Showing posts with label Entertainment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entertainment. Show all posts

१६ वर्षिय मञ्जु थापा बनिन् दिल्लीमा आयोजित मिस ग्लोरी अफ् इन्डिया अन्तर्गत मिस् ग्लोरी अफ् नर्थ इस्ट

12:11 PM
सिलगढी स्थित खोलाचन्द फाप्रीकी १६ वर्षिय मञ्जु थापा बनिन् दिल्लीमा आयोजित मिस ग्लोरी अफ् इन्डिया अन्तर्गत मिस् ग्लोरी अफ् नर्थ इस्ट

सिलगढी,बिकास तिम्सिना,
सिलगढीस्थित खोलाचन्द फाप्रीकी १६ वर्षिय मञ्जु थापा २०१८ -की मिस ग्लोरी अफ् नर्थ इस्ट भएकी छिन्।
गत १५ अप्रेलको दिन अमन गान्धी फिल्म प्रडक्सनको आयोजनामा नयाँ दिल्लीमा आयोजित मिस ग्लोरी अफ् इन्डिया अन्तर्गत उनले नर्थ इस्टको आठवटा राज्यका प्रतियोगीहरुलाई पछि छोडेर मिस ग्लोरी अफ नर्थ इस्ट भएकी हुन्।

आठौं श्रेणीमा अध्यनरत मञ्जु -ले आफ्नो गाउँलाई देशभरि चिनाउन पाउँदा आँफ्नो खुशीको सिमा नै नभएको बताएकी छिन्।
 सानैदेखि गीत गाउनु, नाच्नु अनि मोडलिङमा रुचि राख्ने मञ्जु -ले आफ्नो प्रेरणाको श्रोत आफ्नी आमा तुलसा थापा अनि गत वर्ष मिस वर्ल्ड बनेकी मानुशी चिल्लरलाई मान्छिन्।
आठवटा राज्यका प्रतियोगीहरुलाई पछि पार्दै बिजेता बन्न सफल भएकी मञ्जु -ले उक्त समयमा आफुले पाएको सम्मान कहिल्यै नर्बिसिने बताउदै अमन गान्धी फिल्म प्रडक्सनका निर्देशक डा. महेश यादव उर्फ अमन गान्धीप्रति धन्यवाद व्यक्त गरेकी छिन्।

स्मरणरहोस्, मिस ग्लोरी अफ नर्थ इस्ट २०१८ -को विजेता भएपछी आफुलाई यसै वर्ष मुम्बईमा हुने ईन्डिया कन्टिनेन्ट -मा प्रतिस्पर्धा गर्न अफर समेत आएको उनले बताएकी छिन्।

Via Gorkhaland 7×24

Bishal Sharma wins Super Dancer Season 2

12:09 AM
After a live voting, Bishal Sharma was announced as the champion by judges Shilpa Shetty, Anurag Basu and Geeta Kapur on Saturday night. He beat three other finalists Ritik Diwaker, Vaishnavi Prajapati and Akash Thapa to take home the trophy.

Super Dancer Chapter 2, which made history for being the longest-running single season of a dance reality show, has finally found its winner. After a live voting, Bishal Sharma was announced as the champion by judges Shilpa Shetty, Anurag Basu and Geeta Kapur on Saturday night. He beat three other finalists Ritik Diwaker, Vaishnavi Prajapati and Akash Thapa to take home the trophy. The 12-year-old, who hails from Assam, mesmerised the judges and had the maximum number of votes from the audience coming his way. The live voting turned out to be quite a record breaking one with million votes being registered. Along with a lot of goodies from sponsors, Bishal received a prize money of 15 lakh and a dazzling trophy, while his mentor received a cheque of Rs 5 lakh.
Bishal Sharma took home Rs 15 lakh and winners trophy.
Bishal Sharma took home Rs 15 lakh and winners trophy.
12-year-old Bishal Sharma from Assam had been an adorable livewire in the show. Whenever the dynamic dancer took the stage, the judges and audience were enthralled. Bishal is an inquisitive young boy, always smiling and chattering away with his friends. Guided by Super Guru Vaibhav Ghuge, the super kid impressed all with his contemporary, hip-hop styles.

