Showing posts with label Subhash Ghisingh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Subhash Ghisingh. Show all posts

Politics is not just making speeches - Subash Ghishing

3:14 PM
The Illustrated weekly of India: 2/10/1988

I am a philosopher, not a politician. Today a knowledge of philosophy is essential. It gives you an extraordinary vision. Only a philosophical leader can truly lead his people. Politics is simply a child of philosophy. And philosophy is the guardian of all knowledge. Once you have acquired philosophical knowledge, you automatically understand psychology, sociology and politics. A leader can then use his vast knowledge for the good of his people.

Our agitation had a scientific approach. I used psychology and philosophy in it too. It was a disciplined exercise. We would increase the tempo and then bring it to a halt. It wasn’t an agitation without a break like in Punjab or Sri Lanka.

Politics is not just making speeches, it goes much beyond that, it is ocean -deep. To kill one bird with one stone is not politics, but to kill 10 or 20 or 30 birds with one stone is politics. In politics 2+2 does not equal to 4 but 2+2 is equal to10 or 20. That is why I say, if one wishes to be in politics, one must possess this knowledge. Otherwise you indulge in “Bull Politics” – that is, attacking whatever you see in front of you. It took me several year to acquire the knowledge.
Politics is not just making speeches - Subash Ghishing
Today, there is a crying need for leaders all over the world. Not leaders hunched with the weight of borrowed politics, but leaders with an inner vision. Indira Gandhi was the best prime mister we had. An iron lady, nothing frightened her, only the authors, for authors possess philosophical knowledge. I have heard her speeches on radio, read her writings and I can make out that she was afraid of their wisdom. Such is the strength of this knowledge that even god cannot criticize it.

This knowledge and the inner strength helps my power of oratory too. Handling the public requires a special technique. When I give a speech women, and even men, weep. I have the power to pacify an angry public, and if I am in the mood, I can make stones melt.


Did Subash Ghisingh foresaw the crack within the Gorkha communities

8:02 AM

.9th April 2005 – Letter sent to Sri Kunwar Singh (Chairman National Commission for ST,Govt of India, New Delhi )

Writes: Seetam Thakuri

I would like to expressed my thanks and gratitude for granting scheduled tribe status to “Tamang” and “Limbu” of India which was done vide Govt. of India Gazette Notification no 10 dated New Delhi the 8th January 2003. However, this action of govt. of Indian has created confusion, controversy and ill feeling among others Gorkha Tribes like “Khambu ( Rai)”, “Gurung”, “Mangar”, “Newar”, “Khas (chhetri)”, “Baahun (Brahman)” and other tribes etc who followed same language culture and religious beliefs and all of them including “Tamangs” and “Limbus” come under “Bonbo” (worshipers of stones, river, trees, deities etc) and as such grave injustices have been done to these above other left out tribal communities. 

This matter were already discussed in the 2nd round tripartite review meeting on Memorandum of Settlement of Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council dated 28th Jan 2005 at Round Table Conference Hall of Union Home Ministry under the chairmanship of Shri Dhirendra Singh, Union Home Secretary at New Delhi. 

I would, therefore on behalf of DGHC, request you to consider the above case for granting Scheduled Tribe status to all the members of the other left out Gorkha communities as a special case.

With Regards, Yours Sincerely, Subash Ghisingh, Administrator of DGHC.

When the politics of Tribalism started deepening its root in the hills of Darjeeling, Subash Ghisingh could clearly foresee the fragile crack within the gorkha communities, he could clearly sense the crack that would divided Gorkha communities into various categories like General, ST, SC and OBC’s; The Hill Tribes that were once unified as Indian Gorkha for a common goal of “Gorkhaland” a state that would provide their identity in India, is now seen dividing and willing to walk individually for the status of Scheduled Tribes in India. 

When the politics of tribalism started getting its momentum in Darjeeling hills; and by that time DGHC had emerged as a weak administrative setup having no real executive or legislative power, further Subash Ghisingh had realized that the grant of statehood was not forthcoming, however, strong constitutional guaranteed setup was required to fulfill the aspiration of Hill people. It was then we saw the political swing of “Sixth Schedule”, the swing that shifted the politics of Gorkha Hills, thus, adding the new terminology in politics of Darjeeling. 

