Showing posts with label health news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health news. Show all posts

Darjeeling Doctors Are Prescribing More Expensive Branded Medicines

1:35 PM
Reports: Amitava Banerjee

A prescription audit at the Darjeeling Sadar Hospital by the District Consumer Protection Council (DCPC), Darjeeling revealed that majority contained names of branded drugs instead of their generic counterparts. The DCPC has asked the hospital superintendent to look into this.

 Expensive Branded Medicines
According to the Medical Council of India guidelines, “All physicians should, as far as possible, prescribe drugs with generic names. He / she shall ensure that there is a rational prescription and use of drugs.”

The West Bengal government too has asked doctors in government-run hospitals and health centres to prescribe generic drugs. To keep check, the health directorate has also been conducting prescription audits in state-run hospitals.

In order to promote generic drugs, the state government has opened up fair price shops. Generic medicines can be procured at a 48% rebate on the maximum retail price.

The DCPC comprising of members from different government departments conducted an inspection at the hospital and the fair price shop in the hospital premises on Tuesday morning. The district magistrate is the chairman of the committee.

“When we checked the prescriptions generated from the out-patient department (OPD) we saw that in most cases generic medicines were not being prescribed. Our visit to the fair price shop also revealed that many of the generic medicines were not available. We have asked the shop to make available these generic medicines,” said Kausik Bhattachariya, ADM, Darjeeling.

Anand Moktan, in-charge of the fair price shop, said that 142 generic medicines are dispensed from fair price shops. “However, doctors mostly prescribe branded drugs,” he said.

Later the DCPC visited the hospital superintendent and requested him to look into the matter. The superintendent was told to ensure that doctors adhere to the Medical Council of India’s guidelines by prescribing generic drugs.

“For years Doctors have been prescribing branded drugs. However, we are constantly telling them to prescribe generic medicines. Around 70% of doctors are prescribing generic drugs. In cases of single composition drug it is easy to write. However at times it is difficult to remember combination drugs. The doctors are trying,” said Dr Saikat Pradhan, Superintendent, DarjeelingSadar Hospital.

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health, which had met in June 2010 to discuss the status of using drugs in generic names, found that doctors in Bengal, Bihar and Maharashtra were flouting norms and prescribing branded drugs. Health Department officials claim that Rajasthan, Delhi and some southern states are way ahead of West Bengal in prescribing generic drugs.


According to the Medical Council of India guidelines, “All physicians should, as far as possible, prescribe drugs with generic names. He / she shall ensure that there is a rational prescription and use of drugs.”

The West Bengal government too has asked doctors in government-run hospitals and health centres to prescribe generic drugs. To keep check, the health directorate has also been conducting prescription audits in state-run hospitals.

To keep check, the health directorate has also been conducting prescription audits in state-run hospitals.

In order to promote generic drugs, the state government has opened up fair price shops. Generic medicines can be procured at a 48% rebate on the maximum retail price.

Source: Hindustan Times

GTA up against Scrub Typhus, holds awareness programme in kurseong

10:28 AM
It may have taken some time, but the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) now seems to be taking an initiative on the fatal ailment called ‘Scrub Typhus’.

GTA Sabha member Yogendra Rai from Kurseong on Sunday held a press conference at the multipurpose hall of the Kurseong SD hospital to raise general awareness on the issue with help from experts in the field. Dr. AK Barui, an expert on Scrub Typhus, described various aspects of the sickness and said it is very easy to treat an infected person if ST is detected at an early stage. If a person complains of fever along with severe headache, he can be suspected of being infected. As per Barui, ST has not been diagnosed by blood tests, hence its treatment is done by taking note of the above symptoms including a black mark on the suspect’s skin called ‘eschar’ that is caused by the bite of the mite.

He added fever and headache are also associated with other illnesses such as typhoid and sometimes it becomes very difficult to find out whether a suspect is really suffering from Scrub Typhus. In such cases, treatment of the typhoid along with scrub typhus medication is subscribed simultaneously so that both get treated. Barui said ST in its early stage can be cured by Azithromycin, a medicine that costs only a few rupees. Instead of panicking, one must rather remain aware and in case of fever along with headache, the nearest health centres and medical officers should be contacted.

