Showing posts with label Tourism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tourism. Show all posts

GTA imposes Ban on New tourists coming to GTA Region

6:21 PM
In a meeting held with GTA representatives and all stakeholders of tourism the following issue was resolved.

Tourists  will not be allowed to enter Darjeeling and Kalimpong Hills from 19th March.

The ban will extend till 15th April.

GTA appeals to all taxi drivers and travel associations not to bring in tourists.

In order to control the rapid spread of COVID-19, the Chairman and authorities of GTA have requested the following:

We appeal to our tourism sector stakeholders in the face of COVID-19 pandemic:

1. Stop taking the bookings for hotels and homestay starting immediately. There should be a ban on new tourists coming to GTA region.
2. Avoid charging any Cancellation fees from the tourists.
3. An appeal is being made to all taxi owners and syndicates not to ferry any tourists to GTA region.
4. Kindly suggest and allow the tourists to reschedule their travel plans if required
5. People must avoid travelling outside GTA region, unless it is urgent and critical
6. Please avoid gathering of more than 10 people and maintain a safe distance
7. For Restaurants, please maintain the hygiene and sanitize the place, if necessary
8. We instruct all the Parent to utilize this time to engage children in extracurricular activities, online educations, new hobbies, etc. Times like these we need your support and understanding to educate your child on the hygiene and cleanliness.
9. The Engineering department is working on spreading awareness among people in their designated regions
10. GTA is going to release a special awareness program for the people residing in tea gardens and cinchona plantation.
11. Traders outside GTA region will be banned to put up temporary shops in haat bazar and in the hawkers market.
12. An appeal is made to all political parties and social organisations not to have political programs with mass gathering.
13.  Community halls and other halls owned by private clubs and organisation should restrict for giving their halls for lease for social program and social gatherings.
GTA imposes Ban on New tourists coming to GTA Region

Additional points:
• There are only two testing centres in West Bengal: NICED and SSKM in Kolkata. But we have sample collection centre at North Bengal Medical College and Hospital (NBMCH).
• An Isolation ward is currently located in Kurseong, Darjeeling and Mirik.
Please follow the steps below to keep a check on the spread of COVID-19 dedicatedly:
• Please wear a mask covering your mouth and nose properly.
• Wash your hands properly and thoroughly before and after eating your food or touching your face, eyes, any open wounds, etc.
• Avoid handshakes with people
• Keep at least 3 feet distance from all the individuals
• Use tissue papers to cover your nose and mouth while coughing or sneezing
• Unless necessary, stay inside and avoid going out in public
• If you suspect you might have a mild fever, headache, throat irritation, body aches and possibly loose motions, please isolate yourself from the people around you and observe yourself
• In 85% cases, people’s immune systems fight back and the person starts getting better from the 8th day
• But if your fever, coughing, body ache and loose motion doesn’t subside even after 7th Day, contact your doctor and get yourself tested
• Please DON’T panic and DON’T spread rumours and disease.

जिटिएले लगायो  जिटिए छेत्रमा पर्यटकहरुको आगमनमा रोक!

जिटिएले भोलि 19 मार्चदेखि 15 अप्रेलसम्म दार्जिलिङ अनि कालेबुङमा पर्यटकहरुको आगमनमा रोक लगाएको छ।
आज GTA सचिवालयमा टुरिजम, चालक संघ, होटल, होमस्टे, ट्राभल, एनजीओ का प्रतिनिधि हरु सँग सभा भयो। हामीले प्रतिनिधिका समस्या सुन्यौ, विवेचना गर्यौ। आजको सभामा सामूहिक रूपमा पारित गरिएको निर्णयहरु निम्न छन्:

कोभिद १९ को संक्रमण रोक्न जि टी ए का अध्यक्ष अनि प्रशासन को पर्यटन क्षेत्र, अभिभावक, साधारण जनतालाई  अपील :

