister of state is to give a Sikh minister as this will help the party in the Punjab election. It is also a strategy to help the GJM garner votes in the next Lok Sabha election as in the recent state Assembly election, the Morcha’s vote share decreased drastically,” said the JAP chief, adding Ahluwalia’s new role would only be a hindrance to the statehood demand.

CPRM spokesperson Govind Chhetri said, “As MP, Ahluwalia has failed to deliver. And we don’t see anything better happening for the hills with him as a minister of state.” The hill Trinamool Congress said it would only comment after the BJP leader was given a portfolio.



10:56 AM
Writes: Anmol Prasad

One cannot help musing on another can of worms that the Gorkha Janmukti has opened through Amar Rai, its candidate in Darjeeling for the Assembly Elections.

“In a statement reported in the papers today, Amar Rai claims that Gorkhaland would have been attained a long time ago but for lack of unity, the movement has been set back.”

If that be so, why murder the sixty-year old AIGL leader Madan Tamang? Was he not championing Gorkhaland? In all his interviews, did he not consistently support the Gorkhaland demand? Did he not appear before the Parliamentary Standing Committee opposing the Sixth Schedule proposal? Is this how the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha proposes to promote unity?

“The good Professor goes further to expound to his credulous readers, that the views expressed by Rahul Sinha, General Secretary of the BJP, that Gorkhaland will not be created are his own views and not that of the BJP.“
JAP Anmol Prasad
JAP Anmol Prasad
If that be so, why then does the BJP not announce the formation of Gorkhaland? Is it still 'sympathetically considering' the matter? Why did the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha outsource our MP seats for two whole terms, claiming that the BJP would grant the Gorkhaland demand?
“Amar Rai claims that the reason for Ahluwalia not placing a Bill for the creation of Gorkhaland in Parliament is that a Private Member's Bill would have less value. “

Of course it would have less value. But then, if the ruling party is in favour of Gorkhaland, what prevents the BJP itself from bringing such a Bill? Why does Ahluwalia have to bring a Private Member's Bill when he is a powerful member of the BJP, if not for the reason that in reality, the BJP does not support the demand?

“Amar Rai claims ‘The demand for Gorkhaland is a Great War’.“

A Great War against whom, if not the BJP itself? This statement is a clear admission of the fact that the BJP is anti-Gorkhaland. Poor Darjeeling, which elected no less than two BJP Members of Parliament successively. The BJP is in an overwhelming majority in the Lok Sabha and in a perfect position to table a Bill for the creation of a new state after Cabinet approal. The parties in the Rajya Sabha have not gone on record opposing the demand. What then is the need for a Great War if not for fighting the BJP. If that be so the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha must stop hoodwinking the people, it must come clean and admit that its masters in New Delhi have rejected the proposal for the creation of a separate state.

The sad truth is that the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha is now rudderless. It's leader does not have the political depth needed for spearheading the demand. It desperately needs patronage from New Delhi to protect itself against the various charges of murder, corruption and violence it has unleashed in the hills through its militia. Therefore it distracts the people by raising miscellaneous issues of development such as the failure of the Gorkland Territorial Administration, the recognition of communities as Scheduled Tribes, water shortage and [its favourite bogey] discrimination by Bengal. Having fastened its toothless gums on the mammaries of the welfare state, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha finds it hard to let go of power. Which is what it should do, if it claims to be the champions of Gorkhaland. The fact of the matter is that the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha is actually in a crisis and one may expect it to try and reinvent itself as a development-oriented party, if Amar Rai's obsession with affairs municipal is anything to go by.

The role of the intellectual is to speak truth to power. None of us here in Darjeeling can lay any claim to any intellectuality; suffice it to say that when even the districts' educated bourgeoise, made up of the Amar Rais, the Swaraj Thapas, the Rohit Sharmas and the Sarita Rais continue to support and perpetuate a corrupt and violent fascist regime for their own selfish interests, when they fail to stand up and speak the truth to power, the future is very bleak indeed. One cannot but cringe when one hears Sarita Rai announce during her campaign that she would resign from the Legislative Assembly at once, the moment Bimal Gurung gives her the order. And this, even before she has been elected as an MLA.

Be warned: the BJP and its allies will never ever grant Gorkhaland. The real adversary to the creation of a separate state is the Central Government. The BJP does not want the formation of India's 30th state and will never accede to the demand. It's inconsistent and ham-fisted policies in Nepal have deeply coloured its perceptions towards Darjeeling and its people. It fails to see us as fully paid up Indian citizens and will continue to demoralise and distract us by extending patronage our past, present and future Bimal Gurungs so that the movement for a separate state gets driven into the ground. Over and over again. Unless we take our future into our own hands, organise a democratic, secular and broad-based leadership bereft of tin pot dictators like Bimal Gurung.