The finale episode also saw the presence of Bollywood youth sensation Varun Dhawan, who was there to promote his upcoming film October. The Student of the Year actor also shook a leg with judge Shilpa, that got the audience cheering for them. While the gala episode also saw Shilpa grooving to some peppy numbers and showing off her belly dance moves, Geeta in a breathtaking act paid a special tribute to yesteryear heroines.

Produced by Frames Productions, Super Dancer 2 launched on September 30 and aired on Sony Entertainment Television. While Rithvik Dhanjani and Paritosh Tripathi hosted the show when it launched, with it getting an extension, Jay Bhanushali came in place of Rithvik, who had to quit the show owing to prior commitments. Even before the premiere, the show faced a major roadblock, when its set located at RK Studio was destroyed after a fire broke out.

Here’s wishing the young winner Bishal congratulations.

Source indianexpress

सुपरहिट कलाकार दयाहाङ राई-को कालेबुङमा एन्ट्री

6:17 PM

सुपरहिट कलाकार दयाहाङ राई-को कालेबुङमा एन्ट्री ..... राईसँग चलचित्र काम गर्न चाहनेहरूलाई सुनौलो अवसर


कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 19 मार्च २०१८:
भारतको कालेबुङबाट निर्माण हुने ठूलो पर्दाको नेपाली चलचित्रमा काम गर्नका निम्ति दयाहाङ राईले नेपालकै एउटा चलचित्रको काम समेत त्यागेको हल्ला फैलिएको छ। नेपाली चलचित्रमा नयाँ आयाम दिने सुपरहिट कलाकार दयाहाङ राई भारतबाट निर्माण हुने चलचित्रको कथा सुन्ने साथ राजी भएपछि नेपालको एउटा चलचित्रको काम त्यागेको हल्ला फैलिएको हो।
‘भारतबाट निर्माण हुन लागेको नेपाली चलचित्रमा राई पहिलोपल्ट काम गर्न लागेका छन्। उनी त्यस चलचित्रको कथाबाट आकर्षित भएका हुन्। सोही कारण उनले चलचित्रको झट्टै कार्य थालनीका निम्ति नेपालको एक चलचित्रको कार्य छोडेका हुन्’ दयाहाङ राईका नजिकका स्रोत भन्छन्। उक्त हल्लासम्बन्धि राई आफैले भने कुनै पुष्टि गरेका छैनन्। 
दयाहाङ राईले भारतको कालेबुङबाट निर्माण हुने नेपाली चलचित्रमा काम गर्नेछन्। माउन्टेन पिक्चर्स्को ब्यानरमा निर्माण हुने नेपाली चलचित्रमा उनी मुख्य भुमिकामा रहनेछन्। भारतबाट निर्माण हुन लागेको ठूलो पर्दाको चलचित्रमा सुपरहिट नायक दयाहाङ राईको यो पहिलो चलचित्र हुनेछ। उनले भारतको कालेबुङबाट निर्माण हुन लागेको चलचित्रमा काम गर्नका निम्ति हस्ताक्षर गरिसकेका छन्। उक्त चलचित्रको छायाँङ्कन चाँढै आरम्भ हुने भएको छ। जसको निम्ति दयाहाङ राई कालेबुङ अप्रेल महिनाको पहिलो सातामा आउनेछन्। माउन्टेन पिक्चर्सका अन्मोल गुरुङले दयाहाङ राईसँग पहिलो पल्ट काम गर्ने अवसर पाएकोमा धेरै उत्साह जागेको बताएका छन्।
‘नेपाली चलचित्रमा प्राकृतिक कला प्रस्तुत गर्ने दयाहाङ राईको कला बेजोड छन्। उनीसँग काम गरेर चलचित्र निर्माण गर्नु सौभाग्य हो। यसैले धेरै उत्साहित छु’ अन्मोल गुरुङ भन्छन्। प्रेम, रोमान्स, बिछोड आदि कथा रहेको नेपाली चलचित्रमा दयाहाङको प्रस्तुती कस्तो हुने हो भन्ने चलचित्र निर्माता टोलिमा उत्सुक्ता जागेको छ।
यता चर्चित कलाकार दयाहाङ राईको भारतबाट निर्माण हुन लागेको पहिलो नेपाली चलचित्रमा कार्य गर्न चाहना भएकाहरूका निम्ति सुनौलो अवसर खुलेको छ। चलचित्र निर्माण टोलि ‘माउन्टेन पिक्चर्स्’ ले चलचित्रका निर्माण टोलिमा एकाधिक मानिसहरूको आवश्यक्ता रहेको भन्दै स्थानीय उत्सुक मानिसहरूलाई मौका दिने भएको छ।
हालमा दयाहाङ राईसँग निर्माण हुने चलचित्रमा काम गर्न चाहनेहरूका निम्ति 8 वटा रिक्त स्थानहरू रहेका छन्। जसमा इच्छुक व्यक्तिहरूले आवेदन गर्न सक्नेछन्। चलचित्र टोलिमा निम्न पदहरू रिक्त रहेका छन् – सेकेन्ड ए.डी (महिला), थर्ड ए.डी (पुरुष), निर्देशकका सहयोगी (पुरुष), सङ्गीत समुहका सहयोगी (पुरुष), ड्रेस पर्सन (महिला), कलाकार टोलिका सहयोगी (पुरुष/महिला), अनि स्पोट ब्योइ (पुरुष) चाहिएका छन्। आवेदकले फोनमार्फत् सम्पर्क गरेर जानकारी लिन सक्नेछ। सम्पूर्ण रिक्त पदका निम्ति आगमी 25 मार्च 2018 का दिन ‘सिनेमा क्याफे’ डेभिड ग्यास नजिक बिहान 11 बजेदेखि अडिसन सम्पन्न हुने भएको छ। यसकारण आगमी 24 मार्चभित्रमा ठूलो पर्दाको नेपाली चलचित्रमा सुपरहिट कलकार दयाहाङ राई अनि निर्देशक अन्मोल गुरुङसँग एकसाथ काम गर्न चाहनेहरूले आजनै आवेदन गर्न सक्ने माउन्टेन पिक्चर्सका अन्मोल गुरुङले बताएका छन्।

