Showing posts with label Press Release. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Press Release. Show all posts

गोर्खा जनमुक्ति युवा मोर्चाद्वारा प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

5:59 PM
जनताले रिजेक्ट कसलाई गरेको छ त्यो बिषयमा सबै भन्दा
राम्ररी ज्ञान र अनुभव बिनय तामाङ्ग अनि उहाँको टोलीलाई छ।

मुख्य अतिथिको मञ्चबाट आफ्नो सम्बोधन राख्ने क्रममा जनताबाट भाषण बन्द गर भन्ने जोडतोडको प्रतिक्रिया आउनु पो होइन र रिजेक्ट?

सामाजिक सञ्जालतिर दिन रातै जनताले आक्रोश व्यक्त गर्दै गाली गरेको पो होइन र रिजेक्ट?

बिनय दाजु तपाईं स्वयं दिल्ली भ्रमण ममता बन्दोपाध्यको  साथमा जानुभएको समय केन्द्रीय मंत्रीहरूको ढोका ढोका घुम्नु हुँदा कुनै एकजना मन्त्री महोदय सम्मलाई भेट गर्नु नपाउनु भएको सत्य कुरा होइन र रिजेक्ट?

केन्द्र सरकार अनि तपाईंको अन्नदाता राज्य सरकारलाई पनि थाहा छ तपाई जनता रिजेक्ट गरीसकेको नेता हो भनेर। हुन पनि तपाईं बसेको दुइवटै स्थान जनताबाट चुनिएको नभएर सरकारले मनोनीत गरेको सत्यतालाई कसैले नकार्न सक्तैनन्।
बिनय दाजु गाडी घोडा तिर यात्रा गर्दा यात्रुहरूले कस्तो बिचार पोख्छन् एकाअर्का माझ त्यो चालक दाजुभाइहरू संग सोध्नु होला।
GJM Youth Wing press release

जनताले गोजमुमोको नेतृत्ववर्ग लाई होइन तृणमुल मोर्चाको संरक्षकहरूलाई रिजेक्ट गरीसकेको छन्। हो अहिले मुख खोलेर बिनय गुटको विरूद्धमा बोल्न सकेका छैनन् जनता कारण मुख खोल्यो कि थुनुवा पर्ने त्रास जनतामा छाएको छ जसको ज्वलन्त उदाहरण हालै पक्रा परेको कृष्ण बस्नेत (अन्तिम) घटनाले उजागर गरेको छ। सामाजिक सञ्जालमा बंगाल सरकार अनि बिनय अनितको कालो नीतिको बिरोधमा आफ्नो बिचार पोख्दा मात्रमा कृष्ण बस्नेत दाजुले जेलको हावा खानु परिरहेको छ जबकि देशको संविधानको अनुच्छेद १९(१)क ( अभिव्यक्तिको आजादी) ले भारतको हरेक नागरिकलाई आफ्नो अभिव्यक्ति पोख्याउने राजनैतिक अधिकार दिएको छ। तर पहाडमा तथाकथित नेताहरूले दिनहुँ जप्न नभुल्ने शान्ति र गणतन्त्र अचम्मकै छ।

तर दाजु बिनयलाई  सित्तैमा एउटा सुझाव, दाजु पहाडको इतिहास राम्ररी घोत्लिएर सोच्नुहोला, जसले पनि पहाडको माटो संग गद्दारी गरेको छ उसको पतन निश्चित भएको छ कारण हाम्रो पहाडको शिरमा एकापट्टी  महाकाल बाबा आसिन हुनुहुन्छ भने अर्को तर्फ माता सिञ्चेल विराजमान हुनुहुन्छ साथै हाम्रो पहाडको हरेक स्थानहरूमा पवित्र चर्च, गुम्बा मस्जिद अनि देव देवताहरूको स्थान अवस्थीत छ। भनौं भने हाम्रो पहाड पवित्र  तिर्थस्थल नै हो जहाँ हरेक पाइलामा मन्दिर,चर्च,गुम्बा भेटिन्छ। यसैले दाजु पहाडको पवित्र भूमि संग तपाईहरूले गरेको गद्दारीपनको हिसाब इश्वर स्वयंले गर्नुहुनेछ।

अध्यक्ष बिमल गुरुङ्ग ज्युको नेतृत्वमा दिल्लीमा भइरहेको सकारात्मक पहलहरू कसै व्यक्ति बिशेषको स्वार्थको निम्ति होइन दाजु यो त सर्वभारतिय स्तरमा समग्र गोर्खा जातिको उत्थानको निम्ति गरिएको सर्वश्रेष्ठ कार्य हो।

यो तपाईंको तृणमुल मोर्चाले आगामी लोकसभा चुनावलाई हेरेर घोषणा गरेको नाटकीय  बौधिक आन्दोलन होइन बिनय दाजु। जनताको आकांक्षा र हित संग जोडिएको उन्मुक्तिको अभियान हो र नै केन्द्र सरकारले पनि सुन्दैछ हाम्रो कुरा। तपाईंको ममता सरकारलाई पनि राम्ररी ज्ञात भएको कुरा हो तपाईंहरुलाई पनि ज्ञात भएको कुरा हो अनि केन्द्र सरकारलाई पनि राम्रोसँग ज्ञात भएको कुरा हो, अध्यक्ष बिमल गुरुङ्ग ज्यु अनि वहाँको अनुयायीहरु हामी हरहालतमा हाम्रो शताब्दी नाघी सकेको पवित्र मांग "गोर्खाल्याण्ड" बाहेक अन्य कुरामा पटक्कै सम्झौता गर्नेवाला छैनौं भन्ने कुरा।

