Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts

Mary Kom alleged Regional Bias Against Her

1:06 AM
"Sometimes I feel very upset. Some of the referees and judges do not favour me but I don’t mind. Okay I am from north-east, no problem, but I am still an Indian" - Mary Kom

Boxing star,  Olympic bronze medallist MC Mary Kom gets emotional during a fund-raising event in Mumbai on Wednesday night and accused the Indian selectors of regional bias during boxing selection and trails.

Mary Kom alleged that Haryana's Pinky Jangra is being repeatedly favoured by the selectors.

"There are so many controversies. Pinky Jangra, I always defeat her and prove it to get a gold medal in every competition but they (boxing selectors) continue to support her," she said.

"I will show who I am in the ring, that's all. I don't want to fight outside the ring actually. Whether this is fair or not fair.... well sometimes I feel very upset whether some of the referees/judges are not favour to me... But I doesn't mind (sic)," she said. "Okay, I am from northeast, no problem. But I'm Indian, I'm doing well in the ring."
 Mary Kom alleged Regional Bias Against Her
Boxing star Mary Kom gets emotional as badminton player PV Sindhu tries to cheer her up (Photo: PTI)
Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Sarbananda Sonowal said on Thursday that there was no question of anybody discriminating against Manipur-based champion boxer Mary Kom or any other player taking part in the forthcoming Olympics in Rio, Brazil, and added that all players will get full financial or any other support they require to perform to the best of their ability ahead of the 2016 Games.

“From our ministry side, whatever support the players are asking by submitting their proposal and also the federation we are fully supporting them. That’s why we are giving the adequate budget to all the federation. So, in the near future they ask anything more we are ready to support so this is the objective we have already set and this is the target we have set for the Rio Olympics,” Sonowal told media.

This is not the first time Mary Kom has spoken out against boxing’s biased selection process. The bronze medalist from the London Olympics in 2012 was dropped from the contingent that represented India at the Commonwealth Games in 2014.
Pinky Jangra was given her spot after she beat Mary in a bout she claimed was poorly scored.

How a 4th generation Gorkha in Manipur feels

10:03 AM

Dinesh Sharma

Before you even start reading the article, let me be clear that I am a 4th generation Gorkha settled in Manipur. And I will accept criticism if you at any point feel that the article is a little biased. I am a confused person right now. Suddenly, after having lived for 31 good years of my life, my belongingness and loyalty towards my motherland is being questioned.
 Manipuris protesting against racism in Delhi Via ePao
 Manipuris protesting against racism in Delhi Via: ePao
I do not write this article with pride. Infact, it is shameful that despite having been born and brought up as a Manipuri Gorkha, today I am having to publish an appeal to clarify that I too belong to Manipur. From time immemorial, it is always the majority who create history. We have never read or heard about the story of the minority. Today, I will narrate the story of the minority, the voiceless and the helpless.

Recently, there was a video circulating on social media it showed a lady who was being delivered a mob justice. She was being slapped, hit by a shaft, and ever had her hair chopped in public. Whatever be the reason, that was not the right way to vent dissatisfaction in the wake of such political crisis. Tomorrow, some other crowd might just want to do the same thing on another individual. Who is going to take the blame then? As a civilized society with such rich history and culture, a more matured approach would have given a dignity to the agitation.

Watch the video - Helpless Non Manipuri woman beaten mercilessly

We are accused of encroaching the land. We are accused of being a threat to the social fabric of the state. We are asked to pack up and leave the state. How is it even possible? We are not here staying in a rent house that we pack our belongings and move to another house. My family has not grabbed any land or encroached upon anyone else’s territory. We have papers for our land as per the law of the land. We also grew up listening to our grandmother narrating us stories of the Japanese drones flying above the roof. We have heard stories of our grandfathers fighting to protect the land alongside the British and the maharaja’s army. Are our stories any different from the stories of a Meitei, Naga, or a Kuki kid?

They say that our contribution to the land is zero. Turn any pages of history of this land and you will find a Gorkha, Major Subedar Niranjan Singh Chhetry amongst the earliest martyrs of the land. He was hanged to death alongside Bir Tikendrajit and General Gambhir Singh by the British on 13th of August 1847.

They must have also conveniently forgotten that we are the most peaceful community in the state. We live happily with all other communities, be it the Meiteis, Nagas or the Kukis. I have studied Meiteilon throughout my childhood, I can speak a bit of Kuki, and I have lived with a Naga friend for about 7 years of my life.

