Showing posts with label film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label film. Show all posts

Two Darjeeling Films Made it to Toronto Nepali Film Festival (TNFF)

4:02 PM

Two Darjeeling Films Made it to Toronto Nepali Film Festival (TNFF)

Two films from Darjeeling were selected for the 9th Annual Toronto Nepali Film Festival.

The two films, one short fiction and the other documentary, titled "Jhajalko" and "Finding Life in Monochrome" are directed by Wangyal Sherpa.

"Jhajalko" narrates the story of a single mother trying to raise her son on her own after the death of her husband, whereas "Finding Life in Monochrome" is a documentary which depicts the stories of children living in Edith Wilkins, NGO, Darjeeling.

These two films are selected in top 12 films to be screened in this year's festival. For both the films, Anup Aadin Das is the DOP(Director of Photography). Also the above films are the only selection from India.

Keep up the good work Wangyal... keep the Gorkha flag flying !!

Via TheDC

सुपरहिट कलाकार दयाहाङ राई-को कालेबुङमा एन्ट्री

6:17 PM

सुपरहिट कलाकार दयाहाङ राई-को कालेबुङमा एन्ट्री ..... राईसँग चलचित्र काम गर्न चाहनेहरूलाई सुनौलो अवसर


कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 19 मार्च २०१८:
भारतको कालेबुङबाट निर्माण हुने ठूलो पर्दाको नेपाली चलचित्रमा काम गर्नका निम्ति दयाहाङ राईले नेपालकै एउटा चलचित्रको काम समेत त्यागेको हल्ला फैलिएको छ। नेपाली चलचित्रमा नयाँ आयाम दिने सुपरहिट कलाकार दयाहाङ राई भारतबाट निर्माण हुने चलचित्रको कथा सुन्ने साथ राजी भएपछि नेपालको एउटा चलचित्रको काम त्यागेको हल्ला फैलिएको हो।
‘भारतबाट निर्माण हुन लागेको नेपाली चलचित्रमा राई पहिलोपल्ट काम गर्न लागेका छन्। उनी त्यस चलचित्रको कथाबाट आकर्षित भएका हुन्। सोही कारण उनले चलचित्रको झट्टै कार्य थालनीका निम्ति नेपालको एक चलचित्रको कार्य छोडेका हुन्’ दयाहाङ राईका नजिकका स्रोत भन्छन्। उक्त हल्लासम्बन्धि राई आफैले भने कुनै पुष्टि गरेका छैनन्। 
दयाहाङ राईले भारतको कालेबुङबाट निर्माण हुने नेपाली चलचित्रमा काम गर्नेछन्। माउन्टेन पिक्चर्स्को ब्यानरमा निर्माण हुने नेपाली चलचित्रमा उनी मुख्य भुमिकामा रहनेछन्। भारतबाट निर्माण हुन लागेको ठूलो पर्दाको चलचित्रमा सुपरहिट नायक दयाहाङ राईको यो पहिलो चलचित्र हुनेछ। उनले भारतको कालेबुङबाट निर्माण हुन लागेको चलचित्रमा काम गर्नका निम्ति हस्ताक्षर गरिसकेका छन्। उक्त चलचित्रको छायाँङ्कन चाँढै आरम्भ हुने भएको छ। जसको निम्ति दयाहाङ राई कालेबुङ अप्रेल महिनाको पहिलो सातामा आउनेछन्। माउन्टेन पिक्चर्सका अन्मोल गुरुङले दयाहाङ राईसँग पहिलो पल्ट काम गर्ने अवसर पाएकोमा धेरै उत्साह जागेको बताएका छन्।
‘नेपाली चलचित्रमा प्राकृतिक कला प्रस्तुत गर्ने दयाहाङ राईको कला बेजोड छन्। उनीसँग काम गरेर चलचित्र निर्माण गर्नु सौभाग्य हो। यसैले धेरै उत्साहित छु’ अन्मोल गुरुङ भन्छन्। प्रेम, रोमान्स, बिछोड आदि कथा रहेको नेपाली चलचित्रमा दयाहाङको प्रस्तुती कस्तो हुने हो भन्ने चलचित्र निर्माता टोलिमा उत्सुक्ता जागेको छ।
यता चर्चित कलाकार दयाहाङ राईको भारतबाट निर्माण हुन लागेको पहिलो नेपाली चलचित्रमा कार्य गर्न चाहना भएकाहरूका निम्ति सुनौलो अवसर खुलेको छ। चलचित्र निर्माण टोलि ‘माउन्टेन पिक्चर्स्’ ले चलचित्रका निर्माण टोलिमा एकाधिक मानिसहरूको आवश्यक्ता रहेको भन्दै स्थानीय उत्सुक मानिसहरूलाई मौका दिने भएको छ।
हालमा दयाहाङ राईसँग निर्माण हुने चलचित्रमा काम गर्न चाहनेहरूका निम्ति 8 वटा रिक्त स्थानहरू रहेका छन्। जसमा इच्छुक व्यक्तिहरूले आवेदन गर्न सक्नेछन्। चलचित्र टोलिमा निम्न पदहरू रिक्त रहेका छन् – सेकेन्ड ए.डी (महिला), थर्ड ए.डी (पुरुष), निर्देशकका सहयोगी (पुरुष), सङ्गीत समुहका सहयोगी (पुरुष), ड्रेस पर्सन (महिला), कलाकार टोलिका सहयोगी (पुरुष/महिला), अनि स्पोट ब्योइ (पुरुष) चाहिएका छन्। आवेदकले फोनमार्फत् सम्पर्क गरेर जानकारी लिन सक्नेछ। सम्पूर्ण रिक्त पदका निम्ति आगमी 25 मार्च 2018 का दिन ‘सिनेमा क्याफे’ डेभिड ग्यास नजिक बिहान 11 बजेदेखि अडिसन सम्पन्न हुने भएको छ। यसकारण आगमी 24 मार्चभित्रमा ठूलो पर्दाको नेपाली चलचित्रमा सुपरहिट कलकार दयाहाङ राई अनि निर्देशक अन्मोल गुरुङसँग एकसाथ काम गर्न चाहनेहरूले आजनै आवेदन गर्न सक्ने माउन्टेन पिक्चर्सका अन्मोल गुरुङले बताएका छन्।

