Showing posts with label bimal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bimal. Show all posts

बिमल गुरूङ एक ब्यक्ति मात्र होइन, गोर्खाहरूका प्रतिक हुन

12:34 PM

*बिमल गुरूङ एक ब्यक्ति मात्र होइन। विश्वभरी छरिएर बसेका गोर्खाहरूका प्रतिक हुन।

*आँफ्नै जन्मभूमि भारतमा विदेशीको लाल्छना सहदै भारत भरी छरिएर बसेका डेर कडोर गोर्खाहरूका आशा हुन् बिमल गुरूङ।

*गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनमा कसैले आँफ्ना छोरा, कसैले आँफ्ना आमा, कसैले आँफ्ना परिवारका कुनै पनी हिस्सा गुमाएका छन् भने तिँ सहिदका परिवारका लागी बल, आत्मबल हुन बिमल गुरूङ।

*गोर्खा जातिलाई टुक्रा-टुक्रामा विभाजित गरेर, विभिन्न सड्यन्त्र र दमन निती अपनाएर गोर्खाल्याण्डलाई सधैंको निम्ती दबाउन खोज्ने बैरीहरूका लागी  गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुन्छैहुन्छ भन्ने गहिरो विश्वास हुन् विमल गुरूङ।

*गोर्खाले हारेको इतिहास छैन, गोर्खा कहिले झुकेको इतिहास छैन। भारत देशको गनतन्त्र र आचार सहिंतालाई सिरोपर गरेर सम्विधानको धारा 3क अनुसार भारत देशको 30औं राज्यको रूपमा  गोर्खाल्याण्डको मानचित्र कोरेरै छोड्छौं भन्ने एउटा दृड् संकल्प हुन बिमल गुरूङ।

*आँफ्नो जातिलाई लाल्छना लाग्दा, मात्री भाषाको जिब्रो काटिन लाग्दा, आँफ्नो घुरेन समेत लिलाम हुन लाग्दा सडकमा उत्रेर सरकारलाई लाखेस भन्दै सदैव विक्षोभ गर्ने जन्ताका आवाज हुन विमल गुरूङ।

* गोर्खाल्याण्ड हिज भएन, गोर्खाल्याण्ड आज भएन तर छिटो होस वा ढिलो आँफ्नो खुन पसिना बगाएर, घर-बार आफ्नो परिवार सबैकुरो त्यागेर भए पनी बगांलको औपनिवेशिक साशन बाट गोर्खाहरूलाई उन्मुक्ति दिलाएर छोड्ने। त्यसको लागी जगंलमा पत्करको उछ्यानमा किन सुत्नु नपरोस, त्यसका लागी खोलामा ढुगांको सिरानी लाएर सुत्न किन नपरोस।  आधा पेट किन खानु नपरोस आँफ्नो सरिरमा एक मुट्ठी स्वाँस रहुन्जेल सघंर्ष गरिनै रहने छु भन्ने एउटा लामो तपश्या हुन विमल गुरूङ।

एक गोर्खाल्याण्ड प्रेमी

Rift between Jan Andolan Party (JAP) and the Trinamool Congress Began

11:05 AM
Trinamool magic won't work in Darjeeling hills: JAP

Darjeeling, Sept. 26:In an obvious sign of relations souring up between the Jan Andolan Party and the Trinamool Congress, the JAP today rebuffed the TMC’s attempts to make inroads in the hills, asserting no national-level party would be able to usurp power in the region.

The latest swipe comes in the wake of chief minister Mamata Banerjee recently clarifying in a public programme that it was her and her government’s decision to form a separate Kalimpong district.

“We (hills) cherish regional feelings and sentiments when it comes to politics, whatever parties we may be associated with. No national party has been able to rule in the hills as the history of the place shows,” asserted Amar Lama, senior JAP bureau member, today durig a press briefing in Darjeeling.