Like you all, we have recited Ougri Sheirent, listened to Khamba-thoibi with awe, enjoyed the colours of Yaoshang, celebrated Lai Haraiba with equal enthusiasm, and cannot live without Ironba, Nga-Thongba and Ooti as our daily staple. What makes me less Manipuri than anybody else from my state? Perhaps we are the only community in Manipur which never had any law and order problem with the state. We don’t have any armed struggle or resistance to any government policies. We have been one of the most hospitable community both to the armed forces and the rebels. Yes, in the interiors we have stories of people who wake up in the middle of the night to cook and feed rebels who are passing by the village. The same villagers also prepare team when government forces pass by.

Despite all this, we are time and again asked to cite history of our existence in the state. Below are some historical records of the settlement of Gorkhas in Manipur to put across the point that we are not just land grabbers and that we have taken equal part in the nation building process in Manipur:

1. On recorded history, the first batch of Gorkhas came to Manipur during the time of Raja Gambhir Singh. In 1824, the Gorkhas of the 16th Sylhet Local Battalion, later to become the 8th Gorkha Rifles, were included in the Police Levy of Gambhir Singh. During the first quarter of the 19th Century, Manipur was much troubled by Burmese intruders and troops. To secure Manipur, Gambhir Singh raised an army in 1825 and recruited Gorkhas from Sylhet for it. The militia was named the ‘Victoria Paltan’. (Source: The Role of Gorkhas in Making of Modern India)

2. Before the beginning of the 20th century, the Gorkha/Nepali Gwalla (cowherd community) was confined in the Manipur valley. And since the Meitei community were not a great consumer of milk and ghee and land was becoming scarce in the valley, the Govt of Manipur decided to shift the Gorkhali/Nepali Gwalla to the northern part of the Manipur Valley creating a Gorkha/Nepali reserve (18 miles long) in between Sekmai and Kangpokpi in 1915 and later on partially extended up to Maram, Siddim Pukhri and lrang Part-I & II (Source: Manipur State Administrative Report 1915-16 Chapter – V, No. 2 Para V. Durbar Resolution 1 dated 17th February 1915).

3. That, the creation of the Sekmai Kangpokpi Gorkha Grazing Reserve the Nepali graziers began to settle within the reserve areas of Kurapokpi, Sapermeina, Shriwani, Keithelmanbi, Paspati, Kalapahar, Santolabari, Chandraman, Kangpokpi, Irang, Maram Siddim Pukhri. In 1918, a survey of the Gorkha/Nepali Reserve area was done wef. 19th June 1918 to 7th January 1920 and Patta was issued for the Gorkha/Nepali graziers who applied for agricultural land.

4. The 1st Assam Rifles was raised in Manipur in 1915, and had over 80% Gorkha personnel.

5. First Manipur Rifles, raised in 1946 also inducted huge number of Gorkhas. Still today, the family quarters of the battalion has several Gorkha families living there.

6. Even eminent scholars like MK Binodini, the royal family of Manipur confirms that the Gorkhalis have long been a part of Manipurs cultural milieu. She says “…in fact I do not know at what time so called Nepali community actually came to Manipur. Since my childhood beginning from Mantripukhri to Kangpokpi, I have seen their settlement to be in existence long before many years. At the time of my father Maharaja Churachand, when he was in drive on the Dimapur road, I still remember the joyous welcome and applause accorded by the Nepalese children near by the road and I saw many Nepali personnel in the post of high rank and files of the Manipur State Police” (Source: ‘A Yaipha Paojel’ in a journal called ‘Netee’; published by Manipur Nepali Sahitya Parishad in 2006)

7. When the World War II reached till Kanglatongbi-Kangpokpi, the Gorkha community was evicted by the Govt. Many of them left their land temporarily and got back when the war was over. However, the government had by then ceased the Nepali grazing reserve (26th August 1946), giving effect from 1st December 1946. Many who failed to comply with the government order or returned late to their land lost their land and had to seek shelter with their neighbouring tribal brothers for their livelihood.

The Gorkha community is settled for nearly 2 centuries and have lived in an area of 140 sq. miles till 1915. Besides the army settlers, we could rear more than 10,000 cattle and buffaloes. An entire stretch of road named in Jiribam was named as Man Bahadur Limbu’s Road. Today, after almost 2 centuries, our population is not even 1 lakh. How could we possibly disturb the social fabric of the Manipuri society or even snatch away opportunities from the locals?

Today, we are as much a victim of historical circumstances, miscalculation and manipulation as all of you. We too would want to be part of the decision making process which will segregate the outsiders from the insiders. Sadly, despite being a part of the greater Manipuri society for nearly 200 years, we have been pre-leveled as “outsiders”. Look into your hearts and think for once, how would you react, if you and your community were labeled as such?

