Showing posts with label Kalimpong Live News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kalimpong Live News. Show all posts

Kalimpong CPRM committee wants own candidate in Lok Sabha polls

10:58 AM
The Kalimpong town committee of the CPRM feels the party should field its own candidate in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls instead of extending support to another party. Twelve members of the town committee today held a meeting and came up with this decision.
CPRM leader Sudan Pradhan said the town committee is aware of the fact that everyone is curious about the party’s stance and now the decision has been made to demand the high command for a candidate from within the party rank.
He added the town committee will soon be dispatching letters to the CPRM central committee, Kalimpong sub-divisional committee and the party’s election committee intimating them about the town committee’s resolution.
“The CPRM has remained resolute with the demand for a separate state since 1999 and we want to field our own candidate this time. We will intensify activities for statehood achievement after this,” the town leader asserted.
The CPRM town committee is currently focused on anti-corruption movements. Its members along with those of the sub-divisional committee are scheduled to meet the BDO next week. Pradhan alleged rampant corruption is taking place in the ongoing MGNREGS schemes in the hills. He said party representatives will meet the BDO and bring to notice the problems being faced by the common people when dealing with the 100 days work scheme. 

Source: EOIC

Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) meeting in Kalimpong

10:25 AM
GNLF cadres with party flags in Kalimpong on Saturday.The Kalimpong unit of the Gorkha National Liberation Front today released a press statement announcing to have held its first meeting. Branch committee chief convener Maurice Kalikotay said party representatives from eight constituencies under Kalimpong region were present at the meeting. He further said the committee will organise a public meeting in town for which the administration will be approached shortly.

The statement added the Kalimpong GNLF branch committee has been recently formed and is awaiting formal approval from the party central committee.

GJM rally in Kalimpong for Gorkhaland after T-Bill

10:38 AM
Kalimpong - GJM Gorkha Janmukti Morcha after passing of the Telangana Bill (T-Bill) in the Parliament will hold a rally on Sunday 23rd Feb 2014 to press its demand for Gorkhaland in the Kalimpong town.

GJM rally in Kalimpong for Gorkhaland after T-Bill
File Photo GJM rally in Kalimpong for Gorkhaland 

“The Telangana Bill’s passage proves the consent of the state government is not necessary in remapping the concerned state’s boundaries. We had been stressing this all the while. The Centre will have to bifurcate West Bengal without the state government’s consent as has been done in the case of Telangana.” said Kumar Chamling the sub-divisional samiti secretary of the GJM kalimpong.

He added the passage of the T-Bill in the Lok Sabha strengthens the demand for Gorkhaland as it has supported the formation of the smaller state in India by doing so.The GJM has kept aside provisions for scrapping the GTA in the GTA accord and demanding a state.

International Mother Language Day observed in Kalimpong

The state Information and Cultural Department and the Nepali Sahitya Adhyan Samiti today jointly commemorated International Mother Language Day at Bhaichandra Sabhagriha in 10 Mile.

Observing International Mother Language Day in Kalimpong on Friday.
Observing International Mother Language
Day in Kalimpong on Friday.
International Mother Language Day is an observance held annually on 21 February worldwide to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity.The programme was attended by prominent writers including MB Pradhan, Sanumati Rai and BR Chettri where discussions were held on one’s mother tongue and its importance. Prof. Nirmala Das and journalist Bhuwan P Khanal delivered lectures on the importance of one’s mother language.


GJM-TMC Supporters clash in Kalimpong over PHE Contracts

3:35 PM
Exclusive: GJM-TMC Supporters Battle it out in Kalimpong: Clash over PHE Contracts? or Inter-Party feud?

Kalimpong was on edge today, due to clash between Gorkha Janmukti Morcha and Trinmool Supporters. As the report of GJM-TMC clash trickled down, the town started to shut down, causing widespread fear and panic among the residents. So far, reports say that 8 people have been seriously injured during the clash and have been brought to Siliguri. 

GJM-TMC Supporters clash in Kalimpong over PHE Contracts
GJM-TMC Supporters clash in Kalimpong 
According to GJM supporters, the incidence was a case of “TMC goons starting to terrorize the hill people.” GJM has accused that TMC leader Tshewang Bhutia had been calling the home of GJM supporter Mr. Suman Gurung who lives in Chandralok, Kalimpong and threatening him and his family on a regular basis. On Tuesday 18th of February Mrs. Suprina Thapa, wife of Mr. Suman Gurung had lodged a police complaint against Tshewang Bhutia for threatening her husband and harassing her entire family. Today around noon, as the news of the clash between GJM and TMC supporters broke out, some unknown individuals ransacked Mr Suman Gurung’s house. However, GJM accuse that the police has literally turned a blind eye against the excesses of TMC supporters.

On the other hand Hill TMC president Chewang Bhutia has alleged that GJM youths attacked his party workers with Khukhuris. Sonam Bhutia, Yakin Lamichane, Pravakar Thakuri, Sundar Basnet, Aviraj Ghatani, Sukden Lepcha and party’s Kalimpong youth convener Pranay Thulung were also injured during the brawl along with a few other TMC supporters. Bhutia later called for a press meet and said that 12 TMC activists were in the canteen when around 35 GJM youths attacked them unprovoked, causing serious injuries.

Those who are aware of the situation however say that the clash could have been resulted due to increasing turf war over PHE, PWD and MES contracts and not a clash between political parties. Just that those who are involved in contracts are mostly supporters of either GJM or TMC, because of which it looks like inter-party feud, which it is not.

Once the news of the clash became more common, the shops in Kalimpong had started to shut down, but GJM Yuva Morcha supporters urged the shopkeepers to keep the town open.

Anticipating trouble, police and CRPF have been deployed in Kalimpong and despite the blame game, so far no arrest have been reported

[A DT exclusive report with Inputs from sources in the field + Eyewitness reports. 
Pics sources: kalimpongonlinenews]

Kalimpong Krishak Kalyan Sangathan demands implementation of Forest Act

11:36 AM
The Kalimpong Krishak Kalyan Sangathan has accused the state government of failing to implement the Forest Act in the Darjeeling hills that was passed in 2006.

Kalimpong Krishak Kalyan Sangathan demands implementation of Forest Act
Kalimpong Krishak Kalyan Sangathan demands
implementation of Forest Act
According to Sangathan general secretary Bishnu Chettri, Act has still not been implemented and this is unfortunate on the part of the state government. He said deputations have been sent to the Forest and Environment Ministry along with the Ministry of Tribal Affairs over the issue. The undue delay in implementation has deprived more than 1 lakh forest dwellers across 143 settlements of several facilities.

 “These people are worried about their future,” said Chettri. “There are several associations in the forest settlements that have been demanding the implementation of the Act, but the government has turned a deaf ear to their pleas.”

Source :Eoi

Kalimpong - land right deeds (pattas) to 29 families of Kafer

12:04 PM
The Kalimpong Land and Land Reforms department today handed out land right deeds to 29 families of Kafer under Block 2 as part of the state government’s ‘My House My Land’ scheme.

Kalimpong - land right deeds (pattas) to 29 families of Kafer
Kalimpong GJM convener Norden Lama was the chief guest at the function held at the L&LRO where Block 1 land reforms officer Yankee Bhutia was also present along with revenue officer Nima Syangden and department officials. 

According to Syangden, those who received the pattas work as daily labourers at the Relli River. He said they will now be able to avail of various benefits under Block 1 of the sub-division.

Meanwhile, Bhutia informed the beneficiaries will not be entitled to sell the land they have acquired. She added the department has distributed pattas to as many as 118 families here till date.

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