Showing posts with label Subash Ghisingh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Subash Ghisingh. Show all posts

Rajiv Gandhi's Darjeeling visit during 1986 Gorkhaland agitation

9:54 AM


During the height of Gorkhaland andolan in 1986-88 the then Prime Minister Shri. Rajiv Gandhi had visited Darjeeling...

But that was the time when Shri. Subash Ghising's GNLF ruled the roost... and the GNLF had called for a boycott of the Prime Minister due to the atrocities meted out against us by the CRPF and other forces.

Via TheDC

Despite the protest Shri. Rajiv Gandhi did come to Darjeeling and gave a speech at an almost empty NP school ground.

One of his closest aide was miffed at the fact that no one was present at the ground to attend the Prime Minister's rally other than the security forces, so he suggested that Shri. Rajiv Gandhi forgo his speech and return back to Delhi.

But despite opposition from his closest aide Shri Rajiv Gandhi refused to listen to anyone and gave his speech the way he wanted, even though in an empty stadium.

When one of his closest aides asked him why would he humiliate giving a speech at an empty venue? Shri. Rajiv Gandhi is said to have told his aide... "Even if they cannot come to see me, they can still hear me.."

While addressing the people gathered at the North Point ground, (the then) Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi said, “Gorkhas are intermingled with the Indian culture. The Gorkha brothers have shed their blood for the sake of the country before and during the freedom struggle.” There was emotional outburst from the hill people to his remark for it was the first time by any Prime Minister of India who praised the glory of Gorkhas.

Rajiv had further said "Bengal is not for Bengali people alone, it is for the people of Gorkhas too. Gorkhas must not be treated second class citizens here."     

He was a visionary nation builder to say the least and had he not died an untimely death, the history of Darjeeling and the Gorkhas could have been very different.

Youths should talk about Agitation like the 86 agitation - BImal Gurung

8:31 AM
Writes: Vivek Chhetri

At a public meeting of the Gorkha Yuva Morcha, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha’s youth wing, in his constituency of Vah-Tukvar, Gurung said: “I had told the youths I should not speak here because if I am to speak or chair (the meeting), your voices would be held back.”

He said: “The youths should speak their hearts out, the youths should talk about dignity, about the land, the land wanting blood. The youth brigade should talk about an agitation like the ’86 agitation, They should talk about lifting guns and wielding khukuris. This is what I had told them.”

Observers said Gurung wanted to draw the Centre’s attention with his speech. At one point in his 45-minutes speech, Gurung said: “I have told the Centre that we have extended all support and it is your duty to show us by doing karma (good deeds).” The Morcha chief’s anger at the state government’s supposed interference in hill affairs was clear.
Youths should talk about Agitation like the 86 agitation - BImal Gurung
Bimal Gurung in his constituency Tukvar
Gurung told the youths, about 1,000 were in attendance, that playing madals and chabrungs (musical instruments) would not lead to any “struggle”.

In the rest of his speech, Gurung repeatedly mentioned the state government’s alleged “discriminatory” attitude towards the hills.

“Everyone is bullying us, looking down upon us,” Gurung said. “We should live a life of dignity and not that of a coward. One should even be ready to give one’s life,” he said.

The 1986 statehood agitation Gurung was referring to had gone on for around 28 months. It was led by Subash Ghisingh, then Gurung’s leader, but later his rival.

Around 1,200 people had lost their lives during the statehood movement.

“The Bengal government is dividing our community. The black policy of the Bengal government towards the hills is creating such a situation that there could even be a division between husband and wife if they come from different communities. One should not give up one’s dignity for a toilet, a one-room house,” Gurung said, criticising chief minister Mamata Banerjee’s plan to make hill bodies for various hill communities.

The state government has announced development boards for 10 communities and among the major initiatives taken up by the boards, one is to construct toilets and houses for people of the respective communities.

Gurung said: “This (meeting) could be a turning point.”

The Morcha chief said he was increasingly feeling that the GTA cannot function. “There has just been too much interference in the working of the GTA. What is the use of a body that cannot even recruit a peon in the hills. Perhaps you will one day find me in a jungle. You must love me even then because I will be there for the cause of Gorkhaland,” he said.