Most of the Gorkha youths from Manipur today are working in the defence or in the metro cities. This also brings in revenue to the state. How can we possibly exploiting the wealth of Manipur? I would love to know if you have seen anything unjust being committed by any Gorkha in Manipur.

Today, we live outside the state in metro cities. Ask one of your own ‘inside Manipuris’ about how does it feel to be humiliated. If you have no idea of how humiliated your brothers and sisters feel when faced with racism outside the home state, maybe you should go and speak to them. While we outrage over “racism “against our Manipuri people in Delhi and other cities, we have turned a blind eye and deaf ear to numerous instances of racism here in Manipur itself, isn’t that hypocritical?

In this city, we only have people; there is no Meitei, Naga, Kuki, Gorkha, Bengali, Bihari or Marwari. If someone asks me, I proudly call myself Manipuri Gorkha. Here no one accuses anyone of stealing opportunities or ancestral land. No Bihari cries of innocent people being killed, no Meitei accuses a Bihari of depleting his economy. We share rooms to save money, lend and borrow money when we are broke, we share pizzas and drinks together, we contribute for the electricity bills, we wait for each other to walk back home after office, We cook together, we laugh at each other’s jokes, we fall in love, we get married. We live happily here, but we never talk of our problems back home. Why?? Because it divides us.

We are happy out here, but why this indifference back in our own homeland?? I leave this for you to ponder upon.

[Dinesh is a senior member of Gorkha Youth and Students' Association of India - GYASA

In Manipur, currently non-Manipuri's are being persecuted against, and the community which is facing the most vlatant form of Racism are the Gorkhalis... please speak out against this RACISM against our community in Manipur..

Via- TheDC

Gorkha Woman Stalked And Threatened in NCR Gurgaon

9:58 AM
Gorkha Woman Stalked And Threatened in NCR Gurgaon, “Tera Chehra Bigad Dunga, Tujhe Tere Chehre Pe Bahut Ghamand Hai"

The first hearing of a recent appalling case in Gurgaon where a Gorkha woman in her 20s was assaulted and threatened by a local took place in the District Sessions Court in Gurgaon. Post today’s hearing, the bail plea of the accused has been deferred for two days. The victim who works in the retail sector further claims that the man has been stalking her for the past year and in the attack on May 30, he even threatened to ‘disfigure her face’ raising much alarm about a possible acid attack.
Gorkha Woman Stalked And Threatened in NCR Gurgaon
Gorkha Woman Stalked And Threatened in NCR Gurgaon
The victim narrated her ordeal to our correspondent, “I work in retail and I was placed at my company’s branch in Galleria market. I would often find this man staring at me from outside. Soon he started visiting our store and trying to converse with me. The way he used to talk to me seemed dangerous and I used to get scared. When I was shifted to our store in Ambience Mall, he followed me there as well. I realized he was spying on me when for a day I was shifted to another department and he came there as well. He used to come wherever I used to be.”

One day the victim confronted the accused who has been identified as Shailender Sheik Chauhan to which he responded aggressively and abused her. The store manager and the victim’s colleagues diffused the situation. The next day, her company seniors confronted the accused and Chauhan apologized and said he would not come back.

“He mentioned in the argument he had with me about my mother, my elder sister. He knew where I stayed. He was spying on me for sure,” stated the victim.

However, Chauhan came back again suddenly after 25 days and assaulted the victim. On May 30 when she was trying to catch an auto from her work place, he slapped her and even when she tried to run away while asking for help; he caught up with her and assaulted her again. All through this ordeal he kept abusing her, threatening her saying he will disfigure her face.

But the victim’s ordeal continued even when she tried to file an FIR in this matter. She exudes vulnerability as she laments, “The authorities are not taking it seriously. I went to file the FIR the very same day but the police was reluctant to file it. I was told to write about the incident that happened that day. So I wrote about the incident but I didn’t mention in writing that the person had been stalking me for one year as per the instruction given by the police. Now the accused has come to avail bail and the lawyers are saying the FIR is weak. I kept mentioning about the stalking but no one took it seriously.”

Sangeeta Pradhan, General Secretary, Gorkha Youth and Students’ Association of India – GYASA especially stressed on how stalking under IPC 354 D must be included in the FIR. She also said that bail must not be given to the accused as he still presents a major threat.

“When the accused first applied for bail we were present and we saw how aggressive he was. He was abusing the witness. So security for the witness and the victim is necessary. If that is not done, we will not allow the accused to be let out on bail. We will sit in protest especially as the guy has already threatened to disfigure her face saying “Tera chehra bigad dunga, tujhe tere chehre pe bahut ghamand hai (I will disfigure your face, you are very vain about your beauty).” If that girl hadn’t helped her out, we don’t know what he would have done to her. We want justice in this case,” apprised Pradhan.