He then advocated that all gorkha communities should be granted the status of Scheduled Tribe in India referring to the census of 1931 which had shown all gorkha community as “Backward Tribes” under the banner of “Hill Tribes” during the British Raj in India. Further he knew it clearly that, if Gorkhaland is to be achieved than all gorkhas should stand united at any cost, therefore, we could see the sharp shift of Ghisingh’s politics to Sixth Schedule, so that the Indian gorkha may “exist together” united in one banner of “Gorkha as a Tribe (ST)”. 

Technically to qualify for the status of Sixth Schedule the percentage of tribal community do plays the vital role, hence, he started urging all gorkha community to move towards tribalism, further he believed Darjeeling which was once a part of “Gorkha Kingdom” now “Nepal” promoted Hinduism and declared Nepal as a Hindu kingdom so as to keep their national unity intact, in a process of which all gorkha tribes happened to forget their original “Bonbo culture” and became more inclined towards the Hinduism. 

Hence he promoted the celebrations of Bonbo utsav, sansari puja, Jhakri puja every year, temples were made where only stones representation of gods and goddesses were kept, Jhakri were appointed as the priest in these temples, Iron Pillar were worshipped during vishwakarma Puja in chowrasta; though many thought it to be an idiotic act, however the sense of tribalism was essence of these act.

He used to say we cannot behave civilized and ask for the tribal status, we need to show it by our action, hence the crazy act of the Governor of WB seeking blessing from Jhakri and Boju devata was clearly seen in the inauguration ceremony of Nightingale Park in Darjeeling, during those days Union Ministers in Darjeeling were welcomed by tribal dance and blessed by Dhami Jhakris ! 

Moreover, if we closely see, we gorkhas, have complex culture and tribal character with our own practices, we recognize the existence of spirits and worship nature, believes in Boju Devata, Jhakri, Ban Jhakri,; we perform Nya ko puja, Udawle Ubawle, sansari puja, ban devi puja etc. we also have appetite of gundruk, kinima, ban tarul, ghar tarul, simal tarul, iskus-ko-jara, jar, tongba… such culture and religious practices are typically tribal in character, even the British did recognized the fact and declare people of Darjeeling as Hill tribes during British Raj.

He was also of the opinion that only facility given by tribal status will not help the community, as we can see majority of tribes and casts still struggling despite of their ST / SC status, hence, He demanded that the area of DGHC be brought under the Sixth Schedule of the constitution of India. The Sixth Schedule deals with the autonomous administration setup for tribal area with executive, legislative and judicial powers, moreover it is the special setup under the observation of President of India and also defined as state within the state. The councils under Sixth Schedule are the product of the Constitution of India, hence, it draws all its powers and functions from the Constitution itself. Had it been implemented in Darjeeling Hills it would have been 100 time better than DGHC or the present GTA both of which emerged from the state act of west Bengal legislative Assembly. 

However, special status of Fifth or Sixth Schedule of the constitution were directly applicable for all excluded and partially excluded areas of British Raj, and Darjeeling being partially excluded area under British raj till the time of independent should have come under the Fifth Schedule or otherwise Sixth Schedule with certain amendments in the constitution long time back in Independent India. 

Chronology of Administrative Setup Pre/Post - Independent and why Fifth or Sixth Schedule is Applicable for Darjeeling. 

Darjeeling was never directly governed by the Provincial government of Bengal, however in a sense it did shared the governor with Bengal. In fact Darjeeling was governed by special act under British India as British knew it clearly that these areas came to East India Company as per the Treaty of Sugowlee with Nepal (1815) and Treaty of Sinchula with Bhutan (1865), Moreover British felt that the gorkhas living in these areas required to be protected. 

Darjeeling was initially a "Non-Regulationdistrict / Area" where acts and regulations of the British India did not automatically apply in line with rest of the country, unless specifically extended.

In 1874 Darjeeling was declared “Scheduled District” which was subject to special laws and administrative procedure. 

In 1919 Darjeeling was declared "Backward Tract" and continued to be ruled by special law, the administration of the district was then vested to the Governor General in Council. Any Act of the Provincial Legislature (Bengal provinces) or all India acts did not apply to the tract, or shall apply subject to such exceptions or modifications as the Governor may think fit. 