Going a step further, Lama challenged the TMC to form the government in Tripura first. “Why, Darjeeling hills, we challenge the TMC to first form government in Tripura,” the JAP leader said.
Rift between Jan Andolan Party (JAP) and the Trinamool Congress Began
What has also irked the JAP leadership is the chief minister's reluctance to give credit to the party, the political ally of the TMC in the hills, with regard to the formation of the new district.

Coming out in defence of the party’s president, Lama reiterated that it was the strong pitch made by JAP chief Harka Bahadur Chhetri and the District Demand Committee (DDC) that made the state government decide to create Kalimpong district. “Our party president and the DDC pursued the issue of creating a Kalimpong district relentlessly. It was this untiring effort and pursuance that gave the state government the impetus to come to a decision. The chief minister cannot deny this fact,” said Lama.

The JAP has all along taken credit for the state government's decision to form a Kalimpong district, which apparently was not announced by the chief minister during her latest three-day visit to the hills,

much against popular expectations. Speaing at a programme organised by the Lepcha development board in Kalimpong, Banerjee clarified that nobody had pursued the matter with her to create Kalimpong district. Interestingly, Chhetri who is also the Kalimpong MLA, was among the invitees to the function and was seated on the dais when Banerjee uttered her statement.

The JAP president initially dabbled for a Kalimpong district as a member of the DDC after severing ties with the GJM before he went on to float the JAP to contest the assembly election riding on the Kalimpong district issue. Lama also took offence to the war of words between the state government and the GJM over allocation of funds to the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration. He said,

“Rather than indulging in making claims and allegations, the state government should ask the Comptroller Auditor General to audit the expenditure accounts of the GTA. It can be done on the basis of section 55, clause 9 of the GTA Act under the Funds and Audit section." Lama also suggested that if at all anomalies were found in the audit, the GTA Sabha should be dissolved then.

Mamata Banerjee has claimed that the state government had allocated Rs 4,000 crore to the GTA for development over a period of four years since the formation of the council in 2012. Refuting the claim,  GJM president Bimal Gurung has announced a 12 hour strike in the hills on September 28, seeking a clarification from the state government.

Via (EOIC)

JAP raps GTA & Mamata on funds
Darjeeling, Sept. 26: The Jana Andolan Party today accused both Mamata Banerjee and Bimal Gurung of indulging in politics over the GTA funds and asked the state government to conduct an audit of the hill body.

Amar Lama, a bureau member of the JAP, today said: "The chief minister had come up with a Rs 1,000 crore figure during a public meeting in Kurseong in March and after a few months, she talks about Rs 4,000 crore in Kalimpong. Instead of speaking on an issue like this at a public gathering, the chief minister should act seriously. The state government should ask the CAG to conduct an audit and if they find financial irregularities, the state should supersede the GTA as is laid out in the Act."

Lama further said the chief minister was raising the funds issue only when her relation with the Morcha was on the rocks. "Why is the issue being raised only when the relation between the two parties has hit a low? Had the relation (between the Morcha and Trinamul) been steady, it seems, the chief minister would have never raised the issue," said Lama.

In the recent Assembly elections, the JAP was in an alliance with the Trinamul Congress.

Accusing the Morcha of failing to be transparent, Lama said: "The Morcha must be transparent on the issue. The GTA, which is controlled by the Morcha, should give a proper reply to funds queries and should not hide details on money matters. However, there was no need to call a general strike on an issue related to claims and counter-claims on funds."

Late in the evening, Roshan Giri, the general secretary of the Morcha, said the Wednesday strike was also to strengthen the voice of Gorkhaland, which the state government was trying to scuttle in all possible ways. - Telegraph

Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) threatens bandh in the Hills, Mamata warns no violence

8:19 AM
23rd Sep 2016 Darjeeling Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) chief Bimal Gurung has threatened to go for a bandh in the Hills on 23 September if Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee fails to give detail break up of this Rs 4000 crore which, according to the chief minister, has been given to the GTA.