The hill leader reminded the youths that nothing came without struggle. “One does not achieve anything without a struggle and struggle is not about playing madal and chabrung (musical instruments),” he said.

[Via: Telegraph]

Subash Ghising - Was A Visionary, Who Dropped ‪Gorkhaland‬ Demand for National Interest

9:14 PM
Writes: Anish Lopchan Tamang

Subash Ghising was not only a leader, he was a Visionary and Farsighted leader.... A true patriotic leader of national repute....

Yes, He had dropped the demand of Gorkhaland only for the sake of national interest and national decurity.... One must understand that above all the interests, "National Interest" must come first....
So, He was first an Indian and then a Gorkha.... As it is the duty and responsibility of every Indian to serve his nation first, setting aside his priorities and self-interests.... He has set an example of true and patriotic leader.... There is nothing above national interest and national security.... and no one should compromise it to meet their political and selfish objectives....

The 1986 agitation was a real agitation of the Gorkhas and made us realise our aspiration of a separate state of Gorkhaland within the Indian Union.... It was a wake-up call call to all the Gorkhas living across the Globe.... And the agitation gave us our lost identity, first class citizenship, and for the first time honoring the Sacrifice made by Subash Ghising for National Interest and National Security, The Govt. of India agreed and decided to insert the word "GORKHA" in the Constitution of India.... This is the achievement of 1986 Agitation.... And today I can proudly say that it was Subash Ghising who led the Gorkhas into the mainstream of National Politics....
I wonder whether Bimal Gurung and GJM knows the meaning and importance of National Security? They only seem to know their self-interest and party- interest....
Subash Ghising
Subash Ghising

And I humbly request to all the employees of GJM Pvt. Ltd. Company not to compare the agitation of 1986 with that of 2007....

The 2007 Agitation was just a political drama....
And Subash Ghising had rightly said, "Gorkhaland is the need of the country"....
It can be achieved only through Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India.... And this is the truth.... The GJM may deny this truth inorder to serve their political interest.... It is their Political Compulsion....
This is an opinion piece and all views presented are that of the writer

Via The DC

सुबास घिसिंगको पैत्रिक गाँव मंजु चियाबारीमा जन्मजयन्ती मनाए ।

8:13 PM
-दिप मिलन प्रधान

22nd June 2016 मंजु चियाबारीको लाप्चे खोप स्थित सुबास घिसिंग को पैत्रिक गाव घरमा सम्पन्न जन्मजयन्ती समारोहमा सौरेनी समस्टीका अध्यक्ष-गणेश प्रधान,सचिव –जी.एस प्रधान,मिरिक समस्टी भिलेज प्रोटेक्सन सेलका प्रमुख शन्तमणि राई,टिंगलिंग भिलेज चिफ तिलक लुंगेली लगायत अन्य उपस्थित थिए भने यस अवसरमा दिवंगत सुबास घिसिंगको जन्मजयन्तीको अवसरमा उनको जीवनी तथा उनले गोर्खा जातिको निम्ति दिएको योगदान बारे वक्ताहरु ले प्रकाश पारे I

कार्यक्रममा मिठाईहरु पनि वितरण गरियो भने स्व. घिसिंग को तस्बिर मा धुप तथा दीप प्रज्ज्वलन गर्दै चिरशान्ति को प्रार्थना गरियो I