Source -ESM

Teesta Valley Sabhasad met Gurgaon assault victims, DDUDF sends memorandum

8:54 AM
DARJEELING 22 May 2015 : Teesta Valley Sabhasad, Norbu G Lama arrived in Delhi yesterday to visit the Darjeeling trios who were beaten at Gurgaon last Saturday.
Teesta Valley Sabhasad met Gurgaon assault victims
Teesta Valley Sabhasad met Gurgaon assault victims
GTA Sabhasad Norbu G Lama was accompanied by Mr. Raunak Singh Ahaluwalia - the son of Darjeeling MP.

On reaching Delhi, the Sabhasad took stock of the situation with the three youths and interacted with those who have helped the three youth.

A GJM spokesperson informed, “We have decided to provide the victims with all kind of financial assistance they need for their treatment. They belong to very poor families and have migrated for employment opportunities… This kind of incident should not happen again,”

Representatives from Gorkha associations based in Delhi are expected to meet Darjeeling MP SS Ahaluwalia and Norbu G Lama today, and with the intention of pressing for the demand to form a Powerful non-political Gorkha body comprising of representatives from all Gorkha communities across India.

Meanwhile, Founder-Trustee of Darieeling Dooars United Development Foundation Mahendra P. Lama, in a memorandum to Union minister of state for home Kiren Rijiju on Friday said the Gurgaon incident had sent shockwaves among the people in Darjeeling and the North East region. According  to a DDUDF release, Rijiju assured Lama that he would seek a report from Haryana police and take suitable action.

The residents gathered in front of the police station and raised slogans against the police. They even barged into the police station demanding immediate arrest of the accused, said a local source.

On reaching Delhi, the Sabhasad would take stock of the situation with the three youths who are currently undergoing treatment at the AIIMS Trauma Centre. It may be recalled here that a group of seven to eight persons brutally assaulted Abhishek Rai, Sagar Rai and Dev Kumar Subba of Teesta Valley area over a trivial issue in Nathupur village of Gurgaon district on Saturday night. The incident was triggered after Abhishek threw a packet containing garbage and broken glass from the first floor of his residence into a dustbin kept on the roadside. The packet missed the dustbin with shards of glass hitting some youths, which lead to the ghastly attack.

“The incident definitely had a racial overtone and regional bias. Like a large number of younger generation people living in Delhi and around for studies and livelihood, these three youths from tea gardens of Darjeeling have been there mainly for their livelihood as the living conditions and economic situations in these gardens have sharply deteriorated in the last decade or so. More importantly, these youths have gone to Gurgaon to also contribute in the development process there,” the DDUDF memorandum said.

The incident has once again affected the spirit and enthusiasm of a large number ofpeople from the North East region in Delhi and around. It has once again raised the spectre of racial and regional violence in Delhi and around. “In order to prevent recurrence of such ghastly incidence of violence in future we sincerely appeal to you to ensure the culprits including the house owner and his associates are booked strictly under the rule of law,” the memorandum said.

A section of the police, it said, had allegedly complicated the situation by racial remarks and they, too, should be booked according to law.

“The incident definitely had a racial overtone and regional bias. Like a large number of younger generation people living in Delhi and around for studies and livelihood, these three youths from tea gardens of Darjeeling have been there mainly for their livelihood as the living conditions and economic situations in these gardens have sharply deteriorated in the last decade or so. More importantly, these youths have gone to Gurgaon to also contribute in the development process there,” the DDUDF memorandum said.

The incident has once again affected the spirit and enthusiasm of a large number of people from the North East region in Delhi and around. It has once again raised the spectre of racial and regional violence in Delhi and around. “In order to prevent recurrence of such ghastly incidence of violence in future we sincerely appeal to you to ensure the culprits including the house owner and his associates are booked strictly under the rule of law,” the memorandum said.

A section of the police, it said, had allegedly complicated the situation by racial remarks and they, too, should be booked according to law.  (HS ad EOIC)

Source: EOI & DC

Attackers of Darjeeling Gorkha youths booked under IPC

8:57 AM
Attackers of 'brutally assaulted' Gorkha youth booked under IPC

The police on Wednesday finally booked assailants involved in the brutal assault on four Darjeeling youth in Gurgaon for attempt to murder under Section 307 of the Indian Penal Code.
Attackers of 'brutally assaulted' Gorkha youth booked under IPC
Supporters of the Darjeeling youth protested and submitted a memorandum to Deepak Saharan,
 DCP (east) on Wednesday, Gurgaon. (HT Photo)

A case under milder sections 147, 148, 149, 323, 506, and 452 of IPC was registered on Monday evening at the DLF City phase 2 police station.