"You carry forward several development schemes which you have already taken up. Our government will give money for such schemes. Don't worry for money. You just go ahead with your goals for developing the Hills," the chief minister Mamata Banerjee said, making it clear that her government would not allow any disruption in the ongoing development in Darjeeling.
Battle between Mamata and  Bimal Gurung
"Yesterday, she had announced that her government has given Rs 4000 crore to the Gorkha Territorial Administration (GTA). We want a detail break up of this Rs 4000 crore which, according to the chief minister, has been given to the GTA. If the chief minister Mamata Banerjee fails to give any break-up by September 27, we will go for bandhs in Darjeeling from September 28," Gurung said on Friday.

According to a PTI report, GJM chief Bimal Gurung said that CM stated that Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) was given Rs 4000 crore by the state government and that the CM should give details of the money spent.

"Let her give the details of the amount by 27 September. Failing which we will call a bandh on 28 September," he said.

"The state government is forcing us to call a strike," Gurung said in Darjeeling around 1pm today. "An atmosphere of agitation is building up in the hills. Tourists should check the situation before making their travel plans," he added.

Around two hours later in Kalimpong, Mamata said she would not allow any shutdown.

"There will be no bandh. We will not allow negative and disruptive politics," Mamata said, before specifying why tourism was so important for the livelihood of the people in the hills.

Following the call for bandh, Mamata threatened that her government will not allow any bandh in the Darjeeling Hills and will resist any attempts to disrupt the development activities in the region.

Banerjee said that instead of working for development, they are indulging in politics.

"We want peace in hills. We will not allow violence. Enough is enough. We must work for development. We have developed Lamahatta, Mirik, Tiger Hill, Lava Lolegaon. But they want to destroy it all by violence," she said.

"We will not stop the process of development in the hills. We want people to get employment. We are here to address the issues of the hills. If the hills smile, we will smile," she said.

Gurung - already reeling from a spate of defections from the Morcha to Trinamul - said today: "It is not good for a chief minister to speak in excitement. She has given us Rs 238 crore for the development of the hills in the past four years and now, she claims that she has given Rs 4,000 crore. Even if she includes the salaries of staff and administrative expenses, the figure is a lie," said Gurung.

Morcha leaders today rolled out a set of numbers to drill holes into Mamata's claims. Government sources also produced their fact sheet to prove the chief minister's point (see chart).

Amid the debate on whose numbers were right, Gurung issued the strike threat, first call of the kind from the Morcha after more than three years. The last phase of the shutdown went on for a month till September 10, 2013, over the Gorkhaland demand.

The chief minister has announced to set up a development board for the Gurungs in Darjeeling. Mamata  has already formed development boards for ten tribal groups in Darjeeling including Lepchas,Bhutias, Tamangs. Now she has announced to set up Gurung development board in Darjeeling after the Pujas.

He took care to explain the two other reasons behind the strike call - increasing interference in the affairs of the hills by the state government and an alleged attempt to divide the community.

Although Morcha leaders tried to stress that the main reason behind the strike call was to expose the state government, an official said the threat was an indicator that Gurung was getting increasingly restless with the turn of events.

"He is realising that he is losing control over the hills and the strike call is a desperate attempt by him to remain relevant. The state government would not let the strike happen and a confrontation is imminent," said the officer.

To start with, the Trinamul Congress is gnawing at the Morcha's support base by forming development boards.

During the last Assembly elections, the Morcha's winning margin in the three hill constituencies fell by 68.5 per cent, compared to the 2011 results

"The civic and panchayat elections will take place in a few months. Of the four civic bodies in the hills, we are comfortably ahead of the Morcha in Kalimpong, Kurseong and Mirik. Didi has endeared herself to the rural people in the hills through repeated visits. Gurung is doing all this to retain his turf. He is scared," said a Trinamul insider.