Ranjana Pradhan Rai selected for "The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award"

10:27 AM
Big shout out to Gorkhas daughter Ranjana Pradhan Rai from Darjeeling for being selected for "The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award". Over the past 60 years, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award has transformed the lives of millions of young people in 140 countries and territories worldwide. This year to celebrate their anniversary they've made 60 films of 60 seconds which tell the incredible stories of the Award from around the world.

Ranjana Pradhan Rai is from Darjeeling, West Bengal and is the proud daughter of Lt. Col (Veteran) Sukul Pradhan, Ex-Deputy Director - National Cadet Corps (NCC) and General Secretary of Nepali Sammelan Delhi (Regd since 1959).

About the The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award
The Award equips young people for life and work.The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is available to all 14-24 year olds and is the world’s leading youth achievement award. It equips all young people for life regardless of their background, culture, physical ability, skills and interests. Doing the Award is a personal challenge and not a competition against others; it pushes young people to their personal limits and recognises their achievements consistently. Since its launch 60 years ago, the Award has inspired millions of young people to transform their lives. Through non formal education, the Award can play a critical role in a young person’s personal development and is achievable by any 14-24 year old who wants to take up the challenge.

Ranjana Pradhan Rai selected for "The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award"

In her 1 minute film  “THE AWARD BRINGS EVERYBODY TOGETHER” Ranjana says the following:-

There is more in you than you think. The Award directly or indirectly helps in building our society and community, it brings everybody together.The award programe engages, equips and empowers young people. It equips them with essential life skill and it gives them a sense of responsibllity to give back to the community.Ever since I got involved with the Award itt has changed my life. It helps people practice democraccy in the true sence, because every individual involved with the award programme is free to practice and pursue what they wish to without cultural bias. And the prejudice in society that often occurs in small pockets are erased with the help of volunteers who reach out to people in a more sober through the award programme.