The four youth were “brutally assaulted” on Saturday at their rented accommodation by a group of men in Nathupur village near DLF Phase 3 in Gurgaon.

On Wednesday, the Gurgaon police invoked Section 307 against the accused after getting a medical report from AIIMS Trauma Centre where one of the victims has been admitted with multiple injuries.

“We have charged the culprits under Section 307 after getting the hospital’s report ,” said DCP east Deepak Saharan. He also assured the members of the Indian Gorkha community who had gathered in large numbers at his office that police will take action.

Earlier, the members of the Indian Gorkha community carried out a protest march from Sahara Mall to the office of DCP east near Galleria Market. The protesters carried placards protesting against police inaction, and shouted slogans against delay in filing of FIR against the accused.

Saneela Gurung, who lives in the same house where the fight took place, said that they heard commotion on Saturday night, and saw a group of men attack the Gorkha youth. “There was no light at that time . When we came down the youth were badly injured,” she said.

The protesters who came from across NCR alleged that lack of action by police is responsible for increasing number of hate crimes against the community in Gurgaon, and other cities. Even though Gurgaon police has assured strict action against accused, protestors across NCR said cops’ apathy responsible for hate crimes.

Gurgaon police commissioner Navdeep Singh Virk, however, had on Tuesday denied the charges saying that the matter was brought to the notice of the police on Monday evening only after which the area SHO was rushed to AIIMS and a case was registered.

Members of the community have urged the police to press charges of racial abuse against the accused.

Source: hindustantimes

Darjeeling MP demands Inquiry Into Racist Remarks by ASI/SI in Gurgaon case

5:43 PM
Darjeeling MP S.S Ahluwalia has written to Gurgaon Commissioner demanding Inquiry Into Racist Remarks made by some  ASI/SI. Incidence that took place while Gorkha boys and girls were protesting against the brutal thrashing of the three Gorkha youths from their home town in Gurgaon.

Darjeeling MP S.S Ahluwalia
Darjeeling MP S.S Ahluwalia
Darjeeling MP SS Ahluwalia has written to Gurgaon Commissioner of Police Mr. S Navdeep Singh Virk IPS, demanding action against the officer who passed racist comment against the female protesters today.

Here is the text of the letter sent to to Commissioner.

"Dear Virkji

In the morning Gorkha boys & girls went to DCP's Office for protesting that even though the 3 boys were greviously injured in the near-fatal & planned attack, the case against the perpetrators was not registered under the applicable Attempt to Murder section.After meeting the DCP & getting an assurance that Sec 307 will be included,the delegation was leaving.

In the meantime one of the ASI/SI starred officer used extremely filthy,sexist, abusive & racist remarks against the protesting Gorkha girls. This further infuriated the protestors and led them to sit on a dharna at the DCP office.Their protest is still on.Such inappropriate & filthy language is not acceptable to any citizen of India.

The protestors are now demanding suspension & arrest of the erring officer.To pacify & control the situation please intervene to give justice immediately and take action against the alleged officer.

SS Ahluwalia MP Darjeeling"

Following the request from Darjeeling MP, senior officers have swung into action and have instituted a fact finding team to investigate the racist remark made by the officer.

Source: The DC

Gurgaon police tries to turn racial hate crime to drunken brawl - attack on Gorkha boys case

11:03 AM
Three young men from Darjeeling landed in hospital after being thrashed by a group of local people outside their rented Gurgaon house in a case of suspected hate crime, though police claimed it was a drunken brawl that turned serious.
Representatives from Gorkha Community in Delhi at Gurgaon Police Station - Photo via DC
Several witnesses, however, said the group threatened to send the three youths to China if they didn't leave.

The assault, some nine months after two youths from Nagaland were severely beaten up in Gurgaon, took place shortly after midnight on Saturday in Nathupur DLF Phase 3, a commercial and residential zone in the Haryana city.

Residents said the three youths - Deb Kumar Subba, Abhishekh Rai and Sagar Rai, all in their 20s - had been working in a guesthouse and stayed in the rented house.

"On Saturday night (May 16) the three were playing music inside their house when the landlord, Naresh Kumar, and his two sons objected. This led to an altercation but the matter was resolved," said a youth from the Northeast who stays nearby.

But half an hour later, shortly after midnight, Naresh and his sons, accompanied by 10 local people, came back, dragged the three out of their house and assaulted them with hockey sticks and rods.

"The landlord had asked them to stop the music, which they did. But later he came back with a group of local people and barged into their room and assaulted them. They also threatened to kill them if they didn't vacate the house," said the youth from the Northeast, who refused to give his name.

The attackers also abused the three, saying they would kill them and send them to China, other witnesses said.