According to him, Gurung is aware that the GTA would become redundant if Trinamul performs well in the civic and panchayat polls as major government projects could be carried out through these elected bodies.

The GTA has already become a fringe player in the hills as the state government is using the development boards to shower benefits on various communities. Today, Mamata handed over a cheque for Rs 10 crore to the Tamang body to build houses for the poor before inaugurating a youth hostel.

"All the development boards are with us. Harka (Bahadur Chhetri, a former Morcha leader) is with us... Bharati Pradhan is with us. Ghisingh's son is with us. We have the support of the hills," said Mamata.

Tomorrow, Trinamul will deal another blow to the Morcha as PWD and youth affairs minister Aroop Biswas will preside over a programme, where hundreds of Morcha supporters would join the ruling party.

Various sources

AAY digital card state govt ploy to curb statehood demand - Bimal Gurung

12:25 PM
Bimal Gurung asks people to surrender AAY digital card, alleges state goverment ploy

DARJEELING 2 Aug 2016 Gorkha Janmukti Morcha president Bimal Gurung today accorded a different connotation to the Antyodaya Anna Yojana, terming it a state government ploy to quell the statehood  demand, and appealed to the people of the hills to surrender their digital cards.

The GJM president also questioned the state government’s inability to identify and implement the categorisation of APL (above poverty level) and BPL (below poverty level) people in the hills, even though the process started 16 years ago in 2000. Apparently, the AAY contemplates identification of the poorest of poor families from among the BPL covered under Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) within the states and provides them food grains at a highly subsidised rate of Rs2 per kg for wheat and Rs3 per kg for rice.
Bimal Gurung asks people to surrender AAY digital card, alleges state goverment ploy
Bimal Gurung asks people to surrender AAY digital card, alleges state goverment ploy
“Issuing digitalised AAY cards is a state government conspiracy to prove that we (Gorkhas) are refugees, as is one of the criteria of the scheme," Gurung alleged today. "Through the AAY, the Bengal government wants to send out a message that refugees cannot demand a separate state."

He said the process started last month during the visit of President Pranab Mukherjee. “The President was invited to Darjeeling in July by the state government to convey him the message that the Gorkhas are not the only ones who reside in the hills. Bengal hijacked the birth anniversary programme of our poet Bhanubhakta Acharya on July 13. And now no instruction in Nepali is provided in  the digital card,” Gurung said, adding he would write about this to the state government.

The GJM president said it was his responsibility as a leader and chief executive of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration to make the people aware of the state government’s ill intentions. “Bengal is trying to create a scenario to deprive our rights and drive us out from the hills, slowly but surely. I appeal to those who have received their AAY digital card to surrender it to the district administration.

I have also asked the municipalities, Sabhasads and leaders in the panchayat areas to stop the distribution of AAY cards,” he said, and urged all political parties including the hill TMC to forget political differences and unite to oppose the state government's imposition.

Incidentally, the word refugee is not mentioned in government papers or notifications as a criterion, although slum dwellers, landless agricultural labourers, and persons earning on daily basis in informal sectors in rural and urban areas, among others are listed. Darjeeling district magistrate Anurag Srivastava said the term “refugee” was just a propaganda and asked people not to pay heed to it.

“The AAY is being implemented as the hills do not produce food grains and they have to be purchased from outside at high costs. As far as the issue of returning the digital card is concerned, people may do so if they wish to,” he said.

With no categorisation as BPL or APL, the entire hill populace is being treated as AAY, according to which 7,95,640 people will be given the digital cards. Almost 75 per cent of cards have already been distributed in the hills since it was introduced in July.


Bimal Gurung threatens fresh statehood agitation

10:58 AM
DARJEELING 27 Jul 2016 Gorkha Janmukti Morcha president Bimal Gurung today vented his frustration and anger at the state government for its alleged interference and threatened to re-start the statehood movement. He said so during a programme organised by the party to observe Shahid Diwas, to commemorate the deaths of more than 1,200 people killed during the 1986 agitation. The GJM organised separate Shahid Diwas programmes in various parts of the hills to pay homage to those killed in the first statehood agitation and also felicitated the families of the martyrs.

