Showing posts with label GJYM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GJYM. Show all posts

गोर्खा जनमुक्ति युवा मोर्चाद्वारा प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

5:59 PM
जनताले रिजेक्ट कसलाई गरेको छ त्यो बिषयमा सबै भन्दा
राम्ररी ज्ञान र अनुभव बिनय तामाङ्ग अनि उहाँको टोलीलाई छ।

मुख्य अतिथिको मञ्चबाट आफ्नो सम्बोधन राख्ने क्रममा जनताबाट भाषण बन्द गर भन्ने जोडतोडको प्रतिक्रिया आउनु पो होइन र रिजेक्ट?

सामाजिक सञ्जालतिर दिन रातै जनताले आक्रोश व्यक्त गर्दै गाली गरेको पो होइन र रिजेक्ट?

बिनय दाजु तपाईं स्वयं दिल्ली भ्रमण ममता बन्दोपाध्यको  साथमा जानुभएको समय केन्द्रीय मंत्रीहरूको ढोका ढोका घुम्नु हुँदा कुनै एकजना मन्त्री महोदय सम्मलाई भेट गर्नु नपाउनु भएको सत्य कुरा होइन र रिजेक्ट?

केन्द्र सरकार अनि तपाईंको अन्नदाता राज्य सरकारलाई पनि थाहा छ तपाई जनता रिजेक्ट गरीसकेको नेता हो भनेर। हुन पनि तपाईं बसेको दुइवटै स्थान जनताबाट चुनिएको नभएर सरकारले मनोनीत गरेको सत्यतालाई कसैले नकार्न सक्तैनन्।
बिनय दाजु गाडी घोडा तिर यात्रा गर्दा यात्रुहरूले कस्तो बिचार पोख्छन् एकाअर्का माझ त्यो चालक दाजुभाइहरू संग सोध्नु होला।
GJM Youth Wing press release

जनताले गोजमुमोको नेतृत्ववर्ग लाई होइन तृणमुल मोर्चाको संरक्षकहरूलाई रिजेक्ट गरीसकेको छन्। हो अहिले मुख खोलेर बिनय गुटको विरूद्धमा बोल्न सकेका छैनन् जनता कारण मुख खोल्यो कि थुनुवा पर्ने त्रास जनतामा छाएको छ जसको ज्वलन्त उदाहरण हालै पक्रा परेको कृष्ण बस्नेत (अन्तिम) घटनाले उजागर गरेको छ। सामाजिक सञ्जालमा बंगाल सरकार अनि बिनय अनितको कालो नीतिको बिरोधमा आफ्नो बिचार पोख्दा मात्रमा कृष्ण बस्नेत दाजुले जेलको हावा खानु परिरहेको छ जबकि देशको संविधानको अनुच्छेद १९(१)क ( अभिव्यक्तिको आजादी) ले भारतको हरेक नागरिकलाई आफ्नो अभिव्यक्ति पोख्याउने राजनैतिक अधिकार दिएको छ। तर पहाडमा तथाकथित नेताहरूले दिनहुँ जप्न नभुल्ने शान्ति र गणतन्त्र अचम्मकै छ।

तर दाजु बिनयलाई  सित्तैमा एउटा सुझाव, दाजु पहाडको इतिहास राम्ररी घोत्लिएर सोच्नुहोला, जसले पनि पहाडको माटो संग गद्दारी गरेको छ उसको पतन निश्चित भएको छ कारण हाम्रो पहाडको शिरमा एकापट्टी  महाकाल बाबा आसिन हुनुहुन्छ भने अर्को तर्फ माता सिञ्चेल विराजमान हुनुहुन्छ साथै हाम्रो पहाडको हरेक स्थानहरूमा पवित्र चर्च, गुम्बा मस्जिद अनि देव देवताहरूको स्थान अवस्थीत छ। भनौं भने हाम्रो पहाड पवित्र  तिर्थस्थल नै हो जहाँ हरेक पाइलामा मन्दिर,चर्च,गुम्बा भेटिन्छ। यसैले दाजु पहाडको पवित्र भूमि संग तपाईहरूले गरेको गद्दारीपनको हिसाब इश्वर स्वयंले गर्नुहुनेछ।

