Showing posts with label Darjeeling Dooars United Development Forum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Darjeeling Dooars United Development Forum. Show all posts

Tea Joint Forum campaigns against Trinamul in Siliguri Mahakuma Parishad

11:59 AM
Leaders of the Joint Forum, the apex body of 24 trade unions of tea plantation workers, have said they will campaign for the Siliguri Mahakuma Parishad polls with a plea to voters to keep Trinamul Congress at bay.

If Trinamul could be defeated in the three-tier rural polls, they said, the experiment will be replicated in the Assembly elections also.

Similar to the "Siliguri model", the initiative is the result of the success the forum could script earlier this year by getting tea planters to offer a good hike in the wages for the workers.

The forum's constituents are tea garden wings of the trade unions affiliated to the Congress, Left parties and other organisations.

Trinamul has three trade unions in the tea belt and none of them are members of the forum.
Darjeeling and Dooars Tea Workers Relief Organization - DAWN's photo
Darjeeling and Dooars Tea Workers Relief Organization - DAWN's photo
"We succeeded in getting a decent hike in wages, compared to previous pay rise. Besides, the state was forced to form an advisory committee to recommend minimum wages for tea garden workers. All these would not have been possible but for the initiative of the Joint Forum. The role of Trinamul's trade unions was not up to the mark during the wage talks," said Ziaur Alam, the Jalpaiguri district secretary of the Citu.

"In our campaign for the SMP polls, we are insisting that the workers join hands to achieve their rights and simultaneously ensure the development of their villages and their socio-economic uplift. It is necessary to maintain the unity so that the state government, which is not taking any step against tea planters accused of violating workers' rights and privileges, is forced to act," he added.

A senior Citu leader based in Darjeeling district said the forum's message was in consonance with the one passed on by the Left Front to voters in the SMP area and other parts of north Bengal.

"The Left Front has appealed to people to vote for any competent candidate other than the nominees fielded by Trinamul. The message was sent to stop Trinamul from coming to power at the SMP. In a similar manner, we are making it clear that the Trinamul trade unions have failed to meet the aspirations of the workers and could not fulfil their demands, though their party is in power in the state," said the Citu leader who didn't want to be named.

Elections to the SMP and by-polls to several other rural bodies in north Bengal will be held on October 3.

The trade unions said they intended to carry out a similar campaign in the 2016 Assembly elections.

"Trinamul has many trade unions for tea plantation labourers and it has created confusion among the workers. We will highlight this aspect during the campaign for the Assembly elections to keep Trinamul at bay. We are also expecting support from the trade union of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha which has taken a vehement anti-Trinamul stance," said an INTUC leader in Jalpaiguri.

If the tea plantation workforce is united under the banner of the Joint Forum, Trinamul will be in a tight position in at least 11 Assembly segments in north Bengal.

Four constituencies in Darjeeling district, one constituency in North Dinajpur district, three constituencies each in Jalpaiguri and Alipurduar districts have a substantial population of tea garden workers.

In 2011, despite having an alliance with the Congress, Trinamul was defeated in the constituencies where it had fielded candidates. The Congress won the seats where it contested.

Alok Chakraborty, the working president of Trinamul Tea Plantation Workers' Union, said the forum's efforts wouldn't succeed.

"It was our government that forced a substantial hike in wages. The Left never thought of implementing the minimum wages but our government took an initiative in that direction. Attempts by some unions to deter Trinamul from making inroads into the tea belt will not work," he said.

Source Telegraph

DDUDF Takes Up The Case of Kurseong Ranger's College

10:56 AM
While GJM is Busy Inaugurating Sign Boards - DDUDF Takes Up The Case of Kurseong Ranger's College
Ranger’s College in Kurseong About to Be Shut Down Completely
Ranger’s College in Kurseong About to Be Shut Down Completely
With the GJM and Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwalia being completely ineffective, the Darjeeling and Darjeeling Dooars United Development Foundation has stepped up to save one of Darjeeling's important heritage - Kurseong Ranger's College.

On December 11, TheDC and Himalaya Darpan had reported about the fact that the Eastern Ranger's College was about to be shut down [Details here: 

However, neither the GTA nor Darjeeling MP did anything to bring this issue to the attention of the appropriate authorities.

Following which the DDUDF President Dr. Mahendra P Lama approached the Director General (Forests) and Special Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests Shri. S S Garbyal and informed him about the need to preserve the Eastern Forest Ranger's College, situated at the St. Mary's hills in Kurseong.

Shri. S S Garbyal informed Dr. Lama that he along with a team from the MoEF would visit Kurseong for an evaluation tour and decide on the matter.