Gurung is upset with chief minister Mamata Banerjee for forming community development boards, which he said, was a ploy to divide the hill people. He has repreatedly accused the state government  of interfering in the independent functioning of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration. And very recently, Gurung was visibly upset when the state government observed the birth anniversary of

Nepali poet Bhanubhakta Acharya on July 13, which he claims, was conducted without adequate participation from the Gorkha community.
Bimal Gurung threatens fresh statehood agitation
GJM chief Bimal Gurung with his associate Roshan Giri during a media conference. File photo
Speaking at the programme today, a charged up Gurung said, “She (Banerjee) comes to Darjeeling and only sees the Kanchenjunga smiling. But she is unaffected by the people’s anguish.

Do not try to divide our community and test our tolerance. This is not good as in time a volcano will erupt in the hills and it will not be easy to handle."

The GJM chief said the chief minister was trying to spread her party’s tentacles in the hills by playing on people’s sentiments. “The Bhanubhakta birth anniversary celebration was hijacked, and now the state government will also do the same with the July 27 Shahid Diwas programme. Such injustice and interference will only give rise to frustration among the people, which may take a terrible turn in the near future,” said Gurung.

He invoked the martyrs of the 1986 agitation saying the Shahid Diwas event could be a turning point for the hills. “In the first statehood movement, 1,200 died and in the second phase in 2007, seven sacrificed their lives. But now thousands may become martyrs. We must be mentally prepared to fight,” said Gurung.

The GJM chief had actually embarked on a padyatra last year to pursue the statehood demand, and today he said without specifying he would go far away from his family.

“I will be going far away from my family and will only return when a separate state is achieved. This is my last appeal to the people to support me as you have done in the past.

The youths must come forward and party leaders and Sabhasads must be prepared to struggle for a separate state and not only go to jail but also lay down their lives,” he said.

Gurung also took a dig at the central government urging it to understand the aspirations of the people. “We are not demanding a country but a separate state within the Union. The central government should understand this demand is our right and is justified. We want the Centre to give us justice,” he said.


Bimal Gurung says he will win all upcoming elections in the hills

12:14 PM
28 May 2016 Gorkha Janamukti Morcha chief Bimal Gurung today said he is confident of his party winning all forthcoming elections in the hills and challenged the Opposition to try and defeat the Morcha, especially in the hills. He said so at Bagdogra airport this afternoon upon returning from Kolkata after attending the swearing-in ceremony of the new state government.

Seen in a particularly happy mood while talking to the journalists present, Gurung said, "We have shown everyone by winning all the three hill seats in the Assembly election that the GJM can win every election. It does not matter whether elections are for the Lok Sabha, the state Assembly, the Municipality, the GTA or Panchayats; there may be different methods to fight them, but victory for us is a surety."

When asked about the GJM polling 50 per cent less votes in comparison to the last elections, he replied, "Politics mein idhar udhar to hotahi hai, lekin kya karna kaisa karna woh to aney wale din hi batayega, sirf kaam karte jana hain." (Ups and downs are normal in politics, but what should be done and how it should be done will be determined by the days to come, what is necessary is to continue to work).
Bimal Gurung says he will win all upcoming elections in the hills
Bimal Gurung a file photo
Gurung stressed the popularity of his party is still strong in the hills and this has been proven by the GJM winning all the three seats. On the probability of more community development boards getting formed, he said that is a matter to be decided by chief minister Mamata Banerjee and he has nothing to say. "I simply want to see the all-round development of the hills and the betterment of the people," said Gurung.