यसरी नै मिरिक समस्टी कार्यालय मा पनि सुबास घिसिंग को जन्म जयन्ती पालन गरियो भने तराई मा पनि गोरामुमो ले पार्टी सुप्रिमो को जन्मजयन्ती सादगीपूर्ण वातावरण मा पालन गरिएको जानकारी प्राप्त भएको छ I गोरामुमो सौरेनी समस्टी र मिरिक समस्टी ले आज सुबास घिसिंग को पैत्रिक जन्म थलो मंजु चिया बगान को लेप्चा गाव मा स्व घिसिंग को ८१ वा जन्म जयन्ती पालन गर्यो I
सुबास घिसिंगको पैत्रिक गाँव मंजु चियाबारीमा जन्मजयन्ती मनाए ।
सुबास घिसिंगको पैत्रिक गाँव मंजु चियाबारीमा जन्मजयन्ती मनाए ।
या अवसर मा स्थनीय नागरिक, आफन्त तथा पार्टी क कर्मठ कार्यकर्ताहरु लगायत समस्टी का प्रतिनिधिहरु उपस्थित थिए I गोरामुमो का संस्थापक सुबास घिसिंग ले गोर्खा जाति को निम्ति दिएको योगदान तथा उनको जीवनी बारे प्रकास पर्दै वक्ताहरु ले स्व घिसिंग को सपना एक दिन पुरा हुने प्रतिबद्दता व्यक्त गरे I

जितस राई ले संचालन गरेको कार्यक्रम लाइ आसराम राई ले अध्यक्षता गरेका थिए भने कार्यक्रम मा सौरेनी समस्टी का अध्यक्ष गणेश प्रधान सचिव- जी एस प्रधान , भी पी सी चिफ संत मणि राई , टिंग लिंग भिलेज चिफ तिलक लुंगेली , लगायत अन्य को बिशेष उपस्थिति रहेको थियो I यसरी नै मिरिक समस्टी कार्यालय , लगायत तराई को बिभिन्न पाठशाला मा पनि स्व घिसिंग को जन्मजयन्ती पालन गरियो I

GNLF - assembly election helped restoring democracy in the hills

8:41 AM
Darjeeling 16 May 2016 The Gorkha National Liberation Front today heralded the recently concluded Assembly election as a force that has played a major role in restoring democracy in the hills even as it maintained winning or losing to be a secondary issue.
Indramani Rai, the GNLF Darjeeling town committee president, praised the part played by the district administration and the police, along with the election commission for ensuring polling went about peacefully. He said, “The election was peaceful and smooth and everyone could exercise their franchise freely. It is our opinion that democracy is not lost here and for this we must thank the election commission, administration and the police department.”
The GNLF did not field candidates from the hills for the state Assembly election, and instead chose to extend support to the Trinamool Congress in Darjeeling and Kurseong and to the Jan Andolan Party in Kalimpong.
 Gorkha National Liberation Front GNLF Flag
 Gorkha National Liberation Front GNLF Flag
Rai said the election was only an exercise to test the waters for the party’s future activities in the hills and that victory and loss were not the end factors. “We thank the voters who rallied behind candidates we supported. But the bigger issue for us is the difference in victory margin achieved by the winning candidates. This will pave the way for our party’s future political activities,” the GNLF town committee president said.
On whether the GNLF would participate in the upcoming panchayat election in November-December, Rai said, “We are not concentrating on the panchayat election as our agenda of implementing the Sixth Schedule in the hills is more important. Besides, we will first have to go through the provision of the Sixth Schedule to see if things like panchayat election can be conducted.”
In December 2005, GNLF president Subash Ghisingh and the central government had signed a Memorandum of Agreement to bring the Darjeeling hills under the Sixth Schedule. A bill had also been placed in Parliament in 2007, but it was put in the backburner following opposition by the BJP when the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha objected to it.
“We still maintain that granting Sixth Schedule status to the Darjeeling hills is the best and only plausible solution to the problems that keep haunting the region. It was our Subash Ghisingh’s vision and political acumen to make the demand because Bengal had given us everything in its power then. The issue is still alive in Parliament and all that is needed is to pursue it properly,” Rai said.
He also said his party would take into consideration factors like time and the current situation and take a call on whether to participate in the municipality election or extend support to other parties. 


Subash Ghisingh stood for the separate Indian Gorkha Troops

12:51 PM
Shri Subash Ghisingh always stood for the separate Indian Gorkha Troops, so as to differentiate the “Indo – Nepal Agreement Troops” and the “Indian Gorkha Troops” and to save the whole settled Indian Gorkhas from unnecessary and permanent stigma and allegation of Foreigners, Mercenaries, Reciprocal people and Nepal subjects.

