Showing posts with label Binay Tamang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Binay Tamang. Show all posts

GTA please speak against the entry of the Rohingas in the hills

7:26 PM

(An open letter to the B.O.A , Gorkhaland Territorial Administration by Prashant Tamang)

Mr Binay Tamang (Chairman)
Mr Anit Thapa (Vice Chairman)
Mr Sanchabir Subba (Executive member)

This is to bring to your knowledge the entry of the Rohingas in the hills today which to us seems to be a part of a very futuristic political move by the Govt of West Bengal to over rule our own place by creating a different majority other than that of ours making it easy to paralyse our demand of a separate state and slowly bring an end to the demand of Gorkhaland forever . It is now your duty as that B.O.A of G.T.A to look forward to this serious issue and act likewise to the matter in favour and support of the betterment of the hills . The videos of the entry of the Rohingas now going viral in social media is strong enough to prove the above stated issue and the danger over our place and people.

If you all are compelled by any crimes of the past or any corruption of the past that still hold you all dumb to react to this serious issue than it would be best of you to resign from the B.O.A of the G.T.A so that making it clear for the people of the hills to speak out for Justice ourselves . Please don't just keep your mind set to developments , contracts , contractors and other monetary issues because now your reign in the hills has slowly started to result in the collapse of the demand of the people of the hills that is Gorkhaland which must be crystal clear to you all but you still staying dumb to this serious issue seems to be your compulsion in some reason based upon you which is a direct hamper to our place and people.

We all have no choice but to hope for the best for our people and place from your side that is the B.O.A of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration so we request and expect you to urgently react to the matter in the best way possible for the betterment of the hills and the people living here.

On behalf of the people .

( *Please SHARE to help to alert everyone as much as possible )

Darjeeling Likely to Witness Another Agitation

11:46 AM
Darjeeling Likely to Witness Another Agitation From May 1

In an interview given to the Himalayan Beacon, published on Tuesday, CITU has declared that they would be launching an agitation for the workers of Darjeeling, Terai and Duars from May 1. The agitation, however, will mostly focus on the demands of the tea garden and hotel workers. This can be perceived as an affront to the Darjeeling-based Binay Tamang-Anit Thapa faction of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM). This faction had earlier declared that the hills will not witness any more strikes. However, the workers’ agitation will most probably be too prickly for the faction to handle, considering that they form the core base of voters in the hills.

As far as the tea garden workers are concerned CITU has three demands; that the workers be brought under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, that they should receive the ration money owed to them, and that they should receive land rights.

Tea gardens are not one of the Scheduled Employments in West Bengal under the Minimum Wages Act. The issue of the tea garden workers began in 2014 when they had agitated to be brought under the Minimum Wages Act. In 2015, a tripartite agreement was signed between the workers’ unions, the owners’ union and the West Bengal Government. The agreement stipulated a gradual increase in the minimum wage over a period of three years. In 2017 another meeting was called to revise the minimum wages agreed to in 2015, other than the Trinamool Congress affiliated unions, all the others stayed away in protest against the move. CITU in the interview has alleged that three years since the first agreement was signed, the workers are yet to receive the agreed minimum wages. This also ties into their demand that the ration money owed to workers be paid. As a result, they demand that the entire amount owed to the workers be paid, and that tea gardens also come under the Act.

The issue of land rights is another sore point. According to the CITU representative, the provisions of The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, has not been extended to the tea garden workers. When the tea gardens were first established in Darjeeling, the colonial planters had secured large areas of forest which they converted into plantations. However, not all the area claimed by the gardens has been cleared. It is in these forested parts where the workers have established their homes. Thus generations of tea garden workers have lived on these lands. On this basis, after the 2006 Act came into force, the workers were entitled to hold title over the land on which they live.