So severe was the assault that the three had to be admitted to the All India Institute for Medical Sciences. Deb Kumar and Abhishekh were discharged today but Sagar, who suffered serious head injuries, is still admitted in the hospital's trauma centre.

According to the youth from the Northeast, the local police had initially refused to register an FIR, asking the two groups to resolve the matter between themselves.

A senior Gurgaon police officer said there was no racial angle to the assault.

"It was a drunken brawl between the three youths from Darjeeling and his landlord and other local youths. Both the groups were drinking together and later one group beat them up after a heated altercation over some trivial things," the officer said, adding that five persons, including the landlord, had been arrested and searches were on to catch the others.

Suresh Kumar, the officer investigating the case, said Sagar has been kept under observation at AIIMS, while others were discharged this morning.

Bandana Rai, who runs an NGO for the uplift of Gorkha people, rushed to the spot after hearing about the incident the next day. "It was nothing but a racial hate crime. How can a 20-people gang up to beat three youths? Initially, the police also did not help much," she said.

A resident recalled that two young men from Nagaland were severely beaten up in Gurgaon in October by a group of local people who asked them to leave or risk being killed.

The two were assaulted a day after three young men from the Northeast were thrashed by taxi drivers in Bangalore, apparently because they couldn't speak Kannada, and told "this is India, not China".

Gorkha Janmukti Morcha chief Bimal Gurung said: "I am deeply troubled. I have spoken to the GJM unit in Delhi and they are monitoring the situation on our behalf. All necessary help will be given to the youths. I'll speak to home minister Rajnath Singh too."

Source: Telegraph

Gorkha Students JNU condemn Gurgoan racial attack on Boys from Gorkhaland

10:18 AM
Condemn the Brutal Racial Violence in Gurgaon against Boys from Gorkhaland ..

In continuation of the series of racial violence against people from North Eastern states, yesterday (18/05/2015) around 11pm, Abishek Rai and his two friends Sagar Rai and Dev Kumar Subba, all hailing from Teesta valley of Gorkhaland, were brutally beaten up by their landlord's son and his
friends in Gurgaon. This incident occurred near Sabji Mandi in Nathupur DLF Phase 3 Gurgaon, Haryana. According to a report in the Eastern Sky Media, apparently there was some discussion amongst the three boys and the landlord's son over an issue, which had been settled amicably. One of the victims Dev Kumar Subba said that however, "later around 25 to 30 men carrying sticks barged into the rented flat and started beating them mercilessly. Even though they tried to shield themselves, they were no match for the frenzied mob." Later, the local police even refused to file an FIR. The FIR has been lodged now but only after pressurized public outcry. Now the boys are unde constant medical observation in the AIIMS trauma centre and out of which two remain in critical condition.
Gorkha Students JNU condemns Gurgoan attack against Boys from Gorkhaland
Brutal Racial Violence in Gurgaon against Boys from Gorkhaland
This ghastly incident has a striking resemblance with another racist attack which had occurred in the night of 30th March 2014 in Gurgaon’s Sikanderpur village, where a mob of 15-20 locals beat up six persons from the Northeast with hockey sticks and iron rods. The mob while shouting racist slogans, selectively targeted the Northeastern community after a Manipuri student, Seigoulal Kipgen had an altercation with his landlord. Their mobile phones and wallets too were snatched by the mob to stop them from calling for help. Two of the students who were assaulted lost their hearing after being brutally beaten up with lathis and iron rods. One of them Rinmaso Huishuwo, has been compelled to depend on a hearing aid. The police registered an FIR against ‘unknown persons’ only after several Northeast student’s union put pressure on them. However, NOT A SINGLE PERSON HAS BEEN ARRESTED YET. Instead, police personnel only further harassed these students by putting them under surveillance and restricting their mobility instead of doing enquiries against the dominant local communities who had perpetrated such violence.

Similarly, on 13th December 2014, five students from Sikkim studying in the Degree College of Physical Education (DCPE) Maharashtra (Amravati) were brutally attacked by 20 students of the same college from Delhi when the Sikkimese students stood up against their constant racial taunts. All the students were hospitalised for severe bodily injuries. One of them even went in a coma for some days. Nothing was done to assist these students while the culprits were being given full police protection and support from the educational institution while the Sikkim students were left to fend for themselves.