अध्यक्ष बिमल गुरुङ्ग ज्युको नेतृत्वमा दिल्लीमा भइरहेको सकारात्मक पहलहरू कसै व्यक्ति बिशेषको स्वार्थको निम्ति होइन दाजु यो त सर्वभारतिय स्तरमा समग्र गोर्खा जातिको उत्थानको निम्ति गरिएको सर्वश्रेष्ठ कार्य हो।

यो तपाईंको तृणमुल मोर्चाले आगामी लोकसभा चुनावलाई हेरेर घोषणा गरेको नाटकीय  बौधिक आन्दोलन होइन बिनय दाजु। जनताको आकांक्षा र हित संग जोडिएको उन्मुक्तिको अभियान हो र नै केन्द्र सरकारले पनि सुन्दैछ हाम्रो कुरा। तपाईंको ममता सरकारलाई पनि राम्ररी ज्ञात भएको कुरा हो तपाईंहरुलाई पनि ज्ञात भएको कुरा हो अनि केन्द्र सरकारलाई पनि राम्रोसँग ज्ञात भएको कुरा हो, अध्यक्ष बिमल गुरुङ्ग ज्यु अनि वहाँको अनुयायीहरु हामी हरहालतमा हाम्रो शताब्दी नाघी सकेको पवित्र मांग "गोर्खाल्याण्ड" बाहेक अन्य कुरामा पटक्कै सम्झौता गर्नेवाला छैनौं भन्ने कुरा।

तपाईंहरूको बिषयमा त के मुख खोलिरहनु जबकि सर्वसाधारण सम्मलाई तपाईंहरूको नाटक बारेमा "क देखि ज्ञ" सम्म थाहा छ।

थाहा छ जनतालाई भोलिको दिनमा गोर्खाल्याण्ड गठनको बिघ्न बाधा बिनय तामाङ्ग र अनित थापाको टोली, हाम्रो जनताले गोर्खाल्याण्डको रेफरेण्डम स्वरूप पठाएको विधायाक अमर सिंह राई(दार्जीलिङ्ग) रोहित शर्मा (खरसाङ्) राज्य सरकारद्वारा मनोनित लोकसभा सांसद शान्ता छेत्री, जात जातको बोर्ड अनि तपाईंको सेनामेनाहरू हो भन्ने कुरा।
 तपाइहरूको नयाँ सोंच र नयाँ बिचार जनताले देखिसकेको छ अब जनता मुक्ति चाहान्छ त्यस्तो दमनकारी नयाँ सोंच र नयाँ बिचार संग। किनभने गणतन्त्र देशमा आफ्नैहरूको दमनमा जीउनु एउटा दास भएर जीउनु सरह हो जहाँ न त स्वेच्छाले बस्न पाईन्छ न त बोल्न नै पाईन्छ।

एक्काइसौँ शताब्दीमा दुनियाँ मंगल ग्रहमा घर बसाउने तरखरमा छ भने हामी चै अझसम्म दासत्वको जुनी जीउन बाध्य छौं। यि सब तपाईहरू जस्तो स्वार्थीहरूको कारणले गर्दा हो जसलाई स्वतन्त्रताको स्वाद थाहा नै छैन।

अन्तमा बिनय दाजु अनि वहाँका सेनामेनाहरूलाई एउटा कुरा स्पष्ट बुझाउनु चाहान्छु, आत्तिनु पर्दैन तपाईंहरू कारण तपाइहरूले जस्तो आफ्नै हरूको घर जलाउने लुटपाट गर्ने अनि जनसाधारणलाई पुलिसको आडमा ह्याकुला मिचाई गर्ने घृणित कार्य हामी गर्न चाहँदैनौ।