The issues highlighted by the CITU representative for the hospitality industry workers focused on; wages for the period of the 2017 agitation, that benefits such as gratuity, provident fund, employees state insurance, and health insurance be extended to them and that they should be able to avail leave on government holidays. Here too, they had launched a movement in 2015, seeking that minimum wages be fixed based on the type ofestablishment – a small restaurant would pay less than a five-star hotel. The movement resulted in a bipartite agreement with the hotel owners’ association. However, the agreement has yet to be implemented. In this regard, the CITU representative has declared expanded demands for the hospitality industry workers.

The CITU representative also mentioned that though the agitation at present is focused on the plight of the tea garden and hospitality industry workers, the agitation would be for the rights of all the workers in the region. He specifically mentioned the hospital staff, construction workers and migrant workers in this regard. He also stated that the unions had submitted memorandums to the concerned owners and that the memorandums contained an ultimatum that unless their demands are met, they would launch an agitation from May 1 till the end of July. This point is significant since the agitation would cripple the tourism industry.

The Binay Tamang – Anit Thapa faction of the GJM has stated that they are pro-business and would not allow any agitations or strikes in the hills. However, they appear to have forgotten the origins of the GJM’s founder, Bimal Gurung. Gurung came from a family of tea garden workers. His residence and the nucleus of the GJM’s power lay in Patleybas, a notoriously poor and rough neighbourhood on the fringes of Darjeeling. One of Gurung’s most popular moves among the tea garden workers in the Darjeeling hills was in 2011 when he was able to secure a raise in their wages. Prior to his intervention, the workers were getting Rs. 67 per day, he was, however, able to raise it to Rs. 90. This worked out as an increase of around 34 percent. At present, the agitation that has been threatened seeks to raise this wage further.

Chances are that the Binay Tamang-Anit Thapa faction will intervene at least in the hills to prevent the agitation from taking place. In the Dooars and Terai, the Bimal Gurung faction still holds sway, it is unlikely that they would miss an opportunity to bring their rival faction down a peg. If the matter is not resolved by May 1, Darjeeling will lose another year of tourism revenue. However, this clearly appears to be a gamble the workers are willing to risk

11 जातिलाई जनजातिको दर्जा दिलाउन विनय तामाङ स्वयं दिल्ली जाने

7:48 PM

प्रतिविम्ब न्यूज
दार्जीलिङ 12 अप्रेल।

गोर्खा समुदायका 11 वटा जातिलाई जनजाति बनाउन जीटीए अध्यक्ष विनय तामाङ स्वयं दिल्ली जाने भएका छन्। गत केही दिनअघिदेखि नै तामाङले जनजातिको मुद्दाको निम्ति आफू दिल्ली जानुपरे पनि पछि नहट्ने कुरा गर्दै आइरहेका थिए भने आज जीटीएका सचिवालय लालकोठीमा उक्त मुद्दालाई लिएर आफू प्रतिवद्ध रहेको उल्लेख गर्दै यसको निम्ति आफू दिल्ली गएर सम्बन्धित विभागका अधिकारीहरूसितै मन्त्रीहरूसित पनि  भेटवार्ता गर्ने बताएका छन्।तथापि उनी कहिले दिल्ली प्रस्थान गर्ने हुन् भन्ने भने अहिले नै तय भएको छैन।

यसबाहेक जीटीए अध्यक्ष विनय तामाङले आज नै 11 वटा जातगोष्ठीलाई केन्द्रिय जनजातिको दर्जा प्रदान गर्ने माग गर्दै केन्द्रिय जनजाति मन्त्रालय अनि केन्द्रिय जनजाति मन्त्री जुअल ओरमलाई पत्राचार पनि गरेको छ। यसको साथसाथै आज नै तामाङले सिक्किमका मुख्यमन्त्री पवनकुमार चामलिङलाई पनि सोही विषयमा पदक्षेपको आह्वान गर्दै पत्राचार गरेका छन्।