१. होटल अनि होमस्टे को बुकिङ तुरन्तै बन्द गरिदिनोस्। कुनै पनि नयाँ पर्यटकलाई  GTA क्षेत्र मा प्रवेश निषेध गरिएको छ।
२. बुकिङ रद्द गरेको खण्डमा रद्द गरिने फीस नलिनु होस्।
३. पर्यटकहरूलाई आफ्नो प्लान परिवर्तन गर्न प्रो्साहन गर्नु होस।
४. स्थानीय बासिन्दालाई केवल इमरजेन्सी छ भने मात्र GTA क्षेत्र देखि बाहिर जानु होला।
५. १० जना भन्दा बढीको झुण्डमा नबस्नु हवस्। एक आपसमा दूरी राख्नु होस्।
६.  रेसटुरेन्टहरु सफा राख्नुहोस्।
७.  अभिभावकलाई निवेदन गर्दछौं कि आफ्नो नानीहरूलाई व्यस्त राख्नु अनलाइन शिक्षा, नयाँ हबी राख्न प्रोत्साहन गर्नुहोस्। वरी परी सरसफाइ, शारीरिक सफाई राख्नु सिकाउनु होस्।
८. Engineering department ले प्रत्येक क्षेत्र मा कोरोना विषय  जागरुक अभियान चलाउने छन्।
 ९. GTA द्वारा चिया बगान अनि सिनकोना बगानमा जागरूकता अभियान चलाउँदै छन।
१०. बाहिरबाट आएर हाट अनि बाटो घाटोमा पसल राख्नेहरुलाई तुरन्तै देखि पसल राख्न दिईने छैन।
११.  सम्पूर्ण राजनैतिक पार्टी अनि अन्य संस्थाहरुलाई अपील गर्दछौ की कुनै पनि भीड हुने कार्यक्रमहरु बन्द गरिदिनोस्।
१२. समाज भवन अनि अन्य कुनै भवनलाई कुनै पनि सामाजिक कार्यको निम्ति प्रयोग गर्नु बन्द गर्नुहोस्।

अन्य सान्दर्भिक कुराहरू
पक्षिम बंगालमा कोरोनाको जाँच गर्न दुई वटा केन्द्र हरू छन। NICED and SSKM। हाम्रो पहाडको निम्ति North Bengal Medical College and Hospital (NBMCH) मा sample जमा गर्ने व्यवस्था गरिएको छ।
खरसाङ, कालिम्पोङ, मिरिक अनि दार्जीलिङमा Isolation वार्ड सञ्चालन गरिएको छ।

निम्न कुराहरूलाई आफ्नो दैनिक व्यवहारमा ल्याउनु होस्

#आफ्नो नाक अनि मुखलाई मास्कले सधैं छोपेर राख्नु होस
# साबुनले हात राम्ररी अनि घरी घरी धुनुहोस्। हातले अनुहार नछुनु होस्। सफा हातले मात्र अनुहार छुनु होस
# कसै संग हात नमिलाउनु होस्
# कसै संग बात मार्दा कम्तीमा पनि ३ फीट को दुरी राख्नु होस
# खोक्दा अनि हाच्छिउँ गर्दा सक्दो tissue paper को प्रयोग गर्नु होस
# जतिसक्दो घरमा नै बस्नु हुन्छ। एकदमै काम पर्दा मात्र घर देखि निस्किनु होस्
#  यदि तपाईं लाई ज्वरो छ, टाउको दुख्छ, घाँटी खस्कसाउँदै छ, शरीर दुख्दैछ, पातलो पाइखाना हुँदैछ भने  तुरन्तै आफूलाई परिवार देखि अलग राख्नुहोस्। डाक्टर को सल्लाह लिनुहोस्।
# ८५% यस्तो केस मा हाम्रो इम्युनसिस्टम ले भाइरस सँग लडेर नै भाइरसलाई मार्छ। ८औ दिन देखि रोगी निको भएको पाइएको छ।
# यदि ७ दिन सम्म पनि ज्वरो, घाँटी दुख्नु, पातलो पाइखाना रोकिएन भने तुरन्तै डाक्टर को सल्लाह लिनुहोस् अनि कोरोना को जाँच गराउनु होस्।
# नआत्तिनु होस्।  अफवाह नफैलाउनु होस्।

Sillery in Kalimpong entirely depends on Village Tourism

2:30 PM
Kalimpong…. Ghumako Chaw (Explored) ?

Sillery, a tiny hamet, nestled at a height of 6000 Ft used to be a home to just four families working in Cinchona plantation. Today, this village has grown big and has  around 32 families and its slowing booming as the major village tourism destination. Its name has been derived from the plant that used to grow abundantly in the region.  The plantation of Cinchona plant was started by the British in this region to derive Quinine to fight Malaria and is still cultivated today.