Rewati Chetri crowned Miss International India 2016 will represent India at Miss International in Japan

10:33 PM
Nanda Kirati Dewan

Pune, Maharastra 12th Sept 2016: The gorgeous ‘Gorkhali Gabhuru’,  Asom Xontan and Pride of the North East Rewati Chetri was crowned Miss International India 2016 in its first edition of the beauty pageant that took place at Novotel Hotel in Pune on Sunday night. She bagged the title defeating 16 other contestants and will now represent India at the Miss International 2016 pageant happening next month in Tokyo, Japan.

23-year-old Rewati was born to Baburam Chetri and Mrs. Bina Chetri  born and broup up in a small town of Haflong, Assam. She attended her schooling from St. Agnes’ Convent High School, Haflong and graduated in commerce degree from Lumding College, Lumding.
Rewati Chetri at the grand finale of Senorita India Beauty Pageant 2016. The Crowning Momen
Rewati Chetri at the grand finale of Senorita India Beauty Pageant 2016. The Crowning Momen
The full-time supermodel and also an actress, was a top 10 finalist at Femina Miss India 2015  pageant where she won Miss India Miss Popular and Miss Multimedia subtitles. Rewati represented India at World Miss University 2016 pageant, held in Beijing, where she bagged the continental crown of Miss Asia University.

In July, she made her debut film in a Hindi flim “Gangs of Northeast”, directed by Rupak Gogoi and co-produced by Sanjive Narain and Kenny Lyngdoh Talang.

Rewati Chetry 2nd from Right crowned Miss International India 2016
Speaking to this correspondent from her hotel in Pune the super model said, ‘I must thank my friends and supporters who lend their support and blessings Miss India happened last year. I cannot name all of them but I sincerely acknowledge immense support from my family and closed friends who stood by me thick and thin. I must credit the social media enthusiasts and North Eastern print and electronic media for their publicity and support that made the way for me to crown Miss International India.’

The super model further added I am now called ‘Gorkhali Gabhuru’ joni from the famous lyrics of Mahamanab Asom Ratna Dr, Bhupen Hazarika – the legend dedicated to Gorkhali beauty of Assam at Kapili river. I must thank my people back home for awarding me this title and keeping me in their prayers and blessing me through out. I will try my best to bring home for India the Miss International 2016, which will be the 56th Miss International pageant; it will be held on October 27, 2016 at the Tokyo Dome City Hall in Tokyo, Japan. It is one of most prestigious and premier pageant in the word founded by the Japanese. She has soughed nation’s support for the Miss International contest.  If she makes it, she will be the first Indian to achieve this feat.