Young Gorkha filmmaker, Saurav Rai, steal the show for India at 69th Cannes film festival

11:42 AM
Writes Faizal Khan

May 22, 2016 When he was only one-and-half years old, Saurav Rai remembers experiencing an earthquake one day that shook everything around him. His mother, however, is sure there was no earthquake that day. The memory of something that didn’t happen has been haunting Rai ever since his childhood. Now, more than two decades later, the boy from Darjeeling has used memory as a narrative to make his first film. Part of the official selection at the 69th Cannes film festival, Gudh (Nest) by Rai, a graduate of the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute of India in Kolkata, was screened in the Cinefondation section dedicated to film schools around the world. Rai’s diploma film, Gudh is built on his childhood recollection of how he spent his holidays with his parents in Darjeeling. “I was brought up by my grandparents,” says Rai. “As a young boy I had two sets of parents,” he says. Rai lived with his grandparents in Kathmandu until he was 11 years when he was reunited with his parents in Mangwa village, 30 km from Darjeeling. When his film was selected for Cannes, the whole community in Mangwa proudly celebrated the moment. “I am the first boy from Darjeeling to come to Cannes,” beams Rai.
Part of the official selection at the 69th Cannes film festival, Gudh (Nest) by Rai, a graduate of the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute of India in Kolkata, was screened in the Cinefondation section dedicated to film schools around the world. (Reuters)
Gudh, which is competing for the best film from 17 other entries from film schools around the world, and The Cinema Travellers, a documentary on travelling cinema, are the only films from India in official selection this year. Independent filmmaker Anurag Kashyap’s new film Raman Raqhav 2.0 was screened in the parallel section of the Director’s Fortnight while Memories and My Mother by Aditya Vikram Sengupta is part of the student film projects in the Cannes festival’s Atelier section, which encourages the emergence of a new generation of filmmakers. K Rajagopal, an Indian-origin television series maker from Singapore, arrived with his first feature film, A Yellow Bird starring Seema Biswas, in another parallel Cannes section, Critics Week. Jago Hua Savera, a Pakistani film made in 1958 with Indian participation and later lost, was screened in the Cannes Classics programme for restored cinema. There was no Indian film in the prestigious Cannes competition this year too, 22 years after Malayalam director Shaji N Karun became the last Indian filmmaker to compete for the Palme d’Or, the festival’s top prize.
A post from Saurav Rais FB wall

In fact, an Indian feature film was conspicuous by its absence from the official selection in Cannes this year, after Hindi film Masaan and Punjabi film Chauthi Koot were screened in the Un Certain Regard section that showcases fresh voices in cinema in the world last year. The Cinema Travellers, a 96-minute documentary by first-time directors Shirley Abraham and Amit Madheshiya, won the applause of the Cannes audience for its originality and aesthetic quality. Following a few travelling theatre, the filmmakers show a tradition that is fast disappearing from the remote Indian villages. “The film is a celebration of going to theatres,” said Abraham, a Bhopal-born filmmaker who lives in Mumbai. It took Abraham and Madheshiya five years to make The Cinema Travellers, an entry for the Camera d’Or prize for a debutant filmmaker in Cannes. Both The Cinema Travellers and the Pakistani film Jago Hua Savera were screened on the same day in the Cannes Classics section. Jago Hua Savera, which was shot in the then east Pakistan, in 1958, featured some of the legends in the sub-continent. Legendary poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz combined with Kolkata-based musician Timir Baran in the film, which also had Indian actor Tripti Mitra.