 This village is located 25 Km away from kalimpong town and is famous for its clean eco-friendly homestays surrounded with tall pine trees, which right away takes you to a surreal world where you can slow yourself down and be lost and relax all day long. The mesmerizing view of Kanchenjunga, short trekking trails and rural lifestyle experience are some of its main attractions that brings tourist from far away.
Sillery in Kalimpong entirely depends on Village Tourism

 Even though today Sillery is entirely dependent on village-tourisim, its amazing to see how this village have adapted themselves and welcomed the change by making a conscious effort of keeping it clean and simple without disturbing their daily rural lifestyle.

via Cafe Kalimpong 

आकर्षणको केन्द्र बिन्दु बन्दैछ मङ्पूको सिम्बेडियम अर्किड पार्क

7:00 PM

प्रतिविम्ब न्यूज
कालेबुङ 22 मार्च।

प्राकृतिक सुन्दरताहरूसँग रमाउन चाहनेहरूका निम्ति मङ्पूको सिम्बेडियम अर्किड पार्क आकर्षणको केन्द्रबिन्दु बनिरहेको छ। विशेष गरेर प्रकृतिको सुन्दर रचना मानिने सुनखरी अर्थात् अर्किड प्रेमीहरूका निम्ति झनै मङ्पूको सिम्बेडियम अर्किड पार्क अत्यन्तै सुन्दर पर्यटन स्थलका रूपमा विकसित बनिरहेको छ। दार्जीलिङ जिल्लाको मङ्पू सिन्कोना बगानमा अर्किडका खेती अहिलेघरी जीटीए अधिनस्थ सिन्कोना निर्देशालयको देखरेखमा खुबै फस्टाइरहेका छन्। जहाँ देश विदेशका पर्याटकहरू समेत अर्किडका सुन्दर फुलहरू हेर्नका निम्ति आउने गरेका छन्।

‘यसवर्ष वितेका वर्षहरूको तुलनामा पर्याटकहरूको कमी भयो। यद्यपी पर्याटकहरू आउँदैछन्’ सिम्बेडियम अर्किड पार्कका प्रभारी सतीश राईले भने। ‘पर्याटकहरू बाहिरबाट आएर यहीँ बस्न रुचाउँछन् तर, यहाँ होम स्टेहरूको भने अभाव छ’ उनले थप भने।

यस सम्बन्धमा सरकारले अझ सिम्बेडियम पार्क नजिकमा यस्ता होम-स्टेहरू निर्माण गरिदिए रामो हुने आशा व्यक्त गरे। विश्वकवि रवीन्द्र नाथको ऐतिहासिक सङ्ग्राहलय पछि ब्रिटिसकालिन सिन्कोना कारखाना घुम्न आउने पर्याटकहरूमा निम्ति मङ्पूमा अहिलेघरी सिम्बेडियम अर्किड पार्क अर्को आकर्षक पर्यटन स्थल बनेको हो। जहाँ हालमा 150 भन्दा अधिक अर्किडका प्रजातिहरूको मनमोहक दृष्यहरूले प्रकृतिको सुन्दर रचनासँग उन्मुक्त वातावरण झुम्ने सौभाग्य प्रदान गर्दछ।

‘यहाँ अहिलेघरी 150 भन्दा धेर प्रजातिका अर्किडहरू छन्। बाहिरबाट घुम्न आएका पर्याटकहरू एकचोटी यहाँ आएपछि छाडेर जानै रूचाउँदैनन्’ सतीश राईले अझ भने।

सन् 2012 मा स्थापित मङ्पू सिम्बेडियम पार्क समुन्द्र तटदेखी औसत 3 हजार 7 सय फिट उँचाईमा अवस्थित रहेको छ। जहाँ अक्टोबर महिनादेखि विभिन्न प्रजातिका अर्किडहरूले मनमोहक फुल खिल्न सुरु गर्छन् भने यो फूल अप्रेल महिनाको अन्त्यसम्म हुने गरेको छ। 1 सय 50 भन्दा अधिक प्रजातिका अर्किडहरू मध्ये अहिलेघरी ग्रीन मेलिजा, क्रिसमस क्लारियोन, भ्याया अभन्ती ‘हारलेक्विन’, किवी मिडनाइट ‘गेजरल्याण्ड’, बुलाई, पिअरिटिई ‘मिल्क टी’, क्यान्डी वाइन, ब्ल्याक फेन, कोरल्टा पार्क, रेड भेम्पायर, गोल्डन गर्ल, रोमियो जुलियट, रिबुलेक्स आदि प्रजातिका रङ्गीन फुलहरूको मोहकताले जो कसैलाई लालयित बनाउने गर्दछ। पहाडी क्षेत्रका जलवायु सिम्बेडियम अर्किड खेतीका निम्ति अनुकुल भएको कारण बेरोजगार युवाहरूले अर्किड खेतीलाई नै व्यवसायिक तरिकाले उपार्जन गरेर जीविका चलाउने प्रशस्तै सम्भावनाहरू पनि मङ्पूको अर्किड खेतिले दिएको छ। विश्व बजारमा अनेकौँ माग रहेको अर्किड खेतीका निम्ति आजका उद्यमी युवाहरूले स्वरोजगारका निम्ति पहल गर्नुपर्ने आजको आवश्यक्ता बनेको छ।