In 1935, Darjeeling was declared “Partially Excluded” area, where Governor had a special responsibility for this area, no legislative enactment whether of the Federation or of the Province did apply unless the Governor so directs by a notification, this set up continued till the new constitution came into effect in 26 January 1950 for Independent INDIA 

1946 The Cabinet Mission, sent by the British Parliament under Sir Stafford Cripps made a public statement and also suggested for the formation of an Advisory Committee to work out a modus operandi in the constitutional arrangement for tribals of excluded and partially excluded area and to enable them to safeguard their ethnic identity and culture in a democratic way in Independent India. 

On 24th January, 1947 - Advisory Committee on fundamental rights, minorities and Tribal and Excluded Area was set up with Vallabhai Patel as the Chairman by the Constituent Assembly, two subcommittee was formed to take forward the work: 

1. North-East Frontier Tribal Areas and Assam Excluded & Partially Excluded Areas Sub-Committee: under Gopinath Bardoloi

2. Excluded and Partially Excluded Areas (Other than Those in Assam) Sub-Committee: under A. V. Thakkar.

Based on the reports and recommendation of these committee Sixth Schedule emerged, where all excluded and partially excluded areas of Assam was incorporated in article 244(2) read with 275(1) of the constitution of India. However excluded and partially excluded areas other than Assam (rest of India) was incorporated in the Fifth Schedule in Art. 244(1) of the Constitution of India.
As per these schedule special Autonomous Administration setup and Tribal Advisory Council for self-governance was to be formed for the upliftment of tribes under the control of President through its representative the governor of state. 

8th August 1947 - INTERIM REPORT OF THE EXCLUDED AND PARTIALLY EXCLUDED AREAS (OTHER THAN ASSAM) SUB-COMMITTEE stated The Darjeeling District is shown to contain 141,301tribes out of a total population of 376,369 in 1941. The prominent community in Darjeeling is the Gurkha or Nepalese community which numbers about 2 1/2 lakhs. The Gurkha are not regarded as a backward tribe and the thirteenth schedule to the Govt. of India (LegislativeAssemblies) Order does not include Gurkha. Thus the committee decides Darjeeling need no longer be treated as partially excluded areas hence the special status given by British Raj was lost in Independent India. 

However, the fact that the Census of 1941 based on which the fate of hill tribes of Darjeeling was decided by Advisory Committee had some flaw on itself, as it had delisted the Tribes title of approximately 2,35,068 (62.45%) of the total population of Darjeeling Hill reducing the tribal population only to 37.54%. the reason for this de-listing have been due to the inclusion of mother tongue question in census and the census report being based on language and script among other criteria’s. It is believed that the majority of hill tribes were unaware of the consequence, moreover the sentimental attachment with Nepali language propelled them to mention Nepali as their mother language instead of their tribal dialect; as Nepali language happened to be derived from Sanskrit language hence the essence of tribalism was missing, which resulted to exclusion of majority of hill people from the backward tribe status. Further the word gorkha have been used very vaguely without seeing the history of hill tribes by advisory committee. 

In order to rectify the injustice done by Advisory Committee, Subash Ghisingh proposed for constitutionally recognition of the entire hill people into Scheduled Tribes category with reference to the Census of 1931, further he also demanded the DGHC be brought under the special administrative setup of sixth schedule with required amendments to the constitution. Please Note: The provision of Autonomous District / Regional Council is incorporated in the Sixth Schedule of constitution, moreover it also enjoyed comparatively greater power and autonomy than Fifth schedule of Constitution, however both the fifth and sixth schedule did emerged for the administrative setup of excluded and partially excluded areas and Darjeeling happened to be partially excluded. 

6th December 2005 - Memorandum of Settlement for Sixth Schedule was signed between Govt. of India, Govt. of West Bengal and Shri Subash Ghisingh, Administrator DGHC, for the creation of an autonomous self-governing Council under the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution, for the hill areas of Darjeeling District. 

16th March 2006 - The West Bengal Legislative Assembly adopted a Resolution recommending grant of Sixth Schedule status for Darjeeling hill areas. 