Faizal Khan is a freelancer

Via financialexpress

Assamese Short Film TEZ selected at 69th Cannes International Film Festival (Festival De Cannes) 2016

5:27 PM

Writes Nanda Kirati Dewan

‘Tez rewarded for creative efforts blended with  cinematic excellence’- Bhaskar Upadhyaya,  Producer & Director TEZ

Guwahati , Monday, 2nd May 2016:  An Eastern Green Pictures production, Assamese language short Film TEZ has been selected under the Short Film Corner section at the prestigious 69th Cannes International Film Festival (Festival de Cannes) which will be held from May 11th to May 22nd 2016 at Cannes, France. The film has been catalogued in the official ‘Short Film Catalog’ for this year’s selection in the Short Film Corner. (Link: )Also, TEZ has received official selection in the 6th Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival – 2016. Adding another feather to the cap, TEZ has been selected at the 16 International Film Festivals to be held in Jaipur from May 15, the short film finds selection among 65 films selected out of 975 films received from 60 countries from 16 different subjects

Tez is directed by Bhaskar Upadhyaya and Prabhat Goswami. The story and script is written by Prabhat Goswami and Producer of the film is Bhaskar Upadhyaya under the banner of Eastern Green Pictures. Chief Assistant Director is Manas Sagra. Pranab Vivek is the technical director and Amiya Ranjan Das is the Director of Photography of the film.
Assamese Short Film TEZ selected at 69th Cannes International Film Festival (Festival De Cannes) 2016
Assamese Short Film TEZ selected at 69th Cannes International Film Festival (Festival De Cannes) 2016
Tez is a short film based on a father who abandons his new born girl child in the want of a boy. The story is based on the backdrop of the 90’s era, when in certain societies a male child meant prosperity and an extra earning hand, and whereas the ‘weaker sex’ was looked down upon. The father associates the birth of a girl with unending responsibilities and liabilities. However, the world turns upside down for the father when he has his moment of realization.

Produced under the banner of Eastern Green Pictures, Tez stars Prastuti Parashar, Angurlata Deka and Giridhar Roy; and Tarali Sarma is the music director of the film. Tez was shot in Guwahati and its outskirts late in 2015. Tez puts forward the message of ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ (Save the Girl child, Educate the Girl child) in a very subtle yet cinematic way.

Talking to this correspondent in Guwahati Engineer turned passionate filmmaker Bhaskar Upadhyay said, ‘Selection of TEZ in film Festivals like Cannes Film Festival, International Film Festival,  and Dada Saheb Phalke means  creative efforts and cinematic excellence and experience of Eastern Green Pictures is rewarded. EGP congratulates people of Assam and the North East for this achievement by an regional language Short Film and we look forward for filling the void of the cinema industry of regional movies in the region in the days to come’.

It may be recalled Eastern Green Pictures recently announced its full length Assamese movie ULKA (   to be produced by Bhaskar Upahyay and Meghraj Timsina and to be directed by Pranab Vivek. This movie will be first of its kind and audience will find a completely new genre film in regional language which will dubbed in few more regional language and released nationwide among the North Easterner crowd.


Tez is a short film based on a father who abandons his new born girl child in the want of a boy. The story is based on the backdrop of the 90’s era, when in certain societies a male child meant prosperity and an extra earning hand, and whereas the ‘weaker sex’ was looked down upon. The father associates the birth of a girl with unending responsibilities and liabilities. However, the world turns upside down for the father when he has his moment of realization.


Phone – 94351-80733 / 8811-075-033

Educationally an Engineer, Bhaskar Upadhyaya is a budding film director and producer. A self taught FilmMaker and a quick learner, Bhaskar is a keen observer of life and takes up each day as a challenge to learn something new. He has the ability to portray his ideas in the reel life and bring out the best for the masses. With the aim of creating an environment full of creativity and original thinking, he founded the production house ‘Eastern Green Pictures’ with its office in Guwahati, Assam. Before getting fulltime into the domain of FilmMaking, Bhaskar worked as an engineer with Honeywell and Oracle after completing Computer Engineering from Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal. He is now the creative head and producer of many tele-serials being telecast in the regional TV channels of Assam and North East. He recently directed a documentary on a NGO (Seneh) that houses destitute woman. This documentary has received much appreciation in creating awareness for such a social cause. Tez is his directorial debut in professional FilmMaking as a director and producer.  Presently, he is working on his next project – An Assamese feature film by the name of ULKA.


Prabhat Goswami is a well known figure in the Assamese literature and culture arena. As a script writer, he has to his credit innumerable number of dramas, video films, feature films and television serials. His proficiency in concept design and script development is well acclaimed in the regional film industry.  He has also written and directed many award winning dramas. He has been awarded for his literature works by the Assam Sahitya Sabha and many other regional and national organizations.