Finally after 30 years on 2nd April 2016, The Army have raised a new Gorkha battalion comprising entirely of Indian Gorkha troops i.e. Sixth Battalion of the First Gorkha Rifles (6/1GR), named “Kanchi Paltan”. Traditionally, the majority of troops in Gorkha regiments belong to Nepal, The stipulated ratio of composition of these regiments between Nepalese and Indian domicile Gorkhas is about 70:30:

Why the need of separate Indian Gorkha Regiment / Battalion?

The separate Indian gorkha regiment or battalion is required so as to have clear distinction between the “Agreement Troops” (the gorkha troops from Nepal / Nepalese citizen) and the “Indian Gorkha Troops ( The gorkha troops from Indian / Indian citizen )”

The Indian Gorkhas had faced and are still facing the unique identity crisis with regard to their Indian citizenship because of the Indo-Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship (1950) which permits "the citizen of Nepal or India, the freedom to reside, own the property, participate in trade and commerce and other rights of similar nature in their territory”. Thus, there are many Nepalese citizens of Nepal who have migrated after 1950 living in India. The Indian Gorkhas are mistakenly identified as the citizens of Nepal who have migrated to India in search of jobs and livelihood.

Whereas the history of Indian gorkha starts from The Gorkha War (1814–1816), the war that was fought between Gorkha Kingdom ( Nepal ) and the British East India Company which ended up by signing the Treaty of Sugauli in 1816.
The Sugauli Treaty was signed on 2nd December 1815 and later ratified on 4 March 1816 between East India Company and King of Nepal: however, the treaty asked for the territorial concessions, in which large territory of Nepal was given to British India, and also allowed British to recruit Gurkhas for its military service.

Under the treaty, about “one-third of Gorkha Kingdom (Nepal)” was lost, including Darjeeling, Sikkim, territory to west of the Kali River like Kumaon (present Indian state of Uttarakhand), Garhwal (present Indian state of Uttarakhand); some territories to the west of the Sutlej River like Kangra (present day Himachal Pradesh); and much of the Terai Region, It caused Nepal to lose about “105,000 km2” of its territory.

Later on in 1947, when British India got its Independent creating India and Pakistan, the fate of Indian gorkha was neglected and remained unresolved as Nepal didn’t accepted it back or demanded its lost territory nor did Indian accepted it constitutionally to be its Union of State by declaring these gorkha dominated areas (territory which had come to British India as per Sugauli Teaty) as a state of Gorkahaland, a state which would uphold the identity of Indian gorkha, like the states of Wes Bengal for Indian Bangalis or Punjab for Indian Panjabi.

But rather India signed an agreement with Nepal in 1950 which created the confusion on citizenship of entire gorkha settled in India, the gorkha who had come along with their ceded land to British India began to be called as foreigner on their own homeland in present India.

Hence, Shri Subash Ghisingh not only led the movement for separate state of Gorkhaland, which he believed would resolve our identity crisis in Indian; But also demanded for the separate Indian Gorkha Regiment for Indian Grokha so as to have clear cut distinction between Indian Gorkha and Nepali Gorkha,

Historical archive below :

Date: 15th January 1987:

Telegram sent To Shri Rajiv Gandhi, P M of India, Copy to King of Nepal:

We have no other alternative but to ask the whole settled Indian Gorkhas not to join the “Agreement Troops” of Gorkha Rifles. Furthermore, we are compelled to ask the central Government of India to immediately establish a New and Separate India Gorkha Regiment so as to save the whole settled Gorkhas from unnecessary and permanent stigma and allegation of Foreigners, Mercenaries, Reciprocal people and Nepal subjects.

Date: 3rd February, 1987: Statement released:

Urging government for formation of separate “Indian Gorkha Troops” to save guard the Indian Gorkha community and in the larger interest of Indian.

Date: 22nd July 1987:

Letter To Rajiv Gandhi PM, India:

Point No 9, (iii) The “Indian Gorkha Regiment” must be established as soon as possible so as to make a clear distinction between the “Agreement Troops” and the “Indian Gorkha Troops” in the interest of the victimized Gorkha and in the interest of the country of Indian. After declaration of the Government Notification on the issue of citizenship, the recruitment of the aboriginal and the settled gorkhas to the “Agreement Troops” must be immediately stopped.