30th November 2007 - Two Bills were introduced in the Lok Sabha The Sixth Schedule to the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2007 and the Constitution (One Hundred and Seventh Amendment) Bill 2007’

The Bills were referred to the Standing Committee on Home Affairs (Chairperson: Smt Sushma Swaraj)

28th February 2008: The Standing Committee on Home Affairs submitted its 129th Report:

The Bills seek to create an autonomous self-governing Council called the Gorkha Hill Council, Darjeeling (GHC) under the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution. The GHC shall have legislative, administrative and financial powers in respect of specified subjects.
The Committee noted that two divergent views. The majority of the views were opposed to the Bill on various grounds and were in favor of Gorkhaland (a separate state). The official viewpoint stated that there would be agitation and chaos if the Bill was not passed.

The Committee could not verify the claims of the central and state governments since it could not visit the area and feel “the pulse of the people.” Therefore, relying on the official claims, the Committee recommended that both Bills be PASSED after certain amendments were made. It suggested that

(a) 33% of the seats in the GHC should be reserved for women; and 

(b) an appropriate number of seats should be reserved for Scheduled Castes in the GHC.

However, Govt. of India was not in a position to approve the bill, reason being the ongoing agitation led by Bimal Gurung, who opposed the Bill and demanded separate state of Gorkhaland. The bill remained pending in parliament till May 18, 2009 and finally lapsed automatically after 14th Lokh Sabha got dissolved. 

Unfortunately neither Sixth Schedule nor Gorkhaland were achieved, agitation led by GJMM went on for 3 more years and finally landed up signing an Agreement for GTA on 18 July 2011 at Pintail Village near Siliguri; a semi-autonomous administrative body enacted by state Act of West Bengal Legislative Assembly, Thus, Rejecting The Sixth Schedule of the constitution which was already tabled in the parliament of India. 

Now again we find ourselves standing in the same point of Political Crossroad, whom… we are to blame?

Separate India Gorkha Regiment : Subash Ghishing

8:46 PM

Shri Subash Ghisingh always stood for separate Indian Gorkha Troops reason being to differentiate the “Indo – Nepal Agreement Troops” and the “Indian Gorkha Troops” and for greater interest of India, there were series of talks and correspondence regarding this issue:
15th January 1987, Telegram sent To Shri Rajiv Gandhi, P M of India, Copy to King of Nepal:
We have no other alternative but to ask the whole settled Indian Gorkhas not to join the “Agreement Troops” of Gorkha Rifles. Furthermore, we are compelled to ask the central Government of India to immediately establish a New and Separate India Gorkha Regiment so as to save the whole settled Gorkhas from unnecessary and permanent stigma and allegation of Foreigners, Mercenaries, Reciprocal people and Nepal subjects.
3rd February, 1987 Statement released:
Urging government for formation of separate “Indian Gorkha Troops” to save guard the Indian Gorkha community and in the larger interest of Indian.
22nd July 1987, Letter To Rajiv Gandhi PM, India: 
Point No 9, (iii) The “Indian Gorkha Regiment” must be established as soon as possible so as to make a clear distinction between the “Agreement Troops” and the “Indian Gorkha Troops” in the interest of the victimized Gorkha and in the interest of the country of Indian. After declaration of the Government Notification on the issue of citizenship, the recruitment of the aboriginal and the settled gorkhas to the “Agreement Troops” must be immediately stopped.
MOS was signed 23rd August 1988 between Subash Ghising (President of GNLF) and CG Somiah (Union Home Secretary) in presence of Sd/ Buta Singh (Union Home Minister) in Delhi.
As regards raising a separate Indian Gorkha Regiment, the policy of the Government of India of not having any new regiment raised on class composition was acknowledge. However, it was clarified that it is not obligatory for Indian Gorkhas to join only specified Gorkha Regiments and that they have the option to join the Regiments of their choice. To this extent suitable instructions will be issued by the Army Headquarters.