For Media Queries Please Call- Bhaskar Upadhaya 94351-80733 / 8811-075-033
A Mantraa Media & Events worldwide release dated 2nd May 2016, Guwahati

Second Short film by Gorkha TEZ in the 69th Cannes International Film Festival 2016

5:19 PM
Another Gorkha Filmmaker's Short film TEZ selected FOR 69thCannes International Film Festival (Festival De Cannes) 2016

Guwahati , Monday, 2nd May 2016: An Eastern Green Pictures production, Assamese language short Film TEZ has been selected under the Short Film Corner section at the prestigious 69th Cannes International Film Festival (Festival de Cannes) which will be held from May 11th to May 22nd 2016 at Cannes, France.

The film has been catalogued in the official ‘Short Film Catalog’ for this year’s selection in the Short Film Corner [Details:]
Also, TEZ has received official selection in the 6th Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival – 2016.

Adding another feather to the cap, TEZ has been selected at the 16th International Film Festivals to be held in Jaipur from May 15, the short film finds selection among 65 films selected out of 975 films received from 60 countries from 16 different subjects Tez is directed by Bhaskar Upadhyaya and Prabhat Goswami. The story and script is written by Prabhat Goswami and Producer of the film is Bhaskar Upadhyaya under the banner of Eastern Green Pictures. Chief Assistant Director is Manas Sagra. Pranab Vivek is the technical director and Amiya Ranjan Das is the Director of Photography of the film.
Second Gorkha Short film TEZ in the 69th Cannes International Film Festival 2016
Gorkha Filmmaker's Short film TEZ selected for 69thCannes International Film Festival 2016
Tez is a short film based on a father who abandons his new born girl child in the want of a boy. The story is based on the backdrop of the 90’s era, when in certain societies a male child meant prosperity and an extra earning hand, and whereas the ‘weaker sex’ was looked down upon. The father associates the birth of a girl with unending responsibilities and liabilities. However, the world turns upside down for the father when he has his moment of realization.

Produced under the banner of Eastern Green Pictures, Tez stars Prastuti Parashar, Angurlata Deka and Giridhar Roy; and Tarali Sarma is the music director of the film. Tez was shot in Guwahati and its outskirts late in 2015. Tez puts forward the message of ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ (Save the Girl child, Educate the Girl child) in a very subtle yet cinematic way.

Talking to this correspondent in Guwahati Engineer turned passionate filmmaker Bhaskar Upadhyay said, ‘Selection of TEZ in film Festivals like Cannes Film Festival, International Film Festival, and Dada Saheb Phalke means creative efforts and cinematic excellence and experience of Eastern Green Pictures is rewarded. EGP congratulates people of Assam and the North East for this achievement by an regional language Short Film and we look forward for filling the void of the cinema industry of regional movies in the region in the days to come’.

It may be recalled Eastern Green Pictures recently announced its full length Assamese movie ULKA ( to be produced by Bhaskar Upahyay and Meghraj Timsina and to be directed by Pranab Vivek. This movie will be first of its kind and audience will find a completely new genre film in regional language which will dubbed in few more regional language and released nationwide among the North Easterner crowd.

via: TheDC

Gorkha youth's film to be screened at the Cannes film festival

9:38 AM
Writes Vivek Chhetri

Darjeeling, April 18: A 28-minute short film made by a Darjeeling youth who studied at the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute in Calcutta is set to be screened at the Cannes film festival.

Saurav Rai, who is from Bara Mangwa near Darjeeling, has named his film Gudh (Nest). Till now, it is the only film from India to be accepted by the cinefondation section of the Cannes festival that encourages budding filmmakers to showcase their work.

Gudh is based on Rai's childhood experiences.

"The film is the recollection of my childhood memories and my confusions," Rai said.

Rai, 30, is now based in Delhi and is working on a travelogue.