गत 27 मार्चको दिन सिक्किमका मुख्यमन्त्री पवन कुमार चामलिङसित भएको बैठकको एउटा मूल मुद्दा नै 11 वटा जात-गोष्ठीलाई जनजातिको मर्यादा दिलाउनु रहेको थियो।जसमा सिक्किम सरकार अनि जीटीएले संयुक्तरूपमा यस विषयमा पहल गर्ने प्रस्ताव पारित गरिएको थियो।यसैबारे पुनः स्मरण गराउऩ अनि यस विषय़मा सयुंक्त पहल शुरू गर्न आज मुख्यमन्त्री पवन कुमार चामलिङलाई पत्र पठाइएको हो, पत्रकारहरूलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै तामाङले भने।

11 वटा जातगोष्ठीलाई जनजातिको मान्यता प्रदान गर्न जीटीए प्रतिवद्ध रहेको उल्लेख गर्दै यस विषयमा 11 वटै जातगोष्ठीका छाता संगठनहरूसित पनि बारम्बार तालमेल राख्दै जीटीएले लगातार कार्य पनि गरिरहेको तामाङले बताए भने चाड़ै जनजातिको मुद्दा फत्ते हुनेछ भन्ने कुरामा आफू आशावादी रहेको पनि तामाङले जनाए।

यसबाहेक केन्द्रिय जनजातिको मुद्दाको निम्ति राज्य सरकारबाट केन्द्रलाई सिफारिश गर्दै पत्राचार गरिएकोमा उनले पश्चिम बगांल सरकार अनि मुख्यमन्त्री ममता व्यानर्जीलाई विशेष आभार पनि व्यक्त गरे। मुख्यमन्त्री ममता व्यानर्जी दार्जीलिङ आगमन हुँदा हामीले उनलाई जनजातिको मुद्दाबारे अवगत गराएका थियौं।28 फरवरी 2014 मा नै पश्चिम बगांल विधानसभाले यस विषयमा प्रस्ताव पारित गरेर केन्द्र सरकारलाई पठाइसकिएको तथा भिशु मियानी कमिटीले यसको निम्ति आधिकारीक भ्रमणसमेत गरिसकेको मुख्यमन्त्रीले हामीलाई स्मरण गराएका थिए।यद्धपि यस विषयमा अहिलेसम्म कुनै प्रकारको ठोस पहल नभएको कुरा हामीले मुख्यमन्त्री ममता व्यानर्जीलाई जनाएका थियो।यसपछि मुख्यमन्त्री गत 16 फरवरीको दिन फेरि एउटा यादाश्त पत्र केन्द्रिय जनजाति मन्त्री जुअल ओरमलाई पठाएका छन्।यसको निम्ति सम्पूर्ण गोर्खा जातिको पक्षमा हामी मुख्यमन्त्रीलाई उक्त पहलको निम्ति आभार व्यक्त गर्दछौं, तामाङले भने।

फोटोः पत्रकारहरूलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै विनय तामाङ।

GJM to support TMC in Dooars

7:15 AM

Darjeeling: In a major setback for the BJP, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) on Thursday announced its decision to forge an alliance with the Trinamool Congress in the forthcoming Panchayat elections, in Jalpaiguri and Alipurduar districts. This comes on the heels of Kamtapur Progressive Party (KPP) also throwing its weight behind the TMC in Dooars for the rural polls. The day saw a core committee and working committee meeting of GJM at Bagrakote in Jalpaiguri, from where this new political equation has emerged.

"We have decided to forge an alliance with the TMC in the two districts of Dooars for the rural polls. We will support TMC candidates in some Panchayats and in our strongholds, we will field independent candidates. A four-member GJM team will be visiting Dooars soon, to negotiate with TMC on seat sharing," stated Suraj Sharma, GJM Spokesperson. GJM top brass, including president Binay Tamang, was present in the meeting. When questioned on why the GJM decided to leave the BJP fold, Sharma stated: "BJP has let down the Gorkhas. There arenumerous instances of this. They have never been serious about the Gorkhas and have just used us for securing seats during elections."