‘बजारमा अर्किडको माग बडीरहेको छ। हामीलाई बाहिरबाट धेरै अर्किडको माग आइरहेको छ। यदि यहाँका बेरोजगार युवाहरूलाई यसलाई व्यवसायिक तरिकाले खेती गर्न सके रोजगारको राम्रो माध्यम बनिनेछ’ सतीश राईले भने। प्रकृतिको मनोरम दृष्यको मोहकताले लोभिउने मानिसहरूलाई जबपनि मङ्पूको सिम्बेडियम पार्कमा पुगेर अर्किडका एकाधिक प्रजातिहरूको सुन्दरता रमाउने अवसर मिल्दछन् उनीहरू बारम्बार फर्केर उक्त सिम्बेडियम पार्कमा पुग्नपर्ने तिर्सना भने जागिरहने कालेबुङबाट घुम्नलाई पुगेका डी.के खालिङले बताए।

‘मङ्पूमा सरस्वती उच्चतर माध्यमिक विधायलमा काम गरेर मङ्पूवासीसँग जोडिने अवसर पाएँका थिएँ। आज यहाँ पुन: घुम्नलाई आउँदा रमाइलो फुलिरहेका अर्किडका फुलहरूले मनलाई आनन्दित बनएको छ’ डी.के खालिङले भने। उनले अर्किडका फुलहरू हेरेपछि पुन: उक्त अर्किड पार्कमा आउने बताउँदै प्रकृतिसँग रमाउन चाहनेहरू एकचोटी मङ्पूको अर्किड पार्कमा घुम्न जानुपर्ने अपिल नै गरे।

फोटोः सिम्बेडियम पार्कमा फुलेको अर्किडहरू

Sikkim - Seven dead in Twin Accidents

9:42 PM

Seven People Dead in Twin Accidents in East and North Sikkim - 6 were Tourists from 24 North Parganas, West Bengal.

First accident took place at Phyangla in East Sikkim. A vehicle (MAX) Number SK 03J 0124 met with an accident while returnimg from Lachung at Phyangla.

Total number of eight tourists were there in the vehicle, 6 of them died on spot, reported sources. 1 kid and 1 other person are at CRH under going treatment.

Among the deceased two were females, three kids and one male. They are from North 24 parganas (West Bengal). Dead bodies are rescued by Sikkim police, SDRF and Home Guard.

Second accident also took place at Lachung. A tourist vehicle bearing registration number SK-01 Z 0228, drivers name Mohan Gurung met with an accident last night at Lachung near Chumpyung Kyung.

Several officials along with locals were on the spot for rescue operations. It was found that Mohan Gurung was coming back after dropping the guest at their hotel. He was alone in the vehicle at the time of accident. Mohan was rescued but was declared dead on the way to Mangan by the Mangan Medical Officer.

Reported by Ajay Agarwal from Gangtok and Thupden Lachungpa from Lachung/Chungthang for VOS

Darjeeling Toy train long distance service put on hold

2:47 PM
DARJEELING 13 Jun 2016 The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway toy train service along the 87km route from Darjeeling to New Jalpaiguri station has been temporarily suspended  after three of its diesel engines broke down a few days ago and are presently under repairs.

The DHR has four diesel engines, but three being non-functional, with the latest breakdown happening on June 10, the Darjeeling-New Jalpaiguri long distance service was forced to be suspended. DHR  area manager Narendra Mohan today confirmed that the Darjeeling-NJP service has been put on hold till the diesel engines are repaired.

“Due to technical faults, three of our engines have broken down over the past few months forcing us to halt the 87km service. We hope to resume service from Wednesday but on alternative days, as we can get only one of the three engines repaired. However, we will try our utmost to have all the diesel engines up and running at the earliest,” he said.
Darjeeling Toy train
Darjeeling Toy train
The joy-rides on steam engines from Darjeeling to Ghoom and diesel services from Darjeeling to Kurseong and back are in operation though. Presently, there are about 14 steam engines  and four diesel engines for the DHR toy train.


Sikkim Highway connecting Mangan with Chungthang reopened

10:17 AM
Gangtok, June 10: The highway connecting Mangan with Chungthang in North district has been reopened for light vehicles with the Border Roads Organisation temporarily restoring the bailey bridge that collapsed over a stream at Rit Chu.