In a sense Amar Rai is right. It's going to be a Great War after all.

CPRM announced Assembly election candidates from three hill constituencies

9:56 AM
Darjeeling 20 Mar 2016 The Communist Party of Revolutionary Marxist today announced the names of its candidates from the three hill constituencies for the Assembly election. The CPRM, which was formed in 1996 by disgruntled CPM leaders of the Darjeeling hills, has never contested Assembly elections. The party had earlier short listed two names from each hill constituency.

CPRM president RB Rai, the former Rajya and Lok Sabha MP from Darjeeling, announced the candidates’ names after a meeting of the party’s central committee. CPRM spokesperson Govind Chhetri will contest from Darjeeling, Arun Ghatani, general secretary of the Democratic Revolutionary Youth Front (DRYF), will stand from Kurseong, while CPRM central committee member Kishore Pradhan has been fielded from Kalimpong. Until now, the CPRM had not fielded its own candidates for the state Assembly and Lok Sabha elections, partnering with or supporting candidates of other parties including that of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha.

While announcing the names, the CPRM president said, “Our primary agenda is a Gorkhaland state as also development and parcha-patta (land rights) of tea garden workers. However, it appears that none of the political parties have taken up this agenda in earnest, which is why we have decided to field our own candidates.”

When asked whether the party had kept the option open for an alliance despite fielding its own candidates, Rai said, “Any alliance will depend on the other parties accepting our agenda, otherwise we will go on our own.”

The CPRM came into being after most CPM leaders of the hills dissociated themselves from the parent body saying it was against the statehood demand. The party has continued to give priority to the statehood demand since then.

“The issue of our identity is of primary concern. We may or may not achieve a separate state, but we will continue to work towards achieving it under all circumstances,” Rai said.

On whether there was any plan for an alliance with the Democratic Front – the conglomeration of four political parties including the CPRM - Rai said it was an altogether separate matter. “The Front was formed with the twin objectives of a speedy trial of the Madan Tamang murder case and restoration of democracy in the hills. The issue of elections was not discussed even though some Front leaders had wanted to field consensual candidates,” he said.

The Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF), the All India Gorkha League (AIGL), and the Darjeeling Sikkim Ekikaran Manch (DSEM) - the other three constituents of the DF - are yet to announce their decision on the upcoming Assembly election.


2016 Elections Darjeeling hills - discussing the possibilities

8:23 AM


Writes : Upendra

The Chinese have a saying, “may you live in interesting times”... it is both a blessing and a curse. Interesting times could mean, a time of widespread success or even a time of utter chaos. As far as Darjeeling is concerned, it almost feels like someone or the other wished us “interesting times.”

Elections are here folks, and Darjeeling as usual is simmering with tension under the surface. There is a curiosity about the newly formed Jan Andolan Party, and old guards of GNLF are reviving their loyalty towards “Hariyo Jhanda.”CPRM and AIGL have remained in the sidelines as the drama unfolds; Congress and CPI(M) have been more or less silent too. GJM in the meanwhile is trying to hold on to the people, and even though they have made new friends in the Terai and Dooars, some old comrades are leaving them and siding with TMC.

Since we haven’t had Panchayat elections, the only reference point we have to evaluate the political possibilities in the three hill constituencies are the data from 2014 MP elections. Much has changed on the grounds since then, however, this is the only data point we have to compare and contrast some political possibilities in the coming days.

In 2014 elections, GJM supported BJP candidate Shri. SS Ahluwalia garnered a total of 289,017 votes, where as the entire opposition had garnered 161,714 votes (including the NOTA). It is interesting to note that None of the Above (NOTA) had garnered more votes than candidates from CPI(M), Congress and Gorkha Rastriya Congress. Dr. Mahendra P Lama was then supported by CPRM, DDUDF, BGP and AIGL; and Mr. Bhaihung Bhutia of TMC was supported by GNLF.

All said and done, GJM had garnered 55% more votes than the entire opposition combined.

This means that for the opposition parties to win in the hill region, they need to come together and after that, try and get at least 60% votes swing in their favour. Despite all their flaws, GJM base is holding strong and even if there is a swing, a massive 60% swing against them is highly unlikely, at least in the upcoming elections. Also the entire Hill opposition coming together to contest elections are exceedingly improbable.