He further stated that while the BJP-led Union government had called for a report within 3 hours of the recent Ranigunj strife, it remained a mere spectator during the 2017 unrest in Darjeeling and the 104-day-long bandh. "Whereas Mamata Banerjee has helped restore peace and normalcy in the Hills. We want Dooars to benefit also," added Sharma. The GJM has strongholds in several areas of Dooars.

GORKHAS UNSAFE IN BENGAL – Removal of names from voters list, points to a bleak future

7:21 AM

Writes Upendra

"First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the communists and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me - and by then there was no one left to speak out for me."
                                                                                                           - Pastor Martin Niemöller

Of late, a very scary trend has started in our Darjeeling hills, notices are being issued to those Gorkhaland supporters who have gone underground or missing, asking for them to show up at various designated Government offices with 'relevant documents by a certain date', barring which their names will be removed from the voters list.' In a democratic nation like India, where Majority will always thrive, this is a very scary scenario unfolding for the minorities, and especially for micro-minority communities like the Gorkhas, it could translate to the end of any and all forms of resistance and rebellion against the powers that be.

Legally and technically, the district administration is entitled to seek revision of voters list, and as per rule if a person doesn’t live at a local address for over 6 months, her/his name can be removed. The most famous such case was the removal of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's name from the Lucknow Municipal electoral list in September of 2017. However, Mr. Vajpayee had been residing in Delhi for long, and the removal of his name didn't really affect his fundamental right as a citizen of our great nation.

However, in Darjeeling region, the district administration is using this rule to target those Gorkhaland supporters against whom various cases have been filed, and who have gone or remained underground, for fear of injustice looms large.

In such a situation, the people who are missing, cannot and in all likelihood will not, file for their names to be transferred to other jurisdiction to register as voters. Removal of any name from an electoral roll means such individuals cannot exercise their basic duty as a citizen of our nation - to elect the government of its choice. In a country like India, where criminals of all hues and colours thrive, it is rare for the state government to pursue individuals in a manner which deprives them of their citizenship rights. Case in point, Vijay Mallya still features in the electoral list in Bangalore, and Sanjay Dutta - a convicted terrorist supporter/helper also features in the voter list of Mumbai.

What is worrisome in this exercise the district administration has embarked upon, is that, it cruelly curtails our 'right to protest' against a powerful government. The government, in such a case may slap severe charges (actual and fabricated) against any individual forcing him or her to go underground, and then the government may proceed to struck off the name from the electoral roll, thus barring that individual from becoming a part of the democratic process of our nation - they won't get to vote or contest in elections. Which translates to the government, if it so desires, being able to slap cases against its political opponents, cause them to run and then remove their names from the electoral roll, thereby emptying the political field.

Moreover, the government may, if it so decides, start this process of review for everyone from the micro-minority community who have lived outside their home constituency for over 6 months. Imagine, if such a scenario were to play out, almost everyone who were yelling 'Gorkhaland' at Jantar-Mantar or writing and shouting for/against it from anywhere outside Darjeeling region, may actually not retain their voting rights in Darjeeling, if the government of West Bengal decides to take a more draconian stance.

What is really worrisome, in all this is the silence of ALL THE GORKHA POLITICIANS. May be, many are secretly rejoicing at the prospect of having the names of their most detested opponents removed from the voting list, but what they seem to fail to realize is that someday, this same tool of oppression can be and will be used against them. As the Nepali adage goes, " ऊसलाई  खाने बाघले तिमिलाई पनि खान्छ है  - one cannot ride a tiger forever, the tiger will eventually get hungry and run out of other animals to devour." Their silence speaks volumes about how strongly they feel about the welfare of our community.

In comparison when BJP threatened to kick out illegal Bangladeshi refugees from Assam, the Chief Minister of West Bengal Mamata Banerjee went on record to challenge the BJP and threatened them with dire consequences if even a single Bangladeshi was touched - forget Indians, she fought for the rights of Bangladeshis, and here in our hills, the Gorkha politicians who are busy serving under her, are instead defending cops who allegedly threatened one of our Gorkha mother and a sister with rape.