Dr. Lama informed Mr. Garbyal that the Eastern Forest Ranger's College was a heritage institute and a pride of the Darjeeling hills, and thus not only needs to be conserved, but also needs to be upgraded to a research institute status.

The Ranger's College in Kurseong is one of the four premier institutes in India which along with such institutes in Dehradoon in Uttarakhand, Barnihat in Assam and Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu that trains rangers selected from all over India.

Dr. Lama said that the Ranger's college was a pride of the Darjeeling Hills and if it shuts down it would be a great loss to the hills.

We are hopeful that Dr. Lama's timely intervention will help in saving this prestigious Institute.

While we thank Dr. Lama for his initiative and assure him of all support in this endeavour from our side. We cannot help but call our GTA officials and MP...

Source: DC

DDUDF organisational meeting in Kurseong

10:22 AM
Darjeeling Dooars United Development Forum, (DDUDF), an apolitical organisation in the region, today organized its organisational meeting at Gorkha Jan Pustakalay in Kurseong. The meeting was called to make people aware that the DDUDF is still active and is still focused and working for the overall interest of the people of the Hills.
The DDUDF chief Dr. Mahindra P Lama talking
to reporters after the meeting in Kurseong on Saturday
The meeting in Kurseong today was DDUDF’s first meeting after several months. The meeting had the presence of large number of supporters and foundation activists from Kurseong and other places in the hills.

Talking to reporters after the meeting, DDUDF chief Dr. Mahendra P Lama said that today’s meeting was held to inform the people about the organisation’s activities following the Lok Sabha election debacle. He also highlighted the various programmes decided to be organised by the DDUDF in future.

Dr. Lama informed his organization has already written letters to different union ministers on various issues including demand for a separate state and three-tier panchayat elections.

“Had we won the elections, the scenario would have been different by now. However, we have still continued to work and many issues that we have demanded are being considered or initiated, directly or indirectly by the state and the central government,” Dr. Lama claimed. Citing examples, he further claimed, Mansarovar development project, issue of Jalep la Pass, Bagdogra international airport, Red Bank tea estate issue and many more were initially proposed by him. “I will continue to work for these issues for the betterment of the Hills,” he emphasised.

As per Dr. Lama, his organization is still working for the overall interest of the people and people must come forward with their different issues and grievances. His organization is always ready to help them.

Speaking on the GTA, Dr.Lama said, “In India, different institutions have their own budget, policy and plan but it is really surprisingly that such a government authorized organisation like the GTA is running without budget, policy and plan. If they really have such provisions, then they must publicise it, so that people may have a better prospective about the GTA’s activities.”

Dr. Lama also criticized the GJM‘s proposed Delhi dharna programs and said the party had staged several dharna in Delhi in the past, without any major success. “Therefore, they must publicize the outcome of the previous dharna staged in Delhi, so that people can know what actually is happening,” he added.  “What is the need to stage dharnas in Delhi, when they have their own MP and their own government in the centre? They could instead simply bring the bill for a separate state in the parliament when their ally is running the country,” Dr. Lama suggested.

Source: Eoi

Reasons for DDUDF's defeat in the Lok Sabha Elections

9:56 AM
The Darjeeling Dooars United Development Front (DDUDF) cited organisational weakness from the grass-root level, the impact of Modi wave across the country and the lack of adequate election funds as the key reasons for its defeat in the Lok Sabha Elections this year. The DDUDF conducted a general body meeting today to address the election debacle and its strategy ahead at the Shyama Devi Hall in the Thakur Bari area of Kalimpong. The meeting was chaired by organisation chief Dr. Mahindra P Lama, in the presence of prominent DDUDF members including Dr. Anosdas Pradhan, P Arjun, Sukman Moktan and R Moktan among various other members.

The DDUDF meeting in progress in Kalimpong on Sunday
The DDUDF meeting in progress in Kalimpong on Sunday
Dr. Pradhan, while talking to press after the meeting, informed the apex body formed in collaboration with the BGP and other government and non-government organisation for the elections has been dissolved. “The responsibly for the defeat of DDUDF chief Dr. Mahindar P Lama has been taken by apex committee. The organisation has therefore decided to dissolve the committee,” he stated.

Meanwhile, Dr. Lama said, “We tried to make the organisation strong in just 5-6 months, which was not adequate. We could also not reach the people from the grassroot level, which was important considering the number of people in rural areas of the hills. We also did not have enough funds to spend for the election as compared to other parties, while the Modi-wave which swept the entire nation also did not help us.” He also rubbished all the rumours about him and his organisation about the defeat and urged the people not to believe such rumours.