Back home her school, college, university friends have began celebration and social media is full or random shares of her crowned photos. The modeling and fashion fraternity have congratulated her for bringing laurels to the state. The All Assam Gorkhali Mahila Samitee, Greater Guwahati Gorkhali Mahila Samitee, AAGSU Guwahati City Committee, AAGSU and Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh, Dima Hasao District committee and the GACDC have also extended congratulations message to Rewati Chetry. Several students and youth organizations, civil society organizations too have applauded the young model’s feat.


World Wide Media Release by Mantraa Media

Rewati Chetri Wins Senorita Miss International India 2016

9:42 AM
Writes John Hingkung

The gorgeous Gorkha beauty from Assam was crowned Senorita Miss International India 2016 in its first edition of the beauty pageant that took place at Novotel Hotel in Pune on Sunday night. She bagged the title defeating 16 other contestants and will now represent India at the Miss International 2016 pageant happening next month in Tokyo, Japan.

Senorita India 2016 Title Holders!
Senorita Miss International India 2016 Rewati Chetri
Senorita Miss Intercontinental India 2016 Aarushi Sharma
Senorita India 2016 1st Runner Up: Sana Dua
Senorita India 2016 2nd Runner Up: Sailee Naazre
Rewati Chhetri Wins Senorita Miss International India 2016
Rewati Chhetri Wins Senorita Miss International India 2016
23-year-old Rewati was born to Baburam Chetri and Mrs. Bina Chetri and grew up in a small town of Haflong, Assam. She attended her schooling from St. Agnes’ Convent High School, Haflong and graduated in commerce degree from Lumding College, Lumding.

Rewati on her FB Post wrote:
"Here I am crowned as Miss India for Miss International 2016.
Thank you God for all the blessings. I know you love me way too much. Thank you for answering my prayers.
Mama, Papa - your little daughter made your dream come true. You raised me up to be who and what I am today. I love you both always.
My sister and brother - you both have been the two shadows of my life always guiding me in the right path. This wouldn't have been possible without you both.
Senorita India Beauty Pageant - thank you so much for choosing me as your winner. I promise to add value to the team and have an amazing reign.
The Voice of Sikkim & NorthEast Today- thank you for all the posts made on behalf of me to create awareness about the my journey at Senorita India 2016
At last but not the least my relatives, friends and every loved one on all social medias. It's your love, support and encouragement that keeps me going. Be with me always.

I will be representing India once again. This time at the prestigious Miss International pageant next Month in Japan. Will definitely give my best shot. Please keep me in your prayers and support me as you always do.

I love you all so much <3 "

The full-time supermodel and also an actress, was a top 10 finalist at Femina Miss India 2015  pageant where she won Miss Popular and Miss Multimedia subtitles. Rewati represented India at World Miss University 2016 pageant, held in Beijing, where she bagged the continental crown of Miss Asia.

In July, she made her debut film in a Hindi flick “Gangs of Northeast”, directed by Rupak Gogoi.

Via sevendiary


4:17 PM
Writes: Prabin Moktan

Back in 1998 I had accompanied a talented group of Higher Secondary boys from St. Augustine’s to Mount Hermon for the ISC Fest.

Representing SAS in the solo song category of the Western Music Competition was Bipul Chettri, then a slightly intense, almost brooding musician, respected immensely by his cohorts for his virtuosity with the guitar. Bipul’s eclectic listening tastes was reflected in his choice of the song that he was covering- Hook by Blues Traveller. Bipul belted out the song like a rock star. As a performance it was rough, patchily brilliant.

Later when the results were declared the breathless announcer got carried away and breaching MC norms went well beyond the third position to declare that Bipul Chettri of SAS had been declared… last. Perhaps the judges (names available upon request) were looking at something else - a hill diva belting out something from the Titanic or a hymn.
Bipul Chettri
Bipul Chettri
Whatever the case the disappointment amongst the SAS contingent was palpable but no one so much as raised a single decibel of protest at Bipul for marring what had been a perfect outing so far.
Then about a decade or more later I heard Dadhelo. The link to the song on soundcloud was posted by Evan Manandhar another Sasonian who had made a perceptive comment about the Nepali accent of the singer.

This song was like no other Nepali song that I had ever heard. Musically taut, with evocative lyrics and a voice devoid of the million cliches that encumber pop singers.