However MOS was signed 23rd August 1988 between Subash Ghising (President of GNLF) and CG Somiah (Union Home Secretary) in presence of Sd/ Buta Singh (Union Home Minister) in Delhi:

As regards raising a separate Indian Gorkha Regiment, the policy of the Government of India of not having any new regiment raised on class composition was acknowledge. However, it was clarified that it is not obligatory for Indian Gorkhas to join only specified Gorkha Regiments and that they have the option to join the Regiments of their choice. To this extent suitable instructions will be issued by the Army Headquarters…….

Finally now after 30 year of struggle the government of Indian understood the strategic need of Indian Gorkha battalion to uphold the gorkha regiment FOREVER in India. We view this STRATEGIC decision, not only an employment opportunity BUT also a clear cut distinction between Indina gorkha and Nepalese gorkha citizens.


Subash Ghisingh advocated for Scheduled Tribe status to whole Gorkha community

8:06 PM
Shri Subash Ghisingh always advocated that whole Gorkha community should be granted the status of Scheduled Tribe in India as per the census of 1931 of British Raj in India, which had shown all Gorkha community as “Tribes” under the banner of “Hill Tribes”. Further he knew it clearly that, if Gorkhaland is to be achieved in coming days, than, all Gorkhas communities should stand-up unitedly at any cost, therefore, he came up with his political strategy of Sixth schedule & Schedule Tribe for all gorkahs, so that the Indian Gorkhas may “exist together” united in one banner of “Gorkha as a Tribe (ST)”.

Subash Ghisingh advocated for Scheduled Tribe status to whole Gorkha community

His Letter to the National Commission for ST:

D.O. No. 154 CHA/LK/ DGHC Date :- 9th April 2005

Sri Kunwar Singh 
Hon’ble Chairman National Commission for ST
Govt of India, New Delhi.

Dear Sir Singh,

I would like to expressed my thanks and gratitude for granting scheduled tribe status to “Tamang” and “Limbu” of India which was done vide Govt. of India Gazette Notification no 10 dated New Delhi the 8th January 2003. However, this action of govt. of Indian has created confusion, controversy and ill feeling among others Gorkha Tribes like “Khambu ( Rai)”, “Gurung”, “Mangar”, “Newar”, “Khas (chhetri)”, “Baahun (Brahman)” and other tribes etc who followed same language culture and religious beliefs and all of them including “Tamangs” and “Limbus” come under “Bonbo” (worshipers of stones, river, trees, deities etc) and as such grave injustices have been done to these above other left out tribal communities. 
This matter were already discussed in the 2nd round tripartite review meeting on Memorandum of Settlement of Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council dated 28th Jan 2005 at Round Table Conference Hall of Union Home Ministry under the chairmanship of Shri Dhirendra Singh, Union Home Secretary at New Delhi. 
I would, therefore on behalf of DGHC, request you to consider the above case for granting Scheduled Tribe status to all the members of the other left out Gorkha communities as a special case.

With Regards 
Yours Sincerely Subash Ghisingh, Administrator of DGHC

Followed by:.......

Date: 1st June, 2005 .............

To : The Hon’ble Justice Ram Surat Singh (Rtd)
Chairperson, National Commission for Backward Classes 
Ministry of social justice & empowerment 
Government of India New Delhi:

Sub: Pray for conversion into the Tribal Status of all the gorkha hill tribes as recognized by the then British Govt. of India in 1931

Where he writes about the necessary to convert the whole people of OBC and other non OBC community into ST category explaining the history of hill tribes of Darjeeling district during British Raj of India

Date: 13th December 2007................

To: Shri Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, 
Hon’ble Chief Minister – West Bengal

He writes about the burning issue of Hill tribes of Darjeeling stating that ……...................... before 1956 all hill tribe’s people of Darjeeling were happy and there was no any enmity among each other, But it was unfortunately smashed and destroyed after 1956 when the hill tribes of Darjeeling were divided into three categories viz Scheduled Tribe, Scheduled Cast and Non Scheduled Tribes. At that time the ignorant hill tribes’ people of Darjeeling could not understand the exact meaning and its consequences of the above unwanted and merciless division of three categories. Actually the above unholy division of the hill tribes became like a slow poison for them and their future generation.