कारण हत्या हिंसाको राजनितिले कुनैपनि जाति, समाज र राष्ट्रको भलो हुन सक्तैन। एकाइसौं शताब्दी सम्म पिरोलिएर, हेपिएर, चेप्टिएर आफ्नो आकार गुमाइसकेका हाम्रो जातिको उत्थान गर्नु हो भने, अनि विकासको हजार फड्को नाघि सकेको अन्य जातिको हाराहारीमा हाम्रो भावी सन्तानलाई उभ्याउनु हो भने हामीले हाम्रो स्वयंको जीवनलाई अनि व्यक्तिगत इच्छा आकांक्षाहरूलाई टाढा राखेर जनहितमा आफुलाई समर्पीत गर्नु पर्छ। हामी काटमार लुटपाटको राजनीति गरेर हाम्रो जातिलाई अझै तल धकेल्न चाहँदैनौ। यसैले यसरी अत्तालिएर नानाथरी फलाक्नु उचित हुँदैन।

गोरखा सञ्जिव लामा
सह सचिव
गोजयुमो केन्द्रिय समिति। ।

GJM youth supports Gurungs agitation for a separate state of Gorkhaland

5:21 PM
DARJEELING 19 Aug 2016 A day after Gorkha Janmukti Morcha president Bimal Gurung announced he would resign from the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration to spearhead an agitation for a separate  state, the party’s youth front pledged wholehearted support to his decision asserting they were ready to shed the Gandhi-wadi style of struggle.

Bolstered by Gurung’s speech on August 7 in Darjeeling where he urged the youths to promote agitation, almost all GJYM leaders today emphasised the need to give up the GTA for the sake of securing a separate Gorkha state. “We welcome our party president’s decision to quit the GTA and start the statehood agitation. We have are being suppressed by the state government while the central government appears least interested in our issue. Now we cannot continue with the Gandhi-wadi Andolan because the water has gone over our heads,” thundered Barood Thapa, the GJYM Kalimpong sub-division president, in a public meeting held today in Darjeeling.

The youth wing supports Gurung’s decision to kick-off an agitation, but it also wants the GTA to be discarded outright. “Allegations have been hurled by the Opposition that an agitation cannot be started while running the GTA. By doing away with the council, our party president will give a fitting reply to the detractors and that is exactly what we want,” said Thapa.
Gorkha Janmukti Yuwa Morcha (GJYM)
Gorkha Janmukti Yuwa Morcha (GJYM)
During the last phase of the Gorkhaland movement in 2013, Gurung had resigned as the chief executive of the GTA on July 30 but assumed office again on December 26 of that year. Last year too, on September 10, Gurung had threatened to resign but did not carry out his threat.

Thapa also warned of a Kashmir-like situation in Darjeeling in a thinly veiled threat to the state and central governments to get their attention. “We have pledged to follow Gandhian principles and have done so. But now we will be forced to make Darjeeling into another Kashmir if the central government does not give us justice,” warned Thapa.

Samardeep Blone, the Kurseong sub-division general secretary of the GJYM, put the onus on the Centre to come true on its assurances. He said BJP leaders should take note of the situation developing in the hills. “Through this public meeting, we want to ask the Prime Minister when would his statement of ‘Gorkha ka sapna, mera sapna’ become a reality. We are also tired of requesting the Darjeeling MP of placing our demand in Parliament. Now time has come for the BJP led Centre to keep its promise as mere assurances will not work anymore,” he said.

Other youth leaders took barbs at the hill TMC, the Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) and Jan Andolan Party (JAP) alleging they had sold the statehood demand for petty politics. “They speak what they are directed by Bengal. The 1986 agitation was compromised because of betrayers and the same is happening now. But now we will not forgive the betrayers,” said Bhim Subba, president of the GJM Bijanbari-Goke constituency.

Meanwhile in Kurseong, GTA Sabhasad Anit Thapa said eight Sabhasads including himself would also resign if the party president went ahead and quit.

GJM general secretary Roshan Giri said the decision taken by the Sabhasads from Kurseong sub-division to resign was right. “The decision by the Sabhasads from Kurseong is a right one. We expect more Sabhasads to follow suit. We will be holding meetings over the next few days to discuss the issue,” said Giri, who is also a Sabhasad from the Sitong-Latpanchar constituency.

GTA Sabhasads Anit Thapa, Yogendra Rai, Anju Thapa, Ratan Thapa, Pranay Thapa, Prabha Chhetri, Mahendra Pradhan and Champa Bibar from Kurseong and Mirik sub-divisions today announced  they would also follow suit if the GJM president did go ahead and resign from the GTA within two and two and half months, as announced on Thursday.