North District collector Karmpa Bonpo today said around 250 small vehicles like SUVs and cars carrying about 2,400 tourists had headed for destinations like Lachen, Lachung, Yumthang valley and Gurudongmar lake this morning.

"The bailey bridge which had been washed away by rain on May 17 was temporarily restored around 3pm yesterday. As of now, only light vehicles are allowed to pass through the bridge," said Bonpo.

Following the bridge collapse, over 300 tourists returning to Gangtok from Lachen, Lachung, Yumthang valley and Gurudongmar lake were left stranded. Villagers and police built a log bridge over the stream the following day and arranged transport for the stranded tourists.
Sikkim Highway connecting Mangan with Chungthang reopened
Sikkim Highway connecting Mangan with Chungthang reopened

The bridge, part of the North Sikkim Highway, has the North District headquarters, Mangan, on one side and Chungthang on the other.

On May 28, police check-post here resumed issuing permits to tourists bound for north Sikkim after taking an undertaking that they were making the visit at their own risk.

As the bridge was yet to be restored, tourists had to take a taxi up to Rit Chu and then cross the affected stretch on foot. They had to get into another taxi to reach the destinations.

Rit Chu is around 75km from Gangtok.

The collector said the bridge would be reopened for heavy vehicles only after the strengthening work was over.

"To enable the BRO to strengthen the bridge, it has been decided to close the road for traffic at Rit Chu from 10am to 12am and from 2pm to 4pm for a few days," he added.

A senior BRO official said it would take at least 10 days to completely restore the bridge and open the road for heavy vehicles.

Tour operators are happy with the reopening of the highway at Rit Chu.

"Finally, we have received some good news. We were facing so much trouble as bookings were being cancelled," said tour operator Rajen Chettri.

Source Telegraph

Darjeeling toy train get glass walls for engine view

9:04 AM
Darjeeling June 8: The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway has replaced the opaque walls at the rear and front ends of two first class coaches with glasses so that travellers can see the more than century-old steam engine pull the train.

Narendra Mohan, the area officer of DHR, said the refit compartments were being used for toy trains running between Darjeeling and Ghoom since May.

He said two more coaches were also being given glasses at either ends and they would be put to use in two weeks.

"Tourists around the world come to Darjeeling to take a ride on the Unesco World Heritage railway. In order to make their ride more enjoyable and fulfilling, we have renovated two first class coaches and added glass windows at the rear and front ends. Prior to this, the coaches had opaque walls and the passengers in each of them could not see what was happening in the other coaches. But now they can easily do so," said Mohan.
The DHR compartments with glasses at the rear and front ends - file photo
The new feature has been introduced mainly to enable travellers to see how the steam engine functions. "They will now be able to see the driver operating the engine and the fireman feeding coal into the furnace," said Mohan.

"Earlier passengers could see these sights only when the train negotiated a bend. But now, they can see it anytime without having to leave their seats and rush to the windows. These coaches will be exclusively used in steam-driven joy rides between Darjeeling and Ghoom. Apart from the view in front, the tourists will also get to see the scenery behind through the glass," he added.

The coaches were renovated at Tindharia workshop - the locomotive and carriage workshop of the toy train - and the Siliguri loco shed.

While two of the coaches have already been put into use since the beginning of May, the remaining two will be in service within next fortnight.

The DHR official said the size of side glass windows of the four coaches had been made bigger so that tourists got a full view of the sceneries.


Darjeeling toy train resumes its daily train service between New Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling

9:48 AM
Siliguri, May 23: The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway will resume its daily train service between New Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling next week, more than five months after it had been rescheduled to thrice a week because of lack of diesel engines.

Narendra Mohan, the area officer of the DHR, said daily services between NJP and Darjeeling halted in January when one of the four diesel engines had developed problems.

"We had to run the services on alternate days, instead of everyday, because one of the diesel engines had developed a snag and was sent for repairs. We were short of engines and we had to reduce the number of trips on the route. Since January, we have been operating the trains on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays," Mohan said.

"But the engine has been restored and is back with the DHR. We will conduct trial runs to see if it is functioning properly and will commence regular services from NJP to Darjeeling by next week," he said.

Additional coaches have been attached to toy trains on the Darjeeling-Ghoom route since May 19 to cater to tourists.

"Normally, there are two first-class coaches but now there are four. The footfall of tourists has increased in the past one week. Two coaches were not enough," Mohan said. "We are planning to keep the additional coaches till June."

The four coaches can ferry around 120 passengers and the cost is Rs 630 per person.
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