These incidents show how deeply racism is ingrained in India, which finds its reflections in deliberate lackadaisical attitude of the police, biased media reporting, delayed trials and even uncooperative behavior from medical staff. The audacity of these hate crimes can be judged from the incident where a women lawyer from North East and her friends were severely manhandled in front of a Judge in the Tis Hazari court. When two men from Nagaland working in BPO in Gurgaon were brutally beaten and their head were shaved by a gang of locals in 15 October, 2014, the Gurgaon Police Commissioner denied that the assault was racially motivated and instead termed the incident as “a drunken brawl”. Even during the recent visit of the Chinese President, Mr. Xi Jingping in India all mongloid featured hotel staff were ordered to stay away from the hotel where the Chinese President was staying put. What motivated this racially discriminatory instruction? What was the State ashamed of or afraid of?

The popular reaction from the so called mainstream society when confronted with such cases is to generalize and trivialize it as simple law and order problem. All the while mindlessly chanting the mantra of “unity in diversity”, while forgetting that there can never be unity among the oppressed and the oppressor. The mainstream society is still in a denial mode of the systemic perverse prejudices that it is afflicted with. Racism for people with mongoloid features in India is a daily living experience.

It’s not just limited to people from Northeast alone. Even non-Northeastern people like the Gorkhas, the Ladakhis, and the Tibetans face it. The proverbial “mainstream Indians” or the non mongoloid looking people is not asked to dress in a “proper” manner. The police will not bring out leaflets asking them what to eat and what not to eat and what to wear. They will not be beaten for hours and their heads won’t be shaved nor do they have to protest for 9 hours just to lodge FIR when a 14 year old girl is raped. Their ID cards would not be checked every time they visit parks, museums, monuments to 'prove' they are from India nor will they be subjected to racist slurs in public spaces. They don't have to face condescending looks and patronizing responses.

Oh, yes!! Racism does exist in India and will not disappear just because one refuses to see it. On one hand, the State has deliberately engineered to keep the North Eastern region politically suppressed and economically deprived. The draconian military rule of the AFSPA, extreme poverty, forceful extraction of resources, lack of educational and employment opportunities have exerted cumulative pressure on the people from these regions to resort to forced migration for education and jobs to different Indian cities. The State it appears carries a reluctant disposition towards the
atrocities that these people have to face when they step foot in “mainland India”. This double vulnerability has been documented by government’s own appointed Bezbaruah Committee, which states that two lakh people from the North East have migrated to Delhi between 2005 and 2013 and about 86 percent of them have reportedly faced discrimination. In New Delhi alone, this year the incidents of racial violence have gone up to 236. This is so even after the mass protest resulting out of the tragic killing of Nido Tania had forced the government to seriously look into the matter. However, such cases continue with renewed impunity.

We condemn such heinous racist attacks. We demand that the government should immediately come out of its denial mode and enact anti racial laws to punish the perpetrators of such hate crimes. Strict action should also be taken against those police officers who deny filing FIRs in such cases until they are pressurised by public outrage. These continuous racist discrimination and harassment will only strengthen our resolve to fight back the relentless injustice meted out against us. All progressive and democratic forces should actively counter and resist this deep seated racism and its various manifestations. It is also time that our representatives break their long trail of silence and raise their voice loud and clear to demand an end to this injustice! But alas! The first step would be to acknowledge that racism exists in India which is taking bolder and more violent forms day by day!!

Gorkha Students,JNU

Racism Exist in India and is Thriving everyday! - Gorkha Students JNU

10:22 AM
Gorkha Students, Jawaharlal Nehru University

Condemn the continues harassment and racial violence against Students from Sikkim in Maharashtra...

Racism and the violence associated with it crept its way even to the safe haven that was Maharashtra. In a series of racial violence against people from North Eastern states, five students hailing from Sikkim, studying at the Degree College of Physical Education (DCPE) Maharashtra (Amravati) were brutally attacked by 20 Delhiite students of the same college on 13th December in Amravati, Maharashtra. The injured have been identified as Pemba, Lako, PrayazChhetri, Subhalal, ShishirChhetri (all from Sikkim) and Mayur Kumar (from Delhi). Out of the five injured, the condition of Pema is critical. He was admitted to a hospital in a coma and has been so  for the past two days. A fight broke out when Mayur gave slang against mother (aamakogalee) and Pemba resisted against that statement. In return, Mayurcalled  a group of 20 Delhi students and attacked Pemba with stones and sticks. Pemba ran for his life towards Gandhi Chowk and took shelter in a nearby cracker shop, but his did not stop and pelted shop with stones. In fit of rage they also attacked some passersby and damaged private vehicles parked near area. Nothing has been done to assist the students from Sikkim, while the arrested culprit is being given full facility. The culprits who beat Pemba TsheringBhutia are under police protection and are provided foods.
harassment and racial violence against Students from Sikkim in Maharashtra
harassment and racial violence against Students from Sikkim in Maharashtra

