Showing posts with label Asom Gorkha Sammelan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asom Gorkha Sammelan. Show all posts

AAGSU, AGS and BGP delegates met NRC coordinator for non OI for Gorkhas issue

8:46 PM
8th June Assam: A team of All Assam Gorkha Students Union (AAGSU), Asom Gorkha Sammelan (AGS) and Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh (BGP) delegates today met state coordinator of NRC honorable Prateek Hajela and discussed about the burning issue of NRC regarding OI and non OI for Gorkhas. The  delegation also met the honorable chief minister of Assam Shri Sarbananda Sonowal and discussed various problems of Assamese Gorkhas.

On 4th May in came to the notice that OI will not be written for ‪‎Gorkhas‬ in the final National Register of Citizens - (NRC) card in Assam even if they have submitted documents of 1951.

AAGSU, AGS and BGP delegates NRC coordinator non OI for Gorkhas
AAGSU, AGS and BGP delegates NRC coordinator non OI for Gorkhas
Delegation also met the honorable chief minister of Assam Shri Sarbananda Sonowal
Delegation also met the honorable chief minister of Assam Shri Sarbananda Sonowal

Source The Gorkha Times

OI will not be written for ‪‎Gorkhas‬ on (NRC) card in Assam

9:27 PM
Assam 4th May 2016: In the final National Register of Citizens - (NRC) card that will be issued to all, in case of Gorkhas Original inhabitant or Khilonjiya janagosti (OI) will not be written even if you have submitted documents of 1951. If this happens we will not get any government facilities in future. Several Gorkha officers working in NRC offices have brought this fact to light.

When some officers wrote OI in NRC documents of Gorkhas based on 1951 documents, the respective DCs asked to not write OI for Gorkhas & Muslims. Today an executive meeting of All Assam Gorkha Students Union (AAGSU)  central committee was held to discuss this issue. All Assam Gorkha Students Union AAGSU officials will meet Mr. Prateek Hajela, NRC coordinator and if his reply is not found satisfactory, a PIL will be filled in Guwahati High Court by AAGSU.
OI will not be written for ‪‎Gorkhas‬ on (NRC) card in Assam
NRC in Assam: State coordinator Prateek Hajela
Earlier a meeting was held with the DC of Sonitpur and representatives of ‪AAGSU‬ and Asom Gorkha Sammelan and the DC had agreed to give a written reply on Monday.

What is  National Register of Citizens - NRC?
The National Register of Citizens (NRC) is the register containing details of all Indian citizens. After conducting the Census of 1951, the National Register of Citizens (NRC) was prepared by recording particulars of all the persons enumerated during the 1951 Census.

What is NRC 1951?
After the conduct of the Census of 1951, a National Register of Citizens (NRC) was prepared in respect of each village showing the houses or holdings in a serial order and indicating against each house or holding the number and names of persons staying therein, and in respect of each individual, the father’s name/mother’s name or husband’s name, nationality, sex, age, marital status, educational qualification, means of livelihood or occupation and visible identification mark. This was done by copying out in registers the particulars recorded during the Census done in 1951. This NRC was prepared under a directive from the Ministry of Home affairs (MHA).

These registers covered each and every person enumerated during the Census of 1951 and were kept in the offices of Deputy Commissioners and Sub Divisional Officers according to instructions issued by the Government of India in 1951. Later these registers were transferred to the Police in the early 1960s.

What is NRC Updation?

National Register of Citizens (NRC) updation basically means the process of enlisting the names of all citizens residing in Assam at the time of NRC updation.

How will the NRC be updated?
The NRC will be updated as per the provisions of The Citizenship Act, 1955 and The Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003. As per the two statutes, the citizenship status would be ascertained based on the NRC, 1951, Electoral Rolls up to the midnight of 24th March, 1971 and in their absence the other admissible documents of Pre-1971 period.

With inputs from  Assameli Gorkha

Assam Gorkhas demand ST status and autonomous council to DoNER

9:11 AM
Gorkhas living in the Assam  have demanded Scheduled Tribe (ST) status for the community and creation of an autonomous council, comprising Gorkha-inhabited areas.
Gorkhas demand ST status and  autonomous council to DoNER
Gorkhas demand ST status and  autonomous council to DoNER 

The demands were placed before Union minister for development of north eastern region (DoNER) Jitendra Singh here on Tuesday when a delegation of 'Asom Gorkha Sammelan' called on him to submit some of the long-pending grievances of the community.

The minister gave a patient hearing to the delegation and said he would personally follow up the issues falling within the purview of his ministry and in case of other issues, he will take up with the departments and ministries concerned. Singh said the Gorkha community has served the nation through thick and thin and their sacrifices are an example for others to follow.

In recent times, the recruitment of Gorkha youth in the country's defence forces has declined.