Dr. Lama had expected about 2 lakh votes but receive only about a third of the expected numbers. “It is not easy for any other party to secure the amount of votes we secured in just five months, but the votes also made it clear that only 55,000 people believe in change and development,” he analysed. Despite the defeat, the organisation will continue its commitment towards Gorkhaland and will work for its development. “The DDUDF has been formulating strategies and plans to continue its activity in the hills,” Dr Lama added.

The DDUDF chief also said he has not yet decided on forming a separate party and will take a decision on it in future after taking consultation with the stakeholders. “This is not something that can be decided by one person, it would need approval and commitment from everyone involved. We are currently trying to take public opinion and consulting within the organisation. A decision will be taken when the right time comes,” Dr. Lama stressed.

Hitting at the GJM, the DDUDF spokesperson P Arjun said, “Morcha did not win the election on its strength, in fact it was the impact of Modi-wave that helped the BJP candidate win the election this year. Moreover, BJP has never said anything in public regarding the formation of Gorkhaland, yet the GJM has won the election twice in the name of separate state. We have a doubt on the Morcha leadership.”

Source: EOI

DDUDF FIR against DK Pradhan a GJM leader in Kalimpong

11:24 AM
Kalimpong - The apex committee of the DDUDF (Darjeeling Dooars United Development Foundation, ) has lodged a FIR agains DK Pradhan with Kalimpong Police Station. The police complaint lodged by DDUDF apex committee president Dr. Enos Das Pradhan alleges DK Pradhan had delivered an inflammatory speech against independent candidate Dr. Mahendra P Lama thereby putting the latter’s security at risk. The foundation has expressed apprehension citing a news report on April 15 in a Nepali daily stating DK Pradhan’s speech in an election campaign meeting in Kalimpong.

BGP spokesperson R Moktan at a press meet in Kalimpong.
BGP spokesperson R Moktan at a press meet in Kalimpong.
Speaking to media persons, DDUDF apex committee member R Moktan condemned DK Pradhan for his “aggressive speech” against Dr. Lama. He said, “In his speech he (DK Pradhan) has said that the GJM will take ahead the statehood struggle after the elections and has claimed Dr. Mahendra P Lama will be responsible if any untoward incidents take place then. Such a speech means a direct threat on Lama’s life.”

Moktan, who is also the BGP spokesperson, has demanded the police to take strong action against the GJM leader for his inflammatory speech. He added DK Pradhan has also tried to defame Dr. Lama by leveling baseless allegations against him.

Moktan claimed, “DK Pradhan alleged that Dr. Lama demanded cash and the job of ambassador in exchange of agreeing with the GJM’s request to withdraw his nomination.” He added, “We firmly object to such baseless and bogus allegations.” He also expressed apprehensions saying there might be attacks on Dr. Lama after the elections and added the administration must provide appropriate protection to the independent candidate. Moktan said the organisation will to knock on the high court’s doors if the need arises regarding the matter.

Source - Eoi

Dr. M P Lama condemned Narendra Modi for humiliating gorkha community

1:36 AM
Dr. Mahendra P Lama DDUDF (Darjeeling Dooars United Development Forum) independent LS candidate  has condemned Narendra Modi BJP PM candidate for his comment made during his election rally in Siliguri.M.P. Lama regarded Modi's comment as humiliating Gorkha community in India. “His comment describing the Gorkhas as mere security guards is highly condemnable. It has undermined and humiliated our contributions,” Lama said.Dr Lama said Modi, SS Ahluwalia and Bimal Gurung ows apologies for to the entire Gorkha Community.
Dr. M P Lama condemned Narendra Modi for humiliating gorkha community
Dr. Mahendra P Lama DDUDF independent LS candidate

He advised Modi to study history to understand the contributions made by the Gorkhas in building the nation. During his speech in Khaprail, Modi had said, “Gorkhas work as security guards across the country; people do not trust the police, but they trust the Gorkhas.”

Lama said Modi’s comments clearly show his lack of knowledge about the Gorkhas. Lama said he had placed a condition in exchange of his support saying the BJP should pledge in its election manifesto a Gorkhaland state would be created within six months of the saffron party coming to power, but Modi’s statement has proved the party’s promise is an empty one.

Lama said, “Modi is misleading us by claiming his dream and that of the Gorkhas is the same. A Gorkha’s dream is not just Gorkhaland, but many other aspirations intertwined. Modi totally failed to address the aspiration of the Gorkhas in his speech.”

Insisting there is no reason to trust the BJP, Lama said, “We elected BJP veteran Jaswant Singh in the last general elections. Telangana was created during his tenure, but the BJP did not speak a word about Gorkhaland.”