Perhaps such is the curse of being born a Gorkha, we seem to be loyal to everyone else, but our own people.

The politics of Vendetta which had consumed a generation of our people, has today infested our community again. When Subash Ghising was removed from the hills GJM had rejoiced, today when Bimal Gurung is removed and hounded similarly, GNLF is rejoicing, so is AT-BT group of GJM. While CPRM, ABGL and JAP have maintained a seemingly dignified silence, their silence too speaks out loud about how they feel about the whole issue. In the race to play the politics of vendetta, the Gorkhas are losing big time. Today we have become so fragmented that we cannot even dare to speak against this hounding out of Gorkhas from our own lands.

It has begun with the missing GJM leaders, but I am certain, this is just the beginning. The Bengal government will use this on everyone of us, who dare to raise our voice for the welfare of our community and people. From asking for "Family tree since 1950" to those who went to seek residential certificate the Bengal government has made it abundantly clear that they view all of us with suspicion. If we are not careful today, a day may come when the Gorkhas will be rendered homeless. Much like what happened in the rest of North East could end up happening here, and we may end up being rendered homeless in our own lands.

So, please speak out against what's happening in Darjeeling today. Because if we let this trend continue, soon a day may come, when you may want to speak out, but your tongues may have been cut without you even realizing it.

Remember, "if you are afraid to speak out against tyranny, you are already a slave"

Via TheDC

बिमलकाे अनुपस्थितीमा अाज पनि पहाडकाे जनता भयभित र असुरक्षित महशुस गरि रहेका छन्। – पुरण छेत्री

9:44 PM
बिनय-अनित र ममताले "बिमल गुरूङ" पहाड नचडाेस भन्ने चाहान्छ भने, जनतालाई बिमलले जस्तै जातित्व प्रेम र सुरक्षाकाे प्रत्याभूति दिन सक्नु पर्छ। बिमलकाे अनुपस्थितीमा अाज पनि पहाडकाे जनता भयभित र असुरक्षित महशुस गरि रहेका छन्।

पहाडमा जनता अब के चाहन्छन् ? – पुरण छेत्री : बर्तमान अवस्थामा, पहाडकाे जनताले एक किसिमकाे असुरक्षा महशुस गरिरहेका छन्। चेलिबेटीलाई घरमै अाएर बलत्कार गर्ने र घर जलाउँने खुल्ला धम्कीको बिराेध बिमल गुरूङकाे अनुपस्थितीमा कसैले गर्न सकेनन्। सरकारमा हाम्राे बाेली बिक्छ, भन्ने बिनय-अनितले पनि उताकै पक्ष पाेषणमा गरे।

“हामी पहाडमा शान्ति फर्काउने क्रममा छाै, तिम्राे पुलिस प्रशासनले यसमा खलल पुर्‍याउने काम गर्दैछ, फेरि पहाड अशान्त भएकाे हेर्न चाहान्छाै?” मात्रै भनेका भए, त्याे पुलिस अधिकारीलाई कार्वाही हुन्थ्याे, जनताले सुरक्षित महशुस गर्ने थिए। जनतालाई सुरक्षाकाे अलिकति पनि प्रत्याभूति दिन नसक्ने नेतालाई कुन मुटुले अभिभावक मान्नु?