“We will only do politics after we achieve a separate state. Our party president has decided to resign and start an agitation and we will follow him as a separate state is our ultimate aspiration,” said Yogendra Rai, Sabhasad of the Kurseong town-Deorali constituency, after a meeting in Kurseong this evening.GJM youth front welcomes Bimal Gurung's announcment to quit GTA.


GJM rally for Scheduled Tribe status to 11 communities in ‪Mirik‬

11:20 PM

The youth wing of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today called a mass rally to push for the demand of granting Scheduled Tribe status to the 11 communities of the Darjeeling hills and the plains of Siliguri.The rally was called upon by Mirik Subdivision GJYM President Yogesh Golay and other party cadres.

The Gorkha Janmukti Yuwa Morcha (GJYM) rally started from the Bypess more from eleven in the morning and ended at Receipt Centre Krishnanagar and everyone has been asked to support the demand. The GJM has been demanding tribal status for 10 communities from the hills and one from the Dooars area. The communities from the hills are Bhujel,Gurung, Mangar, Newar, Jogi, Khas, Rai, Sunwar, Thami, Yakha (Dewan) and the plains community is the Dhimal.

The Morcha got a boost to its demand after Prime Minister Narendra Modi endorsed it during an election campaign for party candidates in the north Bengal region recently. Earlier this year a committee was also formed by the Union Ministry of Tribal Affairs to examine and make recommendations.
Rally for Scheduled Tribe status to 11 communities in ‪Mirik‬
“The PM, Narendra Modi, has given a positive response to our demand. A committee has also been formed by the central government. It must be remembered that we are demanding for ST status and therefore, we must take proactive steps to pursue the issue,” said Arun Sigchi, Soureni Sabhasad, today.

The state government too had recommended the inclusion of the 10 hill communities under the tribal status category. At present, the Bhutia, Sherpa, Yolmo, Lepcha and Tamang come under the Scheduled Tribe status. The Bharatiya Gorkha Janjati Sangarsha Mahasangh (BGJSM), an umbrella organisation of the communities demanding tribal status, too has been pursuing the issue with the central government. After the Centre’s initial nod to look into the issue, the Mahasangh has started a mass signature campaign to garner support and make people aware of the demand.

“We Gorkhas have faulted on many occasions with our various demands because of disunity. But the time has come to work together and take forward this demand to its end,” said Arun Ghising, the Thurbu Duptin Samasty Sabhasad .The speakers during the programme were GTA Sabhasads Arun Sigchi,Arun Ghising, Phubu Rai,Mirik Municipality Chairperson Mala Subba,Ladup Ghising and Sunil Ragubangshi in host.


GJM youth wing to push for Scheduled Tribe status demand

10:16 AM
Darjeeling 29 May 2016 The youth wing of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) today said it will hold a mass rally on June 2 to push for the demand of granting Scheduled Tribe status to the 11 communities of the hills and the plains of Siliguri.

The Gorkha Janmukti Yuwa Morcha (GJYM) rally will start from the Motor Stand area from eleven in the morning and end at Chowrastha and everyone has been asked to support the demand. The GJM has been demanding tribal status for 10 communities from the hills and one from the Dooars area. The communities from the hills are Bhujel,

Gurung, Mangar, Newar, Jogi, Khas, Rai, Sunwar, Thami, Yakha (Dewan) and the plains community is the Dhimal.

The Morcha got a boost to its demand after Prime Minister Narendra Modi endorsed it during an election campaign for party candidates in the north Bengal region recently. Earlier this year a committee was also formed by the Union Ministry of Tribal Affairs to examine and make recommendations.
Gorkha Janmukti Yuwa Morcha (GJYM)
Gorkha Janmukti Yuwa Morcha (GJYM) - A File Photo 
“The PM has given a positive response to our demand. A committee has also been formed by the central government. It must be remembered that we are demanding for ST status and therefore, we must take proactive steps to pursue the issue,” said Sanjeev Lama, the GJYM general secretary, today.