The DDUDF leader also said the saffron party is getting goose-bumps seeing the strong support for him, adding Ahluwalia is headed for a shameful loss. Rebuking GJM chief Bimal Gurung, the independent candidate said, “On one hand he shouts slogans demanding Gorkhaland, and on the other, he claps in agreement when Gorkhas are called security guards. How can such a dubious individual bring Gorkhaland?”

Further, Lama criticised GNLF chief Subash Ghising for his decision to support the TMC and termed it “technically flawed”. “The GNLF’s struggle for Gorkhaland boiled down to the DGHC. Then they shouted for Sixth Schedule status, but now they are turning to the DGHC again. It has been mentioned in the GTA accord the DGHC stands dissolved.”

Source: EOI

DDUDF Releases Election Manifesto for Lok Sabha polls 2014

1:51 AM
DDUDF Releases its Election Manifesto for upcoming Lok Sabha Election 2014 on  7th April 2014.

DDUDF Releases Election Manifesto for Lok Sabha polls 2014
Mask rally at Darjeeling for Dr M.P Lama

Dr. M P Lama, Darjeeling Dooars United Development Forum (DDUDF) candidate,  has released his election manifesto.To say the least, it is highly ambitious and seems to contain the wish list of all the Darjeeling residents.Main features include:

1. Formation of Gorkhaland
2. Introduction of 3-Tier Panchayati system in Darjeeling district, re-formation of Zilla Parishad system.
3. Land rights for tea garden labourers
4. Inclusion of Darjeeling, Terai and Dooars into North-East Council.
5. Establishment of a Central University, AIIMS like Medical college, turning Darjeeling region into education hub
6. Reforming Plantation Labour Act of 1951 to include Tea gardens into the ambit of Minimum Wages Act and increasing wages from Rs 90/day to Rs 250-350 per day. Labourers will be given share in profit and tea companies. Formation of Tea auction centers in Darjeeling and Dooars
7. Modernisation of Cinchona Plantations
8. Implementation of Forest Rights Act 2006
9. Protection and promotion of Tribal Cultural Heritage
10. Promotion of Modern Agriculture practices and development of markets and marketing channels for farmers.
11. Inclusion of Municipalities across Darjeeling constituency residents into Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM). Re-demarcation of MLA and MP constituencies. Darjeeling Municipality to be converted to Municipal Corporation
12. Promotion of Youth and Sports
13. Promotion of women's empowerment
14. Tax breaks for businesses and individuals
15. Facilities for senior citizens and Otherly Abled citizens
16. Electricity to be provided to all the households, including subsidy for the ares where electricity is actually produced. Promotion of sustainable electricity production.
17. Promotion of tourism
18. Implementation of all the schemes proposed by the Government of India.
19. Promotion of small-scale industries and processing plants
20. Will push for making right to employment a fundamental right.
21. MNREGA work days to be increased to 200 days in a year and wages to be increased to Rs 300 per day.
22. Improving the implementation of Below Poverty Line (BPL) programs
23. Introducing acts to stop and prevent corruption
24. Improving the Public Distribution System (PDS)
25. Conservation of all the language, culture, heritage, traditions, festivals, history.

Table Lamp same Poll symbol for Mahendra P Lama, SKM

11:23 PM
Mahendra P Lama, a Lok Sabha aspirant from Darjeeling Hills and the founder of Darjeeling Dooars United Development Foundation (DDUDF), will go to polls with the table lamp as his election symbol, same as the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha here. The new development has renewed speculations that both sides may have a tacit understanding of their mutual support in the forthcoming elections. Poll analysts suggest that their common symbol is not just a mere coincidence but there is more than meets the eye. Lama had resigned as Pro Vice Chancellor of IGNOU to become a full-time politician under the banner of Darjeeling Development Forum.

Table Lamp same Poll symbol for Mahendra P Lama, SKM
Table Lamp same Poll symbol for Mahendra P Lama, SKM
There were rumors in the past that Lama had brokered a secret meeting between SKM chief PS Golay and a senior BJP leader to solicit contributions and financial support for the regional party, although it couldn’t be independently verified. The meeting had allegedly taken place in New Delhi. It was alleged that the SKM was looking for a ‘sell off’ in return for ‘solid backing’.

The sources had also alleged that the BJP wanted the regional party to become a proxy for them in the state, while Lama would function as SKM’s ideologue. It was alleged that it was in this meeting that a strategy to impose President’s rule in Sikkim prior to polls was discussed, as part of their game plan to dislodge the ruling SDF government.

Source: sikkimfirst

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