Meanwhile, the GTA sabhasad said once the pujas end, awareness programmes in rural and urban areas will be held with the support of NGOs and panchayat and municipal bodies. The Scrub Typhus disease is easily treatable, but lack of awareness among the people is the root of the problem, noted Rai. He added the advice given by doctors should be adhered to and hygiene maintained at home.

Scrub Typhus was first discovered in some areas of the hills a decade ago, but perhaps lack of proper awareness is still taking its toll on human life from time to time.

Source: EOI

Bishal Khambu Rai died due to 'Scrub Typhus.'

10:20 AM
Kurseong: Bishal Khambu Rai,General Secretary of KKRSS Central Committee and one of the eminent Khambu Rights Movement youth leader,a social worker and a teacher, died On 25th September evening at around 5:30 due to Scrub Typhus. It was learnt that four days ago he had been admitted at a nursing home in Siliguri due to severe headache and sickness. Only yesterday he was shifted to another nursing home in the ICU unit.
Bishal Khambu Rai died due to 'Scrub Typhus.'
Bishal Khambu Rai died due to 'Scrub Typhus.'
The cause of the death of 36 years old youth leader has been said to be a bite by a microscopic insect which is also called Scrub Typhus. The insect is said to be found among mice.

Rickettsia tsutsugamushi, a tiny parasite
Rickettsia tsutsugamushi, a tiny parasite
What Is Scrub Typhus?Scrub typhus is an infectious disease that is transmitted to humans from field mice and rats through the bite of mites that live on the animals. The main symptoms of the disease are fever, a wound at the site of the bite, a spotted rash on the trunk, and swelling of the lymph glands.

Scrub typhus is caused by Rickettsia tsutsugamushi, a tiny parasite about the size of bacteria that belongs to the family Rickettsiaceae. Under the microscope, rickettsiae are either rod-like (bacilli) or spherical (cocci) in shape. Because they are intracellular parasites, they can live only within the cells of other animals.

Scrub Typhus in the hills
So far this year alone, 16 cases of "Scrub Typhus" have been reported from Mirik Hospital. Other such cases have been reported from various hospitals and clinics all over Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong.

If this disease is ignored for long, then it can cause death.

Hill organizations and individuals including the GJMM and the GTA chief, Bimal Gurung has also paid condolence and expressed grief following the sudden demise youth leader Bishal Rai.

Darjeeling district hospital set up a committee for maternity death issue

10:42 AM
Authorities at the Darjeeling district hospital have decided to set up a committee to inquire into the death of a woman following the birth of her child after her family members lodged a complaint with the chief medical officer of health against a doctor and the nurses on duty.
Darjeeling district hospital set up a committee for maternity death issue
The Darjeeling district hospital.

Peshok tea estate resident Sumita Rai (29) was admitted at the district hospital on August 30 with labour pain. On the night of September 1, she complained of extreme pain and went into labour. Her family members alleged the nurses on duty refused to attend to her saying the pain was normal in such circumstances.

According to Sumita’s sister-in-law Sangita Tamang, who was attending on her since admission, it took a call from the doctor for the nurses to get into action. Around 7:25am on September 2, Sumita gave birth to a girl child, but half an hour later the mother was declared as dead by the nurses. The newborn though, is in good health and is in the care of her father and relatives.

Sangita alleged it was the callousness of the nurses on duty and negligence of the doctor that caused Sumita’s demise. “Sumita complained of extreme labour pain on the evening of September 1. I rushed to the nurses’ cabin, but I was told the time for delivery had not approached yet. However, unable to bear my sister-in-law’s condition, I went to the nurses’ room again, but found the door bolted from inside,” alleged Sangita.

This prompted Sangita to summon her relatives and ask them to contact the doctor who was treating the patient. “It was around one o’clock in the morning when the nurses attended on my sister-in-law after a relative of ours called the doctor. By then I had already taken my sister-in-law to the labour room,” said Sangita. She added, “I was reprimanded by the nurses every time I requested them to check my sister-in-law’s condition. Around 7:00 in the morning, Sumita was taken inside the labour room where she delivered the child. But half an hour later, the nurses said my sister-in-law was no more.”

