Showing posts with label Akhil Assam Gorkha Sammelan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Akhil Assam Gorkha Sammelan. Show all posts

Assam Gorkha Sammelan demands ST status to Gorkhas of Assam meet HM and TAM

8:35 PM
Writes Nanda Kirati Dewan 

A delegation of Assam Gorkha Sammelan (AGS) led by its President and Tezpur MP Shri  R.P. Sarma met union Home Minister Rajnath Singh at Parliament house today and submitted a memorandum demanding ST status to 11 Gorkha Communities of Assam and inclusion of a member from Gorkha community in the high power committee formed by the Home Ministry of India for implementation of clause 6 (six) of Assam Accord .
Assam Gorkha Sammelan demands ST status to Gorkhas of Assam meet HM and TAM.

Yesterday, the same delegation met union tribal affair minister Jual Oram at his residence and submitted a memorandum demanding ST status to the eleven Gorkha communities of Assam. They also reminded Mr. Oram about the promise made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi who had quoted that “Gorkhas’ dream is my dream”. “He has already started the process of granting ST status to the thirteen Gorkha Communities of India,” they said.

Both the ministers assured the delegation that the Govt. Of India is very serious about granting ST status to the thirteen Gorkha communities of India. The delegation comprised of working president Krishna Bhujel and central office bearers Bikash Subedy, Dahal Sanjiv and Kharga Rawat.

Akhil Assam Gorkha Sammelan called uopn Gokha Organizations on NRC issue

9:16 PM
14th june 2016 Assam, Akhil Assam Gorkha Sammelan organised a meeting inviting all the Gorkha/Nepali organisation of Assam to discuss as well as to take decision arising out of anomalies in the preparation of the NRC which has created aprehension in the minds of the Gorkhas/Nepalis of Assam . All the organisations about eight in numbers attended the meeting except Assam Gorkha Sammelan which is self-proclaimed and so called Mao Sangathan. In the meeting ,a drafting committee headed by our Chief Adviser Shri D.B.Chetri ,retd. IAS comprising of 19 members picked up from all the organizations present in the meeting.

Newly elected M.L.As Shri Ganesh Limboo and Shri Bhaskar sharma of Borsola and Margherita constituencies were felicitated by the office bearers of Akhil Assam Gorkha Sammelan with Pholam Gamocha and Nepali Topi in the meeting .

Akhil Assam Gorkha Sammelan called uopn Gokha Organizations on NRC issue
Akhil Assam Gorkha Sammelan called uopn Gokha Organizations on NRC issue

About 60 delegates were present from different parts of Assam .

Akhil Assam Gorkha Sammelan

Assam Gorkhas demand (ST) status and a development council

9:59 AM
Kokrajhar, Jan. 31: The Gorkhas living in Assam today decided to intensify their demand for Scheduled Tribe (ST) status and creation of a development council for the community.

The decision was taken during the 4th triennial conference of the Assam Gorkha Sammelan, which concluded at Santipur in Chirang district today.

Other resolutions that were adopted include the creation of a community hall in each district, solving D-voter problems and land pattas to Gorkhas living in forest areas. A new 31-member committee with Lakshmi Sedain as president, Dhamodhar Dahal as working president and Bikash Dahal as secretary was formed.

A cultural rally was taken out on the occasion. An open session was also held, attended by Tezpur MP R.P. Sarma and MLA Chandan Brahma, among others.

The 4th triennial conference of Assam Gorkha Sammelan, BTC Regional committee concluded today at Santipur in Chirang after three days colourful programme.
Assam Gorkhas demand (ST) status and a development council
Assam Gorkha Sammelan rally - a file photo
On the concluding day today, a colourful cultural rally was held where cultural team from various communities like Gorkha, Bodo, Adivasi participated.

Later in the day, an Open Session was held where Tezpur MP RP Sarma, local MLA Chandan Brahma attended as guests.

A 31 member new committee with Lakshmi Sedain as president, Dhamodhar Dahal as working president and Bikash Dahal as secretary was formed.

Scheduled Tribe (ST) status for the community and creation of an autonomous council comprising Gorkha inhabited areas.

Talking to Reporters, RP Sarma slammed the AIUDF leader Abdur Rahim’s statement on the BJP-BPF coalition.

Sidli MLA Chandan Brahma said they are taking up legal action against Rahim for his statement. ‘If he does not apologies and withdraw  his statement, we are talking legal action against him, he said.

The Sammelan adopted some important resolutions which includes to press the demand of Scheduled Tribe (ST) status for the community  living in Assam , creation of Gorkha development council, Gorkha community hall in every districts, solve D-voters problems involving the Gorkha people and land pattas to the community people living in forest areas.

Via Assamtimes and Telegraph

Lok Nath Upadhyaya AAGSU Advisor felicitated by RAHUL GANDHI Congress

10:58 AM
Gorkha Development Council (GDC), Govt. of Assam Chief Shri. Lok Nath Upadhyaya and former AAGSU Advisor and Gen Secretary and Spokesperson of Assam Gorkha Sammelan now a INC Member Bhaskar Dahal is seen felicitating RAHUL GANDHI Vice President of Indian National Congress with a Gorkhali Khada and Dhaka Topi at BishwanathChari Ali yesterday alongside is Bhupen Bora Bihupuria MLA and Congress candidate for Tezpur Constituency said to capital of Gorkhas of Assam while President of Assam Gorkha Sammelan and former veteran Congress leader 3 times MLA and 2 times MP from Tezpur Shri. Moni Kumar Subba is an INDEPENDENT Candidate from Tezpur Constituency. The All Assam Gorkha Students' Union (AAGSU) have declared moral support to M K Subba. 

RAHUL GANDHI Vice President of Indian National Congress with a Gorkhali Khada and Dhaka Topi
RAHUL GANDHI Vice President of Indian National Congress with a Gorkhali Khada and Dhaka Topi 

Source: Pitamber Newar

Gorkhas of Assam demand 500 posts for Nepali teachers

7:12 PM
GUWAHATI, December 28: The Akhil Assam Gorkha Sammelan today submitted a memorandum to the Mission Director of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan indicating some persistent problems faced by the Gorkha community.General Secretary of the assoviation Gangaram Dhakal said, “The advertisement floated recently for the posts of medium teachers dated 11.12.2013 by Empowered Committee on Elementary TET, Government of Assam has put us in dire strait as because we know that only regular posts to be filed up by the Government Should go through TET only. As such medium teachers posts advertised by  will benefit only Six persons as only three Nepali Medium schools are running throughout Assam presently which are in very deplorable conditions due to lack of teacher, books and infrastructures.”

“The Gorkhas of Assam have been focusing on the longstanding demand of M.I.L (Nepali teachers) since inception by various apex bodies of Gorkha Community. Accordingly the Government was very considerate and gracious to provide 200, 100 in 1993 and 100 in 2001 for Nepali M.I.L teachers. But due to non–confirmation of Nepali (M.I.L) posts, these posts have been confirmed and regularized in other categories. And thereby the Gorkhas were deprived of their rights.” He further added.

The Gorkha body has further demanded 1500 posts for M.I.L teachers all over Assam where more than 15% Gorkha students are studying as per RTE 2009. If only medium teachers are provided for the Nepali MIL teacher, they expressed concern that the future generation will be doomed.

Source - sentinelassam

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