पहाड भुसकाे अागाे माथि बसेकाे छ। मानिसहरूकाे अहिले पनि घरबाँस छैन। रात दिनकाे पुलिसकाे धरपकडले जनमानस भयभित छन्। सरकारले राजनैतिक दल हेरि – हेरि फरक-फरक व्यवहार गरिरहेका छन्। जनताले कुन पार्टीको समर्थन गर्नु पर्ने हाे, त्याे पुलिस-प्रशासनले तय गर्दैन्। पहाडका बुद्धिजीवीहरू मुखमा दहि जमाएर बसेका छन्।

बाेल्याे कि घरमा पुलिस पठाउँने चलन हावी भएकाे छ। बिनयले उफ्रि – उफ्रि GTA काे खेस्रा जलाए अनि BOA पुरस्कारमा पाए, तर उसकाे पछि बसेर “जिन्दाबाद-जिन्दाबाद” भन्ने अाफ्नै दाज्यु भाईलाई पुलिसले खेदेकाे खेदेकै छन्। मानाै उनिहरूले संसारकाे सबै भन्दा ठुलाे अपराध गरेका छन्। काश्मीरमा भारतिय फाैजलाई घाेक्र्याई-मुन्ट्याई गर्दा “खबरदार गाेली नचलाउँनु” भन्छन्। पहाडमा पुलिसलाई अलिक डेढाे हेर्‍यो भने “UAPA भेट्लास्” भन्छन्। एकदिन त सहनशीलताकाे सिमा नाग्नेछ र जनता यसकाे प्रतिकारमा उत्रेकाे दिन पहाडकाे अवस्था कस्ताे हाेला, अकल्पनिय छ।

अाज बिनय-अनितले बुझ्नु पर्ने कुरा छ, “घरमै अाएर तेराे अामा-चेलीबेटीकाे बलत्कार गर्छु” भन्दा पनि चुपलागेर बस्नु भनेकाे शान्ति होईन। याेभित्र जनताकाे कुण्ठा लुकेकाे छ। जनतालाई धेरै दिन पुलिस-प्रशासनको डर-धम्कीले दबाउँन सकिन्दैन। जनताबाट याे डर हराउँदै गए, यसले एकदिन भयानक रूप लिनेछ।

याे जन अाक्राेस भित्र को कसरी पर्ला भन्ने कुरा अहिले भन्न सकिन्दैन। एउटा अपराधीले, उसले गरेकाे अपराध हेरेर सजाय पाउँनु पर्छ, उसले बाेकेकाे झण्डा हेरेर हाेईन। पहाडमा शान्तिपुर्ण वातावरण चाहिन्छ भने, देशकाे संविधानले दिएकाे अधिकार सबै नागरिकले समान रूपले भाेग्न पाउँनु पर्छ। पहाडवासीकाे हक, हित र सुरक्षाकाे जिम्मेवारीबोध समयमै नगरे यसले एकदिन बिष्फाेटक रूप नलेला भन्न सकिन्दैन।

बिनय-अनित र ममताले “बिमल गुरूङ” पहाड नचडाेस भन्ने चाहान्छ भने, जनतालाई बिमलले जस्तै जातित्व प्रेम र सुरक्षाकाे प्रत्याभूति दिन सक्नु पर्छ। बिमलकाे अनुपस्थितीमा अाज पनि पहाडकाे जनता भयभित र असुरक्षित महशुस गरि रहेका छन्।