"When the hills were witnessing the statehood agitation in 1986, my family and I had to leave Bara Mangwa, about 40km from Darjeeling, first for Dharan and then for Kathmandu in Nepal. I grew up with my grandfather in Kathmandu and was away from my parents, who returned to the hills. Living away from my parents sowed the seeds of confusion in my life then," Rai said.

Saurav Rai
"I attended Mount Valley School in Kathmandu. Later, I studied in a school in Kalimpong where I failed thrice. I was then sent back to my village and from there, I went to Teesta Bridge High School," Rai added.

Rai joined St. Joseph's College (North Point) in Darjeeling as a student of mass communication and journalism and started making films.

"My experiences and observations from my village days helped me make my film," he said.

Till date, Rai has made eight short films, seven documentaries and three music videos.

In 2013, he was invited to Beijing to make documentaries on specific topics. In 2014, he was invited to the Munich Film Festival where his short film Barkhay Jhari (Monsoon Rain) was screened.

"I completed my film-making course this year. I will be leaving for Cannes on May 10," said Rai.

The film festival will be held in France from May 11 to May 22.

Via Telegraph

Saurav Rai's 'Gudh' only Indian entry in 69th Cannes Film Festival

12:56 PM
"Shout Out" to Mr. Saurav Rai whose film "Gudh" is the ONLY INDIAN FILM to be Officially Selected for the Prestigious 69th Cannes Film Festival.

Mr. Rai is from Mangwa village near Kalimpong and was brought up in Kathmandu in 1986. "That's the year when the Gorkhaland agitation began," he said. The son of a cardamom businessman, Rai moved to his grandparents' residence. "It was during vacations that I came to my village. I often had problems co-relating my memories with my surroundings," the 29-year-old said.

Describing his Kathmandu days, Rai said he was a "naughty and terrible" student. "If I was promoted, it was only as a favour. Finally, my grandfather sent me to a village school. I had to walk down four hours daily to go there. It was as bad as chicken poop. That's when I understood that things would need to be changed," he recalled.

A drastic transformation happened when he was in Class VIII. His grades improved. It was during this time he was smitten by the film bug. "Cinema was my escape route," he confessed.
Saurav Rai's  'Gudh' only Indian entry in 69th Cannes Film Festival
Saurav Rai

Little did he then realise that some years later, movies would offer him a ticket to limelight. His Nepali language film - 'Gudh' - is based on his childhood memories with his mother in Mangwa. "The political demand for a separate state had affected me. There is a hint of that in my film too. But 'Gudh' isn't a narrative-based film. It has a lot of long shots and surreal elements. I was even told that I had defied the grammar of film-making while making it," he recalled.

Back in Mangwa, his family members are ecstatic. "My grandfather used to say that as a child, Einstein was a stupid guy. That was to give an assurance to all those who used to write me off because I was very bad student," he said. Today, Rai wants to thank 'this 76-year-old man' for his achievements. "He now wants to offer a goat to treat the villagers!" Rai said with a smile.

However, international acclaim isn't new to Rai. In 2014, his short film titled 'Monsoon Rain' was officially selected at the Munich film festival. Having watched a lot of cinema at SRFTI and during his Munich trip, what is his opinion about Bengali cinema? "I watched Ray and Sen's classics during my graduation at Darjeeling's St Joseph College," he said. From the next generation of directors, he likes Rituparno Ghosh's movies. "Among contemporary makers, I find Arghya Basu's works very interesting," Rai pointed out.

Along with his sound designer Ankita Purkayastha, Rai will be off to Cannes on May 10. Before that, he is writing a script for a feature film that will narrate untold stories and taboos of rural India.

brought up in Kathmandu in 1986. "That's the year when the Gorkhaland agitation began," he said. The son of a cardamom businessman, Rai moved to his grandparents' residence. "It was during vacations that I came to my village. I often had problems co-relating my memories with my surroundings," the 29-year-old said.

Saurav is completing his schooling from Satyajit Ray Institute for Film and Television.

We wish Saurav GOOD LUCK for Cannes and are hopeful he will bring Laurels not only to our community, but also our country.

Take a bow Saurav!! You have earned it!!

Source TheDC With inputs from Times of India

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