This thus, opens up a wide range of possibilities for collaborations amongst the various political entities in our hills.

Amongst the political parties championing the cause of Gorkhaland are GJM, GNLF and CPRM. Their methods and how they aspire to achieve it are markedly different though. CPRM doesn’t believe in interim set ups like GTA, and if it was up to them, they would rather dissolve GTA and continue the struggle for Gorkhaland statehood outright. GNLF on the other hand is currently seeking Schedule VI status for the GTA region, with the eventual aim of attaining Gorkhaland.

Meanwhile GJM is running the GTA and to be honest their situation is like the classic Nepali proverb – “Khayis ta hasiya, abo hagera hyer.” For them GTA is something they cannot afford to give up for the fear of Bengal running it through various proxies, and at the same time, they have not been able to run GTA the way it was expected to function.

Indeed there are multiple reasons for improper functioning of GTA, the primary factor being the non-transfer of funds, departments and powers by the Bengal government. Add to that the haphazard and often arbitrary functioning of the party bosses, and a system of nepotism and corruption has made GTA an almost non-functional administrative body, without any real powers. This has resulted in gross disenchantment amongst the general public against the usefulness of GTA, and thus their growing anger towards GJM.

However, currently GJM still continues to strive for Gorkhaland state and that is perhaps what is keeping their base from deserting them en masse.

Making a marked shift from the usual ‘Gorkha’ and ‘Gorkhaland’ rhetoric, the Jan Andolan Party is silently increasing their support base. Their focus is in ensure

Via TheDC

Democratic Front holds first public meeting in‪ Darjeeling‬ 

7:52 AM

The Democratic Front, a conglomeration of four political parties formed for restoration of democracy in the hills, held its first public meeting today in Darjeeling over various issues plaguing the region and lambasted the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha and state government for turning a blind eye to those issues. The front picked out issues like the deteriorating law and order, undemocratic ways of the GJM and its insincerity towards the statehood demand including the apathy being shown by the state government in solving the Madan Tamang murder case.

The front’s members constitute the All India Gorkha League (AIGL), the Communist Party of Revolutionary Marxist (CPRM), the Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) and the Sikkim Darjeeling Ekikaran Manch (SDEM). Pratap Khati, the AIGL general secretary and the DF convener, alleged the GJM of being involved in corruption and anti-national activities and demanded a probe. “From where is the GJM getting funds to run the party? Bimal Gurung is not a millionaire and does not have any known source of income. The central government should start a probe in this regard,” he said. Khati also pointed to the mysterious disappearance of Sanjay Thulung, the GJM central leader and Sabhasad accused of being involved in the Assam arms haul case earlier this year. “As per police investigations, Thulung is involved in anti-national activities. GJM leaders frequently visit the Northeast, which is the hub of insurgents. Although the GJM refutes this, but nothing happens without Gurung’s directives,” alleged the AIGL general secretary.

The DF convener also raked up the Madan Tamang murder issue saying the state government should initiate a judicial commission to investigate and get to the bottom of the case. “He (Tamang) was the only voice of democracy in the hills and he sacrificed his life to uphold it. However, nothing has been done by the state government to provide justice to the slain leader’s family. We demand the case be handled by a Special Investigation Team,” he said.

Tamang, who was the AIGL president, was hacked to death on May 21, 2010 in broad daylight in Darjeeling while overseeing preparations for the party’s public meeting. Investigating agencies have named several GJM leaders and activists in their charge sheet. Some of the leaders thus named have filed for bail for which the next hearing is scheduled on November 17. Govind Chhetri, spokesperson for the CPRM. alleged that the GJM and the BJP had betrayed the statehood demand. “We elected Jaswant Singh and SS Ahluwalia of the BJP as MPs but they have not worked for the statehood demand. The GJM president has embarked on a padyatra for Gorkhaland but it is only eyewash, to confuse the people,” he said.

Biren Lama of the GNLF, on the other hand, advocated for bringing the hills under the ambit of the Sixth Schedule, which he said would solve all existing problems. “We want the hills to be brought under the Sixth Schedule. And this is why the GJM’s demand for tribal status for various communities of the hills now has started,” he said. The front, however, did not announce its future political programmes saying it would do so after a meeting of its senior leaders in the days to come. 

Via: EOIC, pic: Himalaya Darpan

Bharati Tamang to Write to High Court Over Expediting Madan Tamang Murder case Hearing 

8:39 AM

Writes: Vivek Chhetri

Bharati Tamang, the wife of slain ABGL leader Madan Tamang, has said she will write to the chief justice of Calcutta High Court to expedite the process of hearing the anticipatory bail pleas of Bimal Gurung and 22 other Morcha leaders named in the CBI chargesheet on the murder of her husband.