Asked whether he had had any discussion with the chief minister on development regarding the hills, he said, "We had no discussions but we will surely meet soon for talks on such issues, let's see what happens next. I am always in a positive mood and will always work for the people of the hills."

Gurung further said he is hopeful of receiving additional support from Mamata Banerjee for developing the Darjeeling hills as she herself has taken charge of the Hill Affairs Department.


Bimal Gurung congratulate Mamata and expressed hope of receiving support

8:15 PM

BAGDOGRA 25 May 2016 Gorkha Janmukti Morcha chief Bimal Gurung seems to be softening his stance towards Trinamool chief Mamata Banerjee after her landslide victory in the recently concluded state Assembly elections.

Gurung, who preferred not to meet the chief minister whenever she visited Darjeeling, flew to Delhi today en route to Kolkata to attend the oath taking ceremony of the new government on May 27.

Before boarding his flight to New Delhi from Bagdogra airport, the GJM chief said, "I am going to New Delhi for personal work and also for a health check-up. I will be in Kolkata on Friday evening to attend the oath taking ceremony. The chief minister has invited me in well advance."

Gurung said the three hill MLAs will reach Kolkata on Friday evening and join him for the oath taking ceremony. When asked about the level of cooperation being received from the government for development works in the GTA, he replied, "Support and cooperation from the government is a must for any development, I am hopeful about seeing some positive moves forward and an amicable atmosphere, but only time will tell what lies ahead."
Bimal Gurung and Mamata Banerjee
Bimal Gurung and Mamata Banerjee file photo

The Morcha chief also said he called up Banerjee to congratulate her and expressed hope of receiving support from her government. "Politics and development are spaces apart, so I don't like to mix the two. I shall work hard for the development for my people.”

About the demand for a Gorkhaland state, Gurung said, "It's in my mind and soul and we will never give up on that."

Meanwhile, Mamata Banerjee has reportedly ordered a grand preparation for Friday's oath taking ceremony in Kolkata's arterial Red Road. TMC leaders expect to host at least 1 lakh people at the ceremony, apart from about 200 dignitaries.

Source EOI

GJM Bimal Gurung upset with leaders, might reshuffle organisation

10:58 AM
Darjeeling, April 29: Bimal Gurung has expressed dissatisfaction with the functioning of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha's municipal councillors and GTA Sabha members and said the organisation might be reshuffled from the grassroots level, said sources in the party.

The Morcha president held a closed-door meeting with members of the party's central committee and subdivisional committees at Malidhura in Darjeeling yesterday.

Morcha general secretary Roshan Giri said it was "an internal meeting called to assess the recent election". Those who attended the session said off record that at the meeting, Gurung had not hidden his displeasure with the Morcha leaders' functioning.

"My party representatives are committing a lot of mistakes and I have to bear the brunt of your mistakes. It is time for self-correction by party leaders," Gurung was quoted to have said at the meeting by a source.
GJM Bimal Gurung
GJM chief Bimal Gurung
Gurung reminded the Morcha's municipal councillors and GTA Sabha members that their duty was to serve the people. "Don't take your chair for granted. The chair is not for earning money but to serve the people. Those who are in power are expected to do good work," Gurung reportedly said at the meeting.

The source said Gurung had specifically pointed to the collapse of a staircase connecting HD Lama Road with Chowk Bazar in Darjeeling on Tuesday. "Gurung said such incidents were bringing a bad name to the party's image and there should be no dereliction of duty by authorities concerned. He also expressed anguish at the growing congestion in town," said the source.

"Change is needed for the good of the party and also for the hill people," the source quoted Gurung as saying.

The GTA chief executive also warned that if need be, the Morcha would be reorganised from the bottom. "Gurung went to the extent of saying if needed, the party must be prepared to rebuild its organisation from the grassroots," said the source.

Gurung has also directed party workers not to wait till the election results to start a campaign to highlight the importance of the demand of granting tribal status to 10 hill communities.

Via Telegraph

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