The state government too had recommended the inclusion of the 10 hill communities under the tribal status category. At present, the Bhutia, Sherpa, Yolmo, Lepcha and Tamang come under the Scheduled Tribe status. The Bharatiya Gorkha Janjati Sangarsha Mahasangh (BGJSM), an umbrella organisation of the communities demanding tribal status, too has been pursuing the issue with the central government. After the Centre’s initial nod to look into the issue, the Mahasangh has started a mass signature campaign to garner support and make people aware of the demand.

“We Gorkhas have faulted on many occasions with our various demands because of disunity. But the time has come to work together and take forward this demand to its end,” said Amrit Yonzon, the youth front’s spokesperson.


Gorkha Janmukti Yuva Morcha plans motorcycle rally for Gorkhaland

10:50 PM
Darjeeling 25 Feb 2016 The youth front of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today said it plans to organise a motorcycle rally from Darjeeling to Siliguri in the first week of March to rekindle the demand for Gorkhaland among the general public of the hills, especially the youths.

Gorkha Janmukti Yuva Morcha general secretary Amrit Yonzon said a series of programmes will be held following the bike rally. “We have lined up a series of programmes in the month of March starting with a bike rally from Darjeeling to Siliguri to garner popular support for the demand of Gorkhaland. We intend to focus more on the youths and raise awareness among them,” he said. “More than 100 bikes will participate in the rally, the date for which will be announced subsequently. We also plan to hold street corner meetings along the way downhill in places such as Sonada,Kurseong and Sukna.”

According to Yonzon, the point where the bike rally is to end in Siliguri will be decided upon by the administration and the GJYM is awaiting confirmation on this. “A few days after the rally, we intend to hold a three-day public workshop on the statehood issue under the stewardship of our party leaders. We also plan to hold public meetings across the hills focusing on the youths,” informed Yonzon further.
Gorkha Janmukti Yuva Morcha plans motorcycle rally for Gorkhaland
GJM Bike Rally 2010
The GJYM is also mulling on reshuffling its central committee in order to strengthen the organisation and increase member numbers from the Terai and Dooars regions to take the total to 50 or thereabouts. According to the youth front leader, “Of late, we have been noticing the lacklustre attitude among the youths in terms of the statehood demand. Hence, we want them to start participating actively in party programmes and meetings. Political observers in the hills believe the GJM leadership may have directed the party’


Bimal Gurung rakes up Gorkhaland demand on 23rd Bhasa Diwas

12:30 PM
Gorkha Janmukti Morcha chief Bimal Gurung on Thursday said he trusted Prime Minister Narendra Modi and was hopeful that the popular demand for a separate Gorkhaland state would be achieved soon under the BJP’s rule. Speaking on the occasion of the 23rd Bhasa Diwas in Darjeeling organised by the Gorkha Janmukti Yuwa Morcha (GJYM), the party’s youth front, Gurung said, “The BJP included our statehood demand in its election manifesto both in 2009 and 2014. The Prime Minister has even said that the dreams of the Gorkhas are his dreams. I am 110 per cent sure that he (Modi) will keep the promise he made prior to the 2014 Lok Sabha election.” In the same breath, Gurung also tried to clarify the hasty statement he had made saying “a separate state would be achieved by 2010 or I would kill myself”, which has become the Opposition’s ace card to throw at the GJM. “I was made to say that because of reasons that were favourable for us. In 2009, Jaswant Singh of the BJP became the Darjeeling MP and hopes were high that the saffron party would come to power in Delhi, but unfortunately this did not materialise. The BJP had also mentioned the Gorkhaland demand in the party’s election manifesto,” the GJM
 Bimal Gurung Speaking on the occasion of the 23rd Bhasa Diwas in Darjeeling organised by the Gorkha Janmukti Yuwa Morcha (GJYM)
Bimal Gurung Speaking on the occasion of the 23rd Bhasa Diwas in Darjeeling organised by he
Gorkha Janmukti Yuwa Morcha (GJYM)
Gurung asserted he has not lost hope and that a separate state would be achieved soon. “We have helped give the BJP and MP from Darjeeling once again and our demand has figured in their manifesto. We will soon celebrate the Bhasa Diwas in a Gorkhaland state,” he said. On August 20, 1992, the Nepali language was officially recognized under the 8th Schedule of the Constitution after a prolonged struggle. The GJM chief also reiterated that good relations should be maintained with the state government to usher in development of the hills. “We made a mistake by asking Bengal for a separate state as it is not capable of giving us anything. However, we need to keep developing the hills and this is why we should keep good relations with the state government,” he said. Gurung, who is the chief executive of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration, also had a word of advice for the youths of the hills and asked them to prepare themselves for the future. “The GTA is only a test for us to see how well we can administer our region. We have learned a lot by now and the youths must be ready now because it will not be long before we achieve our demand. Should we hire IAS and IPS officers from outside to run our state?” he said to thunderous applause from the crowd. During the course of the day, Gurung handed out Rs68 lakh as compensation to the families of the June landslide victims and an additional sum of Rs50,000 each to two students for their higher studies. After the June landslide that