………………………………… Therefore, I would like to request you for taking the above matter seriously from the side of West Bengal Government and also request you to secure again the original tribal status to the above victimized tribal left out communities of DGHC areas, like ‘Khambu (Rai), [which includes Dhimal, Maajhi, Dewan (Yakha), Sunuwar (Mukhia), Gainay], Gurung, Mangar, Newar, Thami, Bahun, Khas [which includes Chetri, Thakuri, Gharti, Saneshi, Bhujel, (khawas), Jogi], Kami, Damai, Sark, Bedi, etc all of whom were already within the list of hill tribes, not only in the census of 1931 but also in the list of Darjeeling district gazetteer of 1947.


Gorkhaland: A performance Audit

6:07 PM
Writes: N N Ojha

The demand for Gorkhaland as a political and administrative entity separate from the province of Bengal (now state of West Bengal) has the formidable distinction of being the oldest surviving statehood demand within the Indian Union. Equally redoubtable is its distinction of having enjoyed and also continuing to enjoy absolutely unconditional support from not just majority but totality of the masses in the region.

In the normal course such prolonged, uninterrupted survival of a movement, its intensity and the absolute mass support would be infallible catalysts for its sure success. In the case of Gorkhaland however ironically success has remained elusive for over a century notwithstanding the presence of all these prerequisites.

It is this paradox of elusive success anyhow that a performance audit of the stakeholders including the protagonists and the opponents of the movement is seriously called for. After all a performance audit is complete only if it assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the protagonists as well as antagonists.
Gorkhaland Map
First, the protagonists, the levels of their performance and a fiercely objective assessment to see if there are some Trojan horses and fifth columnists who taking advantage of the inborn simplicity of the Gorkha might be engaged in covertly subverting or weakening the movement even while overtly pretending to be its supporters. This is important, as hidden adversaries could be far more dangerous than open enemies.

Topping the list of diehard, unflinching supporters of Gorkhaland obviously would be the common men and women, the masses inhabiting the region irrespective of caste, color, creed or religion. The Hindus, Muslims, Christians, tribals, non-tribals, Marwaris, Biharis, Bengalis for whom the region has been home for generations are all without exception the staunchest supporters of state hood for Gorkhaland; their commitment absolutely unconditional right since 1907 when we have the first recorded evidence of the demand. It is indeed heartening that repeated efforts by the powers that be to divide the masses along communal or ethnic lines with lures of development boards or job quotas haven’t ever succeeded beyond a negligible degree.

Such absolute mass support is unique to Gorkhaland as in most others cases in which statehood has been granted till recently there were sizeable sections of population within the affected regions who were not supportive of the proposals and who accepted the divisions helplessly as a fiat accompli. In the case of Telangana, Chhattisgarh or Jharkhand there have been sections of th population who never supported the idea of bifurcation and who even today fondly recall ‘the good old days’ when their respective states happened to be united.

On the contrary in the case of Gorkhaland you won’t come across a single soul who would wish that the region should continue to be a part of west Bengal. The only exception perhaps could be some self-serving turncoats acting under the lure of mundane temptations from powerful vested interests operating probably at the behest of Kolkata centric ruling dispensation. The number of such fifth columnists mercifully is so small that one could count them on ones fingertips.

How do we assess the performance level of the masses; optimal, average or poor? Just look at the movement of the 1980s under the stewardship of the Late Subhash Ghising, the subsequent phase from 2007 to 2011 under the firebrand Bimal Gurung or the most recent spell of July – August 2013 under the combined might of the GJAC. Each time the response of the masses has been selfless and overwhelming. They sat on dhrnas, took out long marches, suffered long spells of strikes faced physical torture and mental humiliation at the hands of the police and paramilitary forces and above all sacrificed their lives in thousands without any expectation in return except for statehood. Even today the masses are ready to respond with full force to any call from a leadership that could command their trust and confidence. The level of performance of this segment of the stakeholders is thus optimal, extraordinary and highly commendable.