What followed after this incident was showed the true racist character of Indian state apparatus. Five injured students from Sikkim who were admitted in hospital also met with cold response from administration and from police. Students who are admitted in hospitals are neither provided food from administration nor provided any protection. Students have expressed their insecurity and lack of faith in authority and police (both of which are supporting and taking the side of the culprits) via social networking sites and media (Voice Of Sikkim). They have also been harassed in past and have been resisting apathy since very long time. In one message they have expressed their painful experience - “Delhi students stare at us as if we are from alien world. They even shout at us with very filthy words, which I cannot utter here. We aren’t from different world..., We haven’t done anything wrong to them... So why do they treat to us in such despicable manner? We are insecure and we too need the authorities to listen to our grievances as well, rather than listening to the perpetrators only.

In a similar incident in Gurgaon, on the 16th of December,a girl from North east was beaten and dragged by her hair. There can be nothing more demeaning and humiliating than to be thrashed and assaulted and taunted merely on the basis of one's facial features. When we seek justice from police, we are treated with contempt, and we are made to feel that we are knocking on the wrong doors.

The popular reaction from so called ‘mainstream society’ is to continuously deny the fact that racism exists. This can take multiple manifestations. The incident of hate crime is being generalised to such an extent that it is ticked off as just another incident of disagreement/violence. Some even go so far as calling the outburst to racial crimes as the “Romanticisation” of people from North East. However, the manifestations of racism faced by different communities are varied. Racism for people with mongoloid features in India has become almost a mundane activity like getting up in the morning. And it’s not limited to people from North East only. Even non-Northeastern people like Gorkhas, Ladakhis, and Tibetans have to face the same degree of contempt. The non-mongoloid looking proverbial “mainstream Indians” is not asked to dress in a “proper” manner and told their “worth” on of their faces. The police will not bring out a leaflet asking them ‘what to eat’ and ‘what not to eat’ and ‘what to wear’. They will not beaten for hours and their heads won’t be shaved to give the message that they are not welcome here. They do not have to protest for 9 hours just to lodge an FIR when a 14 year old girl is being raped. Their ID cards need not be checked every time they visit parks, museums, monuments to 'prove' are from India. They do not have to face racist slurs at public spaces for no fault of theirs. They don't have to face condescending looks and patronizing response. Oh, yes! Racism does exist in India, it just that some don’t have to bear the heat of the same.

After the death of Nido Tania and the consequent protests of people from North East, the government was forced to form a committee headed by retired IAS Officer M. P. Bezbaruah. The committee has submitted its report recently and suggested various measures to stop racial crimes. The committee refused to include academicians and activists as demanded by the people, and most of the members are seen as least motivated to even understand the daily racist harassment faced by people from North East.

The Committee also suggested that more cultural exchange will lead to decline in racial crime. In such deeply hierarchical and oppressive society, any people outside of “their society” cannot be imagined to be treated as equal. There can’t be any form of meaningful cultural exchange between people who share unequal power relations. All the effort of so called cultural exchange in such unequal power relation will at best end up as being a matter of appeasement.The argument that these deliberate and planned attacks are due to lack of cultural exchange is outrightly frivolous and laughable at best.

Racism in India is deeply institutionalized, which finds its reflections in the lackadaisical attitude of police, biased media reporting, delayed trials and uncooperative behavior of medical staffs. The audacity of these hate crimes can be judged from the incident where a women lawyer from North East and her friends were severely manhandled in front of a Judge in TizHazari court. When two men from Nagaland working in BPO in Gurgaon were brutally beaten and their head were shaved by gang of locals in 15 October, 2014, the Gurgaon Police Commisioner denies that the assault was racially motivated and has instead termed the incident “a drunken brawl”. During the visit of Chinese premier, Mr. Xi Jingping in India the prime minister NarendraModi’s government gave special instruction that people with mongolied features should stay away from the hotel where Mr. Xi Jingping was staying. What motivated this racially discriminatory instruction? What was he is afraid of or ashamed of?

Even after numerous incidents of racial violence government has failed to accept it as the incident of racism. After death of Nido Tania, there have been many more than incidents occurring in India. Two lakh people from the North East have migrated to Delhi between 2005 and 2013 and that about 86 percent of them have faced discrimination. In New Delhi alone, this year the incident of racial violence has gone up to 236.

We condemn this continues harassment and dehumanisation on basis of race in strongest possible words and appeal to all progressive democratic forces to raise their voice against such incidents. We demand that government should immediately come out of denial mode and enact anti-racial law to punish the perpetrators of such hate crime without any delay. For our own representative from our states, time has come when they should break their long salience and raise their voice clear and loud. We believe only the unity among the all oppressed and uncompromising fight can eradicate this social affliction.

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