CMOH Asit Kumar Biswas today confirmed of receiving a complaint against the concerned doctor and nurses and promised to set up an inquiry committee to investigate the incident. “The husband of the deceased has filed a complaint alleging negligence in treatment and misconduct by the nurses on duty. I have asked the hospital superintendent to submit a report by Friday morning following which we will form a three-member committee to inquire into the allegation,” said Biswas.

According to the CMOH, the District Maternity Child Health Officer (DMCHO) will head the inquiry committee that will focus on three aspects: what transpired exactly; whether there was any negligence and who was responsible for it; and how best to avert such incidents in future.

“It is important to know the facts after taking into account the versions of all parties involved. In any case, we will take strict action on the guilty based on the findings of the inquiry committee,” assured Biswas.

The CMOH said remedial measures could include a show-cause notice to the doctor and the nurses and even transfers.

Meanwhile, Samir Sharma, the doctor who was treating Sumita, refused to comment on the allegations against him when contacted. The nurses who were on duty that day could not be contacted either.

Source: EOI

Super-specialty hospital in Kurseong worth Rs80 crore, construction to begin soon

11:58 AM
Kurseong: The construction work for a super-specialty hospital is likely to soon start at the premises of the SB Dey TB Sanatorium in Kurseong at an estimated cost of Rs80 crore.

Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) executive member Anit Thapa said the building work could begin within a day or two. GTA chief Bimal Gurung and government officials including a team of architects visited the SB Dey TB Sanatorium on Tuesday where the super-specialty healthcare facility is to come up. Discussions were also held for starting several development projects in the Kurseong sub-division, informed Thapa.

He said the super-specialty hospital had been originally planned at the INS Bus Terminus area and the foundation stone had also been laid on February 20. However, due to various reasons, the site had to be relocated to the SB Dey TB Sanatorium.

The sanatorium area has already been earmarked for the establishment of a medical college when the GTA agreement was signed in 2011. As plenty of vacant land still remains there, the super-specialty hospital will come up along with the medical college.

The SB Dey Sanatorium is spread across 33 acres and has 301 beds, but only a handful of patients come seeking treatment from tuberculosis. It was built in 1936 by SB Dey, a noted social worker, in his personal property. The sanatorium was handed over to the state government in 1975. Previously, the sanatorium also used to house a 50-bed hospital for railway employees.

Source: EOI

Free eye check-up camp in Kalimpong

10:45 AM
Mangal Dham Yuva Sung and Lions Club Eye Hospital, SIliguri jointly organised a free eye check-up camp today at Mangal Dham in Kalimpong. Around 180 people hailing from various areas of the town showed up for free eye check-up. 

Free eye check-up camp in Kalimpong
Free eye check-up camp in Kalimpong
Dr Kritika Munda, the eye-specialist from Lions Club Eye Hospital, conducted the camp and detected six people with immediate need of eye-operation, which shall be done for free by the hospital in Siliguri. Saroj Chettri, the representative of Yuva Sung while giving information on today’s free eye check-up camp also expressed the organisation’s desire to bring about a better medical facility for the underprivileged people of Kalimpong in the near future. 

Source: EOI

Encephalitis awareness programme in Kalimpong

9:20 PM
Kalimpong: Amidst Encephalitis deaths Kalimpong have come up with an awareness programme on Encephalitis from 7th to14th August in Town Office of Jan Sarokar n KTV Dambar Chowk Kalimpong at  at 2pm.

 "ENCEPHALITIS" is one of the most dreadful disease taking several life today. So to discuss about the disease in detail, the joint venture of HIMALAYA DARPAN Kalimpong, KTV, JANSAROKAR and NEOTIA HEALTH CARE CENTRE is organizing a conversation with DR.PRINCE PAREKH (Child critical Care Specialist), DR.JAYDEEP DEY (Neurologist) of Neotia n other Doctors of Kalimpong. Every interested individual who are eager to know the details are heartily welcome. The programme will also be live telecast through KALIMPONG TELEVISION NETWORK for the benefit of the people.

Drishti Episode
Encephalitis awareness programme in Kalimpong
Event Details:
Date : 7th Aug 14
Venue:Town Office of Jan Sarokar n KTV Dambar Chowk Kalimpong
TIME : Sharp at 2pm..
Ajay Agarwal,
Ph no-9832094610

Source Drishti Episode Facebook
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