It was as if a powerful energy of extraordinary benevolence and freshness was being unleashed upon the Nepali music firmament. Bipul sang of the wild fires. Back in an innocent time when nights were not consumed by the TV or internet one could see nocturnal hills necklaced by rings of forest fires. It is perhaps a rare hill child whose memory doesn’t flicker with the leaping tongues of these orange offerings . Bipul gave a music and a voice to that memory.

The empathy clicked and the song became a phenomenon.

Then others followed. Asar with its simple jhaurey beat that mimed the stacatto monsoon on tin roofs. A song embedded with a subtle yet ominous hint of that another hill memory- the hissing of the jhora as it bounded downhill with the gurgling bounty of the monsoon waters. There was life and death in that churning.

If Dadhelo was a visual song about the memory of light, asar unpacked a sound.
The other songs that were released one after the other did not disappoint. Deorali Dadha was tactile. It caressed your face with the cool whiff of the mountain breeze. The song was a vivacious dance of hill vapours scented with the artemesia and the pine.

My personal favourite Mountain High, of Sketches of Darjeeling reminds me of Sun Ra’s Yucatan in terms of the organic vision of the composition. While the idiosyncratic minimalism of Ra evokes of mountain animals swaying as they ascend a Mayan mountain, Mountain High recreates in its sonics, the piety of monks as they blow on their horns and ascend heights that are both real and metaphorical.
Later when I heard Syndicate, I told myself this was a song screaming to be included in Sketches of Darjeeling.

Syndicate is a word that has been appropriated by us. It is seldom heard without the prefix Darjeeling or Kalimpong or Siliguri and refers to a place from where you catch a vehicle.
It is noisy and chaotic. But sometimes above the fumes of exhaust, the squabble over tickets, or the dread of having to ride on the chameray (rear) seat, soars a hope that a transient infatuation may lead on to something more meaningful.

Till one realizes sadly that the syndicate is a crossroad. It is not a point of termination but an intersection from where lives and journeys diverge.

This song has a horn interlude and a passage that speaks of ‘darkey pani,’ a sudden downpour that settles the dust and if its evening creates a luminous freshness.

It is perhaps Bipul’s genius that in these brief melodious minutes he recreates a universe that will be teeming with Darjeelingays who carry in the recesses of their minds their own episodes of Syndicate memories.

Memories that Bipul’s music has a given a fresh new color, sound and lease of life.
If Darjeeling life has a musical locus then perhaps it will follow the trajectory of a Bipul Chettri song.

P.S: What I have heard of the latest album has been promising. But this one is Bipul turning inwards…but more on this at another time.

Via TheDC

Download Bipul Chettri’s new album ‘Maya’ for free

9:28 PM
Bipul Chettri’s new album ‘Maya’ now available for free 

KATHMANDU, June 16: Those who love Bipul Chettri’s music are in for a treat! Starting Friday, June 17, fans of the musician will be able to download Chettri’s new album ‘Maya’ for free.

All the eight songs from ‘Maya’ will be available free of charge through Honda Nepal’s social media channels. One new song will be made available each week over the course of the next couple of weeks.

One of the songs from the new album is ‘Syndicate’ which has already enjoyed huge popularity since it was released as a single last year.

This is not all for Chettri’s fans. Honda Nepal is also introducing ‘Bipul Chettri Cover Song Contest’ which is an interesting platform for fans to show their talent as well as their admiration for the musician. Anyone can participate by covering his songs and then uploading it to the contest channel. The best cover will be selected by the musician himself as well as representatives from Honda.
Download Bipul Chettri’s new album ‘Maya’ for free
Download Bipul Chettri’s new album ‘Maya’ for free
The winner will receive a cash prize of Rs 100,000 and also get the opportunity to meet the singer.

Chettri says, “This album has been in the making for the past two years and has been a fun project. I would like to thank Honda Nepal for partnering with us. In the current scenario of piracy and distribution problems, I think this is one of the most innovative ways to spread the music.”

Visit to download songs from ‘Maya’ and participate in the ‘Bipul Chettri Cover Song Contest.’

1. Siriri - the first single from Bipul Chettri's Maya Just click this link and then CREATE AN ACCOUNT to download Siriri
2 Allarey Jovan Click on and just Log in to download the song if you have already created an account.

If you haven't created an account, please create one to listen and to download songs for Free.

Via myrepublica

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