Recent political Scenario: 
13th May 2008 “No More Gurkhas for India” Prachanda has asked the Indian state to stop the recruitment of Nepalese into the Indian military.
20th March 2012 – Times of India “Nepal may ban Gorkhas from joining foreign armies” Rajat Pandit, "As per our information, it's a proposal being studied in Nepal as of final decision has yet been taken. We are tracking it closely," said a senior defense ministry official on Monday.”
21st March 2012 – Hindustan Times:
“Gorkha soldiers from Nepal who have been an integral part of the Indian Army for over six decades could soon become a thing of the past and a glorious chapter of valor and sacrifice by soldiers of a friendly neighbour would come to an end”
23rd January 2015: Daily Mai News :
“Stir in Indian army as Kathmandu mulls Gorkha ban”
Nepal government set to impose ban on joining Indian army by Gorkhas as Social media video of martyr Ram Bahadur Gurung generates acute breach amongst Indian army units.
Nepal’s communist Chief have been urging ban of Gorkhas in Indian army for quite sometimes further recent shift of foreign relation of Nepal from Indian to China and ongoing protest of Madhesis in Nepal which Nepal accuse India or BJP of providing logistics support to the movement of Madhesis (Indian origin Nepali) against the Nepal Government; Further the ongoing supply cut of petrol, diesel, domestic LPG and jet fuel by Indian and China coming in to supply 1,000 tonnes fuel to Nepal are seen as series of event which are creating rift between two countries.
Therefore the announcement made on 29th October 2015 to raise an additional battalions for Indian Gorkha is a strategic decision taken by ministry of defence (India)
The Army has several Gorkha regiments— 1GR, 3GR, 4GR, 5GR, 8GR, 9GR and 11 GR, with five battalions each. The stipulated ration of composition of these regiments between Nepalese and Gorkhas of Indian domicile is about 70:30. “The Army’s plans are that each Gorkha Regiment will raise an additional battalion, which will be done in a phased manner, beginning with 1 GR,” said Lt Gen Thodge. Unlike in the past where Gorkha battalions comprised troops primarily from Nepal, the new battalion, designated as the Sixth Battalion of the First Gorkha Rifles (6/1 GR), will comprise Gorkha troops of Indian domicile (Indian Gorkhas), that is, those settled in the hilly regions of northern India and the North-East.
Finally after 28 years, Indian government have now understood the significance of separate Indian Gorkha Troops for the safeguard of India and the Gorkha Regiment itself, what Mr Subash Ghisingh did in 1987 “The Great political foresighted Leader” Hamro Appa !
Jai Gorkha, Jai Gorkhaland !

Writes Gorkhas N Gorkhaland

Ghisingh's desire to write a book on Gorkhas dead in WW II unfulfilled

9:50 AM
PRASHANT ACHARYA, SILIGURI, 3 Feb 2015: Evereyone knows that Subash Ghisingh, who can be unarguably credited for kindling the dream of a Gorkhaland state in the hearts of the people of Darjeeling, has died before realising his political goal.
A dream unfulfilled: A book on Gorkhas dead in WW II
Subasyh Ghishing's last rite - Pic by Chendup Lepcha
It is little known, however, that his desire to write a book on the sacrifices made by the Gorkhas during the Second World War has also remained unfulfilled. He had done his homework well and had even visited Myanmar and Thailand to gather facts as these places were where the maximum number of Gorkha soldiers died during the war.

GNLF central committee member and Ghisingh’s close aide Prakash Dahal said on Tuesdsay: “Ghisinghji was planning to write a book on the Gorkha soldiers who sacrificed their life in World War II. We visited Myanmar seven times and Thailand once to gather detailed information including photographs for the planned book.”

Dahal said Ghisingh took pictures of the graves of Gorkha soldiers and noted down their ranks, names, addresses and areas of activity. Ghisingh’s last visit to Myanmar was in 2012. In Thailand, he toured the famous Death Bridge in Kanchanburi to gather detailed information of the Gorkha soldiers who had died there. Made famous as ‘The Bridge on the River Kwai’ internationally, thanks to motion pictures, during WW II thousands of allied prisoners of war had been engaged by the Japanese army to construct the bridge. Many of them had perished because of brutal treatment by their captors.

World War II had no fewer than 40 Gorkha Battalions in British service, and they included parachute, garrison and training units to take the total to 112,000 men. Together with British and Commonwealth troops, the Gorkhas have fought in Syria, the Western Desert, Italy and Greece, North Malaya to Singapore, and from the Siamese border through Myanmar to Imphal and again to Rangoon.

While still a young boy, Ghisingh’s mother had told him how his maternal uncle was killed in the Burma war. Since then he had nursed a keen desire to visit Myanmar to gather more information on the brave Gorkha soldiers who died fighting for India.