They demanded that the Gorkha community certificate issued by the 'Asom Gorkha Sammelan' be honoured for the purpose of employment or recruitment in defence forces.

The other demands included setting up of a Gorkha cultural and simplification of the process for inclusion of members of the community in the NRC. pti

The Gorkhas' demands for ST status and an autonomous council were placed before DoNER minister Jitendra Singh on Tuesday.


8:04 PM
THE GORKHA DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, ASSAM History of coming-up in action, Objective ...

History of formation : The Gorkha Development Council- an organization constituted along with 13 other such development councils for different communities in Assam by the Govt. of Assam recently under the framework of the Constitution of India vide govt. notification No. TAD/BC/491/07/120 dtd. 11/10/2010. It was a historical day for the Gorkha/Nepalis of Assam when the GDC (Gorkha Development Council) members, being assembled in the conference hall of Director, Welfare of Plain Tribes & Backward Classes (WPT & BC) on 01/12/2010 as specified by the govt. order/circular No. DW. Council-83/2010/10-A dtd. 22-11-2010 to take oath by the members and to elect Chairman and Vice-Chairman as follow-up process. All the members, finalized by the Assam Gorkha Sammelan and the Cabinet Sub-Committee, took oath to maintain harmony and integrity of nation and always work to protect the sovereignty of the country and sanctity of the constitution. The Gorkha people under different banners including the Assam Gorkha Sammelan, the All Assam Gorkha Students’ Union and public from various places of the state assembled in the hall, under special permission, to witness the occasion and share the historical moment and event of official recognition of the Gorkha community by the govt. as an undeveloped indigenous community of Assam. The members after oath taking, unanimously elected Shri Loknath Upadhyaya as Chairman and Shri Ajoy Kr. Subba as Vice-Chairman of the GDC. Shri Loknath Upadhyaya, after being elected Chairman, in his short address, thanked to the Congress led govt. of Assam to accord long deserved official recognition to our sincere service and sacrifice to the motherland for centuries together. As a community of a linguistic minority group and lagging behind other communities in almost all field of development, we needed special help, guidance and protection from the govt. for upliftment of our downtrodden condition. The Vice-Chairman and some members also addressed the sitting.

The Assam Gorkha Sammelan- the prime socio-cultural organization of Assam, guiding and assisting the community in the days of hardship and need continuously for the last about 50 years- placed its demand for a development council before Shri Tarun Gagoi, the hon’ble CM of Assam on 21st January, 2008 in its venue of 24th biannual conference at Digboi. The hon’ble Chief Minister (CM) was pleased to declare in the open session of the conference on the same date to form a Development Council for Gorkhas in Assam. The outcome of that declaration is the present GDC. The formation process was completed when the elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman of each of the newly formed Dev. Councils of Assam took oath of office on 18-01-2011 in the conference hall of the Hon’ble CM, Assam. Of course, it must be mentioned here that prior to AGSdemand for Dev. Council, the All Assam Gorkha Students’ Union, in a public meeting at Joymati Pathar, Tezpur in 2003 revised a strong demand for an autonomous council for Gorkhas in Assam. Decision is pending with the govt.

Objective : The objective of setting-up of Dev. Councils as shown in the govt. guideline run so- “Objective to setting-up of the Dev. Councils for these community is to provide maximum participation by the people of various backward communities within the framework of the constitution of India for social, economic, educational, ethnic and cultural advancement of the people belonging to those communities in the State of Assam”.

Formation Procedure of Council : As per guide-line of the govt. of Assam- WPT&BC deptt. No. TAD/BC/450/08 dtd. 07/01/2011 the newly constituted council members will vary from 15-25 including the Chairman and Vice-Chairman depending upon the size of the population of that particular council out of which 2 would be govt. officials nominated directly by the govt. The person occupying constitutional and statutory position will not be eligible for election to council as member. A person may be elected as member for not more than two terms as at a stretch. The term of the office shall be 5 years unless dissolved under special cases. The term may be extended by one year by the govt. if circumstances so demand. In case of resignation by any member or the chairman, he/she may submit resignation to the chairman/vice-chairman respectively. The quorum shall be 8 (eight)/10 (ten) of elected members.
The govt. of Assam shall constitute an interim council by nomination, which shall continue till the council is constituted by election.

Process of Management : The Headquarters of the Dev. Councils shall be at capital of the state. The council shall have a Secretariat to transact its business and carry out its functions. The Chief Executive Officer in the rank of Secretary/ Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Assam and other officer & staff to assist the functioning of the Council Secretariat will be decided and deputed by the govt. depending on work load. The Dev. Councils have authority to utilize the services of the Sub-Divisional Welfare Officer or other Field Officers of the respective development department as and when necessary. In addition to that the Deputy Commissioner and Sub-Divisional Officer will also co-ordinate in implementing the functions and schemes of the Dev. Councils.