The Democratic Front, a conglomeration of four political outfits from the hills - the ABGL, CPRM, GNLF and Sikkim-Darjeeling Ekikaran Manch - today took the decision.

Pratap Khati, the convener of the front and general secretary of the ABGL, said: "Bharati Tamang has decided to write to the chief justice of Calcutta High Court to expedite the process of hearing the anticipatory bail application. We have faith in the judiciary system but the continuous delay in passing an order on the anticipatory bail application is making us frustrated. Even if bail has to be granted, let it be granted but we would request the court to pass an order on this application."

Bharati, who was seated beside Khati, said: "I will send the letter in the next few days."

The hearing of the anticipatory bail application is slated for November 17.

The CBI had named Gurung and senior Morcha leaders like Roshan Giri, Binay Tamang, Bhupendra Pradhan, Asha Gurung, Lt Col (retd) Ramesh Allay and others in a chargesheet filed at a city session court in Calcutta on May 29.

Harka Bahadur Chhetri, the Kalimpong MLA who resigned from the Morcha recently, is among the 23 named in the chargesheet.

Tamang was hacked to death in Darjeeling on May 21, 2010, by suspected Morcha supporters when he was preparing to hold a public meeting.

Source: Telegraph

Bharati Tamang discharged from the Hospital

11:46 AM
 Ms. Bharati Tamang, AIGL President and wife of Late Madan Tamang has recovered from health complication arising after her hunger strike and has been released from the hospital.

Speaking to the press briefly Ms. Tamang said, "I respect the law of the land and I have full faith in the court systems..."

She added, "I do feel weak, so I will be heading home straight away, as doctors have advised me to take complete rest... I will decide on the future course of action only after that..."

No one from AIGL or Democratic Front, under whose banner Ms. Bharati Tamang had launched her hunger strike, were present at the hospital, and only her family members were present.

Apparently all the AIGL leaders had gone to meet Bengal Chief Minister Mamata at that time, where as other Democratic Front leaders had a meeting going on at the same time.

CBI charge-sheet wave rattles hill politics sans homeland issue

10:40 PM
Anand Ghatani for Indian  Gorkhas

Darjeeling June 11: A charge sheet from CBI to top rung Gorkha leaders in the hills have suddenly rattled political continuum has become evident since a week. But more than political hustle-bustle the prime issue vis-à-vis Gorkhaland, around which politics has revolved since decades looks to be a by-gone discussion all of a sudden.
Gorkhaland looks to be a by-gone discussion all of a sudden
Gorkhaland looks to be a by-gone discussion all of a sudden
A first hand analysis reckons arrest of top GJM leaders will certainly boil the hills into another crisis. But will the crises bring in another round of agitation for Gorkhaland has so far not been in the mouth of the leaders irrespective of any parties.

The political moves so far have been self-centric. While the AIGL and the Democratic Front (DF) has the only motive ‘arrest of GJM leaders’ and ‘justice to Madan Tamang’, the GJM which has the command of the hills until today has been busy trying to escape the CBI charge-sheet heat. However, sources on Thursday said frontal organizations of the GJM have been making a bee-line to Patlabash, where GJM headquarter is stationed, to meet their chief Bimal Gurung. The meets are closed door and what transpires in the meeting has not been made public.

The GNLF, prime opposition party to GJM, interestingly is looking to use the situation to make a comeback. The green party which once ruled the hills for two decades is reportedly holding meetings with its supporters which sends signal of re-grouping to take back the command. Many in the political circles here feel that once top rung GJM leaders get arrested, chances for GNLF revival looks bright.

Above all the state government is playing its card quietly. Without uttering a signal word the state government is surely looking dividends from the situation that has chipped in the hills. The state chief minister has reportedly washed off hands on the CBI charge sheet wave. “The state government has nothing to do in the investigation,” the chief minister has been quoted as saying by several vernacular dailies.

Not all but some leaders in the hills have accepted that the CBI charge-sheet is a procedure to halt separate statehood demand. “I am not a happy person. At a time when there is BJP government at the centre, the platform should have been utilized. There is a conspiracy going on I feel to malign the Gorkha community. The conspirators want to prove that Gorkhas are such people who kill their own people,” Dawa Pakhrin, the Gorkha Rajya Nirman Morcha president told a press conference in Kalimpong.

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