Source: EOI

Subash Ghisingh last rites at his ancestral place Manju tea estate

8:41 AM
Sherab Ghisingh was today brought to his birthplace at Lepcha Khop near Darjeeling. He came back as Subash Ghisingh.
Subash Ghisingh last rites at his ancestral place Manju tea estate
The GNLF chief when alive had not stayed for even a night at a home built for him in his ancestral village. Today, too, the body was not taken there for religious reasons - once a body leaves a home, it does not enter another.
Other than Ghisingh's family and a few village elders, few know that Subash Ghisingh was born as Sherab.

Phurba Ghisingh, the cousin brother of Subash Ghisingh, said: "When I was small, I used to call him Sherab. Then he changed his name to Subash when he became an author and then, I too, started referring to him as Subash Ghisingh. Apart from his family members and our villager elders, few know him as Sherab."

It was in the 1960s that the GNLF leader first published his novel titled Fulmaya. He went on to write more than 22 novels, plays and compilation of poems.

He only used "Subash" in his published works. "He was Subash the writer, Ghisingh the leader," Phurba said.

This morning, thousands of people lined up along the streets when his body was brought from his Dr Zakhir Hussain Road residence in Darjeeling to his ancestral place Lepcha Khop that is near the Manju tea estate, 50km from Darjeeling town.

Residents of Sukhiapokhri, Mirik, Dudhia and other places in the hills shut their shops to pay their last respects to Ghisingh.

Darjeeling town, which had downed its shutters yesterday, remained closed in the morning till noon today.

Ghisingh was born at Lepcha Khop village at Manju division of Singbul tea garden on April 22, 1936.

He had, however, lived most part of his life in Darjeeling town.

Ghisingh started staying in Darjeeling from the 1950s, soon after returning from the army.

His family wanted his body to be brought to his native place and to his newly constructed home, in which for some reason, he had never spent a day.

Uma Tamang, the granddaughter of Ghisingh, said: "There was this old wooden ancestral home here. However, in 2001 the house was dismantled and a new structure was erected as a gift by his well-wishers. The house was completed in 2003 but for some reason he never stayed there."

Ashram Rai, a relative of the leader, said: "In 2004, he had come to his house but was very angry that the cemetery of his younger sister, Maichang, was not kept properly. This was probably the last time he came to this place."

Ghisingh had three elder brothers, Jita, Sindel, Lalit and an elder sister Manu. Maichang was his younger sister.

Today, his body was brought to his ancestral home - the three-hour journey from Darjeeling to Manju taking more than seven and half hours - but even then, Ghisingh's body did not enter his house because of religious reasons.

"Once a body is bid farewell from a house, it cannot enter a second house," said Phurba.

Ghisingh's body, which left Darjeeling around 9am today, reached the Lepcha Khop residence around 4.20pm.

The hearse was parked on one side of the two-storied house that has five rooms, for about 15 minutes, before the body was taken to Manjushree Park, about a kilometre away. Ghisingh's elder son Sagar lit the pyre at 5.15pm.

The park is about a kilometre from Ghisingh's ancestral place. The place is at present, looked after by his relatives. In Lepcha Khop there are about 20-odd houses of which five families are related to Subash Ghisingh.

Source: Telegraph

Hills Unite to Mourn Late. Subash Ghising

10:21 AM
Hills Unite to Mourn Late. Subash Ghising - Praise His Contribution Towards Gorkhalis in India

Forgetting for the moment their political and ideological differences, leaders of various political parties in the Darjeeling hills trooped to Subash Ghisingh’s house on Saturday to pay their last respects to the veteran Gorkha leader who died on Thursday in Delhi.

Hills Unite to Mourn Late. Subash Ghising
Hills Unite to Mourn Late. Subash Ghising- pic:The Darjeeling Chronicle
One of the first to reach Ghisingh’s house on Dr. Zakir Hussain Road was Communist Party of Revolutionary Marxist (CPRM) president RB Rai and other senior CPRM leaders. “We must pay respect to leaders who have made contributions to society. Ghisingh was one such leader. He created mass awareness about the Gorkhaland issue and was the first person to raise the statehood demand before the state and central governments. With his demise, a chapter has come to an end in the politics of the hills,” said Rai, a former Rajya and Lok Sabha MP from Darjeeling.