Via News Gorkhaland 

Binay Tamang and Pawan Chamling met in Sikkim, decides to work together

6:23 PM
Binay Tamang and Anit Thapa met Chief Minister of Sikkim Pawan Chamling today at Mintokgang in Sikkim.
Dr Pawan Chamling in the social media wrote the following :-
I met Shri Binay Tamang, GTA Chairman at Mintokgang today.
Following in the lines of my meeting with Ms Mamata Banerjee, Hon’ble Chief Minister of West Bengal earlier, we decided to bury the past and give a new beginning to our relationship by giving full support and co-operation to each other for the progress and prosperity of Sikkim and the Darjeeling Hills. As immediate neighbours with similar customs, traditions, language etc, it is imperative that we live in harmony with each other as fellow Indians. We decided to work collectively on various matters for the welfare of the people of Sikkim and the Darjeeling Hills. Welcoming the decision of Shri Binay Tamang that there would be no more political disturbance in the Hills in  future, I suggested that they should bring in the ‘revolution of development’ instead of resorting to violence and bandhs, which will only result in destruction. Additionally, I reiterated our stand that the Government of Sikkim will never meddle in the affairs of West Bengal and Darjeeling Hills.
Following are some of the highlights of our discussion:-
1. I raised the subject of security and safety of NH10 which is essential for the well-being of Sikkim and the Sikkimese people. I am pleased to share that Shri Binay Tamang gave the assurance to keep it free from encumbrances in future. His suggestion of establishing a helpline for NH10 is also well taken. Similarly, assurance was also given for the safety of Sikkimese students studying in various educational institutions in the Hills.
2. Sikkim and the Darjeeling Hills will take up certain issues jointly with the Central Government, such as tribal status for eleven left out communities, overhead stations for the upcoming railway line, and construction of towers of hydel projects without taking the consent of the State Government or GTA, as the case may be.
3. Consensus to be arrived at regarding reciprocal transport arrangement (plying of taxis) through Secretary level dialogue. Similarly, Government of Sikkim and GTA authorities should discuss and deliberate upon creation of a tourist circuit comprising Sikkim and the Darjeeling Hills.
4. Surveillance on both sides to be strengthened so no untoward incidents take place. Special attention should be given to border areas like Sombaria, Daramdin, Rhenock through which chemical fertilizers are being smuggled into Sikkim.
5. Government of Sikkim and GTA authorities to work out measures for construction and upgradation of roads and bridges in some areas.
6. Grant-in-aid to be provided by Government of Sikkim to Bhutia Busty Monastery and Mahakal Temple at Darjeeling as done in the past.

This meeting have led to local political critics thinking That the meeting have boost the credibility of Binay Tamang and also that the Chief minister of Sikkim Mr Pawan Chamling too has recognized his position. This also raises a question that whether Sikkim have started alienating itself from NDA and forging hands with non NDA forces?


6:36 PM
In another twist of events in already disturbed Darjeeling hill politics, Binoy Tamang, Chairman of West Bengal Government’s temporarily appointed GTA/Board of Administration, Darjeeling hills, announced GJMM’s withdrawal of support from BJP led NDA Alliance.

BJP had succeeded in winning West Bengal Darjeeling MP seat twice in 2009 and 2014 with the help of the then Gorkha JanMukti Morcha(GJMM) led by Bimal Gurung. However, the regional hill party has been on a roller coaster ride within the past one year. With Mamata Bannerjee led West Bengal Govt. forcing Bengali as a mandatory language in the hills, protest erupted and it turned into a Nationwide movement for Gorkhaland. With immense pressure and threat Gurung had to leave Darjeeling. Benefitting from his absence in the hills, Bengal Government succeeded in luring Binay Tamang and Anit Thapa and hence Binay, once Bimal Gurung’s right hand men, and his team backstabbed Gurung and joined hands with Trinamul Congress. They also had to face huge backlashes from public which still continues in the hills.

A statement released yesterday by GJMM(led by Bimal Gurung) has clarified that GJMM has been a constituent of the NDA since 2009, and will continue to remain the integral part of the NDA alliance. With all the twists and turns in the hill party, state seems hell bent on breaking Gorkha’s unity, however, public at large still support GJMM led by Bimal Gurung.

Binoy and his team are only seen as seasonal and temporary politicians intending to reap benefits out of the current situation in the hills by betraying the aspirations of the community in the name of development. It is reported that Binoy has managed to gain few local politicians and public support using state machinery and putting immense pressure on them.

“If GTA election is held now, Binoy or Anit will be thrown out” said an angry local Gorkhaland supporter. He is also alleged of distributing loads of cash to garner public support. “People will accept cash or food they distribute, but, we will never support Binoy and Anit because they have betrayed our community” said Sarad, a villager with grim face.“If Binoy or any of his men or TMC candidates contests MP Election, they will lose their deposit” said another person.

With GJMM divided into two fractions, public hurt and disheartened, it will be interesting to see how Long Binoy Tamang’s political career lasts.

Via Gorkha Voice

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