Fund for the Council : The govt. shall provide funds for Dev. Councils as Grant-in-Aid from State Plan or Non-Plan provisions in proportion to their population to meet the expenses of the Secretariat and to undertake development works. Over and above to it the councils may obtain grants from other sources including various organizations of the Govt. of India and international organizations subject to prior approval of the state govt. The form and manner of keeping the accounts may be on the guide-line of the Accountant General, Assam. The  budget of estimated receipts and disbursements in each financial year and following years shall be prepared by the council and submit to the govt. in prescribed manner.

Functions of Development Council : The functions of the Development Councils will subject to the general policy of the Government- (i) Formulate integrated development plans for the Council area. (ii) Implement schemes and programmes for the development of the Council area. (iii) Select and approve the list of beneficiaries under various developmental schemes, sanction of the funds within its jurisdiction. (iv) Advise State Govt. in formulation of development policies for the socio-economic, cultural, educational, preservation and protection of ethnic language and art and monument of these communities. (v) Represent the concerned communities in the various development organization of the State Govt. (vi) Monitor implementation of the development programmes of the different departments taken up in the areas pre-dominantly inhabited by these communities. (vii) Assess development requirement of the community concerned and suggest formulation of the appropriate scheme for their upliftment. (viii) Undertake development programmes for socio-economic, cultural, educational development of these communities with the fund provided by the State Govt. (ix) Identify the problems of economic, educational and socio-backwardness of these communities and suggest appropriate developmental interventions for their upliftment. (x) Formulate schemes for economic, educational, cultural and ethnic upliftment. (xi) Undertake studies, surveys and research etc. with regard to socio-cultural, educational, economic aspects of these communities. (xii) Submit proposal to the State Govt. to seek fund from the Govt. of India for overall development of these communities. (xiii) The Councils shall take up the schemes of collective nature preferably infrastructure development providing benefit to the community at large. The Councils will give preference to all villages of that respective community while implementing the community development programmes and schemes.

The Founder Committee, looking after GDC activities and functions shown below :

1. Shri Loknath Upadhyaya, Sonitpur Chairman2. Shri Ajay Subba, Tinsukia Vice-Chairman3. Dr. Jagannath Subedi, Marigaon Member4. Shri Roshan Raj Chetri, Golaghat Member5. Shri Ran Bahadur Chetri, Karbi Anglong Member6. Smt. Suman Subba, North Lakhimpur Member7. Shri Lil Bahadur Chetri, Ulubari, Guwahati Member8. Shri Chhabilal Sarma, Dhemaji Member9. Shri Padum Borailay, Marigaon Member10. Shri Narayan Upadhyaya, Udalguri Member11. Shri Padum Dangi, Baksa Member12. Shri Ganga Powdel, Udalguri Member13. Shri Arun Upadhyaya, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati Member14. Shri Ranjib Sarma, Marigaon Member15. Shri Mitralal Sarma, Baska Member16. Shri Purna Bahadur Chetri, Tinsukia Member17. Shri Dilliram Lama, Tinsukia Member18. Shri Bishnu Sarma, Tinsukia Member19. Shri Minraj Joshi, Birkusi, Guwahati Member20. Shri Nagen Chetri, Amsing, Jorabat Member21. Shri Bhaskar Dahal, Chirang Member22. Shri Pradip K.C., Kokrajhar Member23. Director WPT & BC, Assam Member24. Commissioner & Secretary, WPT & BC Deptt. Member Secretary -

Asom Gorkha Sammelan (AGS) threatened to field its own candidates

11:35 AM
Demanding allotment of at least one seat by all political parties for candidates belonging to the community, the Asom Gorkha Sammelan (AGS) today threatened to field its own candidates in case parties fail to fulfill its demand.

MP from Assam Mani Kumar Subba
MP from Assam Mani Kumar Subba
Addressing the media here, AGS general secretary Bhaskar Dahal said that though Gorkhas number over 30 lakh in Assam, the community has not been given proper representation in the political arena by major parties.

“As over 60 per cent of Gorkhas in Assam have been supporting the Congress over the decades, the ruling party should allot the Tezpur Lok Sabha seat to a member of our community during the forthcoming polls. Tezpur has the highest number of Gorkha voters in Assam,” he said.

Dahal added, "Other parties like the AGP and the BJP should also field at least one Gorkha candidate from any of the 14 Lok Sabha seats in Assam. If none of the major parties field Gorkha candidates, the AGS, in consultation with other Gorkha outfits and members of other communities, will be forced to field Independent candidates from various seats."

Asked if the AGS wants the Congress to give ticket to controversial former MP MK Subba from Tezpur, Dahal said “It is an internal issue of Congress about whom they allot the ticket. Our only demand is that the ruling party should field a Gorkha candidate from Tezpur. They have been fielding a Gorkha candidate from Tezpur during past elections and the trend should not be broken.”

Source: Assam Tribune

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