Echoing similar sentiments, CPI (M) district secretariat member KB Wattar said, “An era in the history of the Indian Gorkhas has ended with Ghisingh’s departure. We had differences but it must be said that he was an astute leader. His demand for implementing the Sixth Schedule in the hills paved the way for the ongoing clamour for securing tribal status.”

All India Gorkha League (ABGL) general secretary Pratap Khati was another prominent face at the residence of the erstwhile chief of the Gorkha National Liberation Front and he placed ‘khadas’ and a wreath before speaking to Ghisingh’s family. “He was a great leader. It is because of him the word ‘Gorkhaland’ has become synonymous with Darjeeling and its people,” he pointed out.

The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) was represented by party vice-president RP Waiba and central committee leader Urmila Rumba. On Friday, GJM chief Bimal Gurung expressed his condolences and said he would send party representatives as he would not be able to come personally due to prior commitments. Hill Congress and Trinamool Congress leaders were also present at Ghisingh’s house to pay homage to the late leader.

As a mark of respect to Ghisingh, all offices of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) remained closed today. Shops and business establishments in town also voluntarily pulled down their shutters for the day although vehicular movement was normal. Employees of the Darjeeling court attended office but did not work for the day.

GNLF supporters from various places of Darjeeling district stood in long queues since 5:00am to offer khadas and flowers to their revered leader. Ghisingh’s younger son Mohan, who is the new leader of the party, said his father’s body will be taken to their ancestral home at Manju in Mirik on Sunday at 9:00am.

“The cortege will first make a round of Darjeeling town to allow people to pay their last respects and then leave for Manju for the last rites,” he said. Senior GNLF leaders have requested the people to observe an hour long bandh to facilitate smooth passage of the hearse and the convoy.

Source: EOI

Sikkim CM Chamling to Attend Late Subash Ghising's Funeral

9:58 AM
Sikkim chief minister Pawan Chamling will be arriving in Darjeeling to pay his last respect to his ‘friend’ and GNLF chief Subash Ghishing who died on Thursday.
Sikkim chief minister Pawan Chamling will be arriving in Darjeeling to pay his last respect to his ‘friend’ and GNLF chief Subash Ghishing who died on Thursday.
Sikkim chief minister Pawan Chamling 
Mr Chamling is scheduled to reach the Dr Zakir Hussain Road residence of Mr Ghisingh in the morning after all the rituals are completed and before the cortege moves from his home, GNLF sources said today.

Mr Chamling yesterday expressed deep sorrow at the death of “a scholar, novelist and a great Gorkha leader.” “In him, I have lost a good friend,” the Sikkim CM said in a statement.

GNLF party leaders said the cortege will move around Darjeeling
town before proceeding towards Manju village in Mirik, Mr Ghisingh’s ancestral home, where the GNLF leader’s body will be cremated.

According to the party sources, the rituals in Darjeeling will be completed by 8.43 am tomorrow, and that the cremation will be held at Manju Park, near the GNLF leader’s house, at around 2.30 pm.
The cortege will halt at Sukhia Pokhari, Mirik, and Soureni for 10 minutes each for people to pay their last respect, before it reaches Manju.

Source: SNS

Sikkim CM Pawan Chamling deeply saddened by passing away of Subash Ghisingh

5:54 PM
Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan Chamling on Friday said he is “deeply saddened” to hear the passing away of Subash Ghisingh, the founder president of the Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF). Ghisingh breathed his last at a hospital in Delhi on Thursday afternoon. The 79-year-old once undisputed leader of the Darjeeling hills was suffering from several health complications.
Sikkim CM Pawan Chamling deeply saddened by passing away of Subash Ghisingh
Sikkim CM Pawan Chamling
Chamling said, “My prayers and condolences are with the bereaved family.  Shri Ghisingh will always be remembered for his yeoman service to the Indian Gorkhas who had been pining for identity in view of the immense contributions they have made in maintaining the sovereignty and integrity of the country by defending the motherland ever since struggle for independence. The credit for raising the Gorkhaland statehood and identity issues of the Indian Gorkhas at the national level goes entirely to Shri Ghisingh. It was his movement for separate statehood that led to the creation of the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC).”

The chief minister also noted that Ghisingh was a novelist. “I have lost a good friend whom I held in high esteem,” he added. With his demise the Indian Gorkha community has lost a stalwart, visionary and senior leader.” (IPR)

Source: EOI

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