Let us now go into the modus operandi and performance level of the political parties and leaders of the region as they come next in the list of stakeholders. While dealing with political parties we have to focus only on the hill based parties as the mainstream parties of west Bengal like TMC or CPM have been and shall continue to be openly against creation of Gorkhaland out of concern for their own survival back home. The national parties e.g. the Indian National Congress (INC) or BJP shall at best be indifferent fence sitters as the (Gorkhaland) issue hardly affects their political fortunes. After all our political worth is just one seat in the Lok Sabha. (Remember Ms Rough & Tough exhorting the BJP during the 2014 general elections not to break up Bengal for ‘just one seat’).

The hostility of west Bengal’s political parties and indifference of the national parties need not dampen our spirits as we are more than compensated by the unanimous support the movement receives from almost every hill based party barring the one that refuses to disengage from a senseless and futile propaganda that the region’s larger interest lies not in statehood but in being a ‘Sixth Schedule area’ within the state of west Bengal. We may however ignore this party’s activities, as these have been repeatedly rejected by the masses. (In two earlier write ups in this column I had given detailed analysis of their stand. ‘The Sixth Schedule Cacophony’ [details] and ‘A Full & Final Settlement?’ [Details:

In so far as the other hill based political outfits are concerned they are all agreed on the goal i.e. Gorkhaland even though they might differ in the approach to achieve the goal. The spectacular show of unity displayed by all the parties during the agitation of July – August 2013 when all of them came under the collective banner of the Gorkhaland Joint Action Committee (GJAC) however goes to prove that their differences aren’t insurmountable. It is however regrettable that the show of unity proved woefully short lived. In a nutshell the level of performance of the political parties and leaders of the region is barely satisfactory and in the absence of unity they may not be able to deliver.

Can we expect success in spite of undiluted hostility of the mainstream political parties of west Bengal and unconcern of the national parties? I am optimistic for at least two or three reasons. First the unconditional and undying mass support; second near unanimity among all he hill based political outfits and third, the compulsions of political morality on the part of BJP to react favorably to the demand because of the support it got from us in the last parliamentary election and a commitment made by BJP’s most powerful leader Narendra Modi during his campaign speeches.

Can we hazard any guess as to the likely time frame for success? My own guess for whatever it is worth is that till the west Bengal assembly elections due in May 2016 the BJP shall remain non committal as any public perception of conceding to the demand may cost them votes in the plains of west Bengal. Post 2016 however I do hope things to move favorably. How fast they move might depend largely on how unitedly and intensely we make the demand audible in New Delhi through memorandums, delegations and if need be the more common methods of protests such as dharnas and hunger strikes. Such activities shall be unavoidable to enable the BJP to argue across Bengal that the demand simply couldn’t be ignored any longer as otherwise the situation could get volatile and go out of control.

What happens if we miss the bus during the present BJP led government’s entire term of 5 years? Well we simply can’t afford to miss. Nor can the government afford to give us the miss going by the likely consequences that might follow such an eventuality. If Gorkhaland is denied, we end up as losers but the government too doesn’t emerge as a winner. What the government loses is the trust and good will of the Gorkha. Besides the BJP leading the government in Delhi loses its moral face for not honoring a solemn commitment made by its highest leader Narendra Modi to the people during his election campaign.

The people in the region are already disenchanted with the all the previous governments since independence and any further dillydallying could quickly turn their disenchantment into alienation. Leadership of the movement might pass into the hands of hardliners and its Gandhian character diluted beyond recognition. On the contrary if Gorkhaland is granted we emerge as winners and the government itself also emerges as the winner of the trust and everlasting gratitude of people in an important geostrategic region.

Given an option won’t a sensible government choose a win-win option over a loose-loose one? And no one can deny that the BJP led NDA government in Delhi is for sure a sensible government.

[We welcome back Mr. OJHA... Who just recovered from a heart surgery. He writes exclusively for DT and his column The Expositor can be read here:]

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