claimed 34 lives in different places of the hills, the GTA had promised to provide Rs2 lakh each to the victims’ kin, an amount in addition to the compensation promised by the state and central governments.

Source EOI

GJM Yuva leader held in connection to Assam arms haul case

2:21 PM
Darjeeling police today arrested Priyabardan Rai, a general secretary of the Gorkha Janmukti Yuva Morcha (GJYM), at a time police are looking for Sanjay Thulung, the outfit's vice-president, for his alleged links in an Assam arms haul case.
Priyabardan Rai GJM Yuva leader held in connection to Assam arms haul case
Priyabardan Rai GJM Yuva leader held in connection to Assam arms haul case
Asked if Rai too was arrested in connection with the arms haul, Akhilesh Chaturvedi, Darjeeling police superintendent, said: "No, it is with regard to old pending cases."

He gave no details on which old cases Rai was arrested.

Many Morcha leaders have cases pending against them but the police's decision to pick up Rai from the Badamtam area near Darjeeling town this evening, especially when another senior Yuva Morcha leader is untraceable, has raised eyebrows in the hills.

When his reaction was sought on the arrest, Morcha general secretary Roshan Giri said: "I am attending a function. I have not heard of any arrests."

Party assistant secretary Jyoti Kumar Rai said: "I have no comments."

On November 8, darjeeling resident Umesh Kami and Ganesh Chhetri from Assam were arrested after a search of their Tata Safari yielded an M16 rifle, two Beretta pistols, three .32 bore pistols, 300 rounds of 9mm ammunition, 80 rounds of ammunition of AK-series rifles, 198 rounds of M16 ammunition and 60 rounds of .32 ammunition.

The two were held in Chirang district in lower Assam.

On November 21, the Darjeeling police chief had said that a lot of names of political leaders were emerging in the arms haul case. "During interrogation (of the two accused arrested), a lot of names have come up. We are verifying the facts," Chaturvedi had said.

Asked if the names were that of political leaders, Chaturvedi had said: "Yes, of course."

Chhetri had reportedly told the police in Assam that he was carrying the arms for a political leader in Darjeeling.

Source: Telegraph

Yuva Morcha Demands "Lifetime Jail" for Binny Sharma TMC leader

1:13 PM
Gorkha Janmukti Yuva Morcha ( GJYM) Mirik block committee has demanded the immediate arrest of Hill TMC leader Binny Sharma and lifetime jail term for him.
Yuva Morcha Demands "Lifetime Jail" for Binny Sharma
Yuva Morcha Demands "Lifetime Jail" for Binny Sharma
Speaking to the reporters Yuva Morcha Sub-Divisional President Yogesh Golay and Block President Ram Chandra Rai said, "Binny Sharma should not be allowed to use his influence to hush up this matter... we demand swift investigation into the matter by an independent agency so that justice is not denied to the 16 year old."

The further said, "While the Prime Minister of India is currently in USA helping India to regain our lost glory and self-respect, the TMC in Bengal is doing exactly the opposite and have brought shame to the whole nation."

Binny Sharma has called this incidence an "act of vengeance by his detractors within TMC and has said he will write to the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on this matter."

[Pic and report: Bishan Rai for TheDC]
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