तपाईंहरूको बिषयमा त के मुख खोलिरहनु जबकि सर्वसाधारण सम्मलाई तपाईंहरूको नाटक बारेमा "क देखि ज्ञ" सम्म थाहा छ।

थाहा छ जनतालाई भोलिको दिनमा गोर्खाल्याण्ड गठनको बिघ्न बाधा बिनय तामाङ्ग र अनित थापाको टोली, हाम्रो जनताले गोर्खाल्याण्डको रेफरेण्डम स्वरूप पठाएको विधायाक अमर सिंह राई(दार्जीलिङ्ग) रोहित शर्मा (खरसाङ्) राज्य सरकारद्वारा मनोनित लोकसभा सांसद शान्ता छेत्री, जात जातको बोर्ड अनि तपाईंको सेनामेनाहरू हो भन्ने कुरा।
 तपाइहरूको नयाँ सोंच र नयाँ बिचार जनताले देखिसकेको छ अब जनता मुक्ति चाहान्छ त्यस्तो दमनकारी नयाँ सोंच र नयाँ बिचार संग। किनभने गणतन्त्र देशमा आफ्नैहरूको दमनमा जीउनु एउटा दास भएर जीउनु सरह हो जहाँ न त स्वेच्छाले बस्न पाईन्छ न त बोल्न नै पाईन्छ।

एक्काइसौँ शताब्दीमा दुनियाँ मंगल ग्रहमा घर बसाउने तरखरमा छ भने हामी चै अझसम्म दासत्वको जुनी जीउन बाध्य छौं। यि सब तपाईहरू जस्तो स्वार्थीहरूको कारणले गर्दा हो जसलाई स्वतन्त्रताको स्वाद थाहा नै छैन।

अन्तमा बिनय दाजु अनि वहाँका सेनामेनाहरूलाई एउटा कुरा स्पष्ट बुझाउनु चाहान्छु, आत्तिनु पर्दैन तपाईंहरू कारण तपाइहरूले जस्तो आफ्नै हरूको घर जलाउने लुटपाट गर्ने अनि जनसाधारणलाई पुलिसको आडमा ह्याकुला मिचाई गर्ने घृणित कार्य हामी गर्न चाहँदैनौ।

कारण हत्या हिंसाको राजनितिले कुनैपनि जाति, समाज र राष्ट्रको भलो हुन सक्तैन। एकाइसौं शताब्दी सम्म पिरोलिएर, हेपिएर, चेप्टिएर आफ्नो आकार गुमाइसकेका हाम्रो जातिको उत्थान गर्नु हो भने, अनि विकासको हजार फड्को नाघि सकेको अन्य जातिको हाराहारीमा हाम्रो भावी सन्तानलाई उभ्याउनु हो भने हामीले हाम्रो स्वयंको जीवनलाई अनि व्यक्तिगत इच्छा आकांक्षाहरूलाई टाढा राखेर जनहितमा आफुलाई समर्पीत गर्नु पर्छ। हामी काटमार लुटपाटको राजनीति गरेर हाम्रो जातिलाई अझै तल धकेल्न चाहँदैनौ। यसैले यसरी अत्तालिएर नानाथरी फलाक्नु उचित हुँदैन।

गोरखा सञ्जिव लामा
सह सचिव
गोजयुमो केन्द्रिय समिति। ।

Bimal Gurung's message on Independence Day

12:21 PM
Bimal Gurung have released a press statement on the occasion on 72nd Independence Day. 

Following is the press release :-

On behalf of all the Gorkhas spread across our nation, I (Bimal Gurung) wish you all a very Happy Independence Day.

The commemoration of Independence Day is a very personal experience for all the Indian Gorkha families, as every family has sacrificed a member to uphold the freedom and independence of our nation.
Bimal Gurung's message on Independence Day
Bimal Gurung 

From the very first Gorkha Freedom Martyr Subedar Niranjan Chhetri of Manipur to INA Major Durga Malla of Dehradun. From organizing labourers in the coal mines of Bihar as Helen Lepcha to blowing up British Tanks in Burma as INA Janbaz Dal Martyrs Sabitri Thapa and Indreni Thapa. From giving music to Indian National Anthem as INA Capt Ram Singh Thakuri of Himachal to helping draft the constitution of our great nation as Adv. Ari Bahadur Gurung of Darjeeling and thousands others like them, the glorious Gorkha contributions to the Freedom Movement of India is what inspires the present day Gorkhas to carry on, with the same sense of patriotism and sense of duty towards our nation.

Each day thousands of Gorkha men and women put their life at risk to protect our nation from inimical forces, and they do so with the same pride and joy, with which our ancestors had fought to secure the freedom of our nation from the colonialists.

Today as we celebrate the Independence Day, I request you to take a moment to thank all those brave men and women who are serving as soldiers in the army, navy, airforce, paramilitary forces and police, and their families whose sacrifices make it possible for us to remain independent.

While we are today celebrating the 72nd Independence Day, I want to draw the attention of our nation towards the plight of minority Gorkhas, Adivasis, and Rajbanshis in North Bengal. Today, all our fundamental rights have been curtailed and all the provisions of our constitution that guarantees us to have a say in our nation has been snatched away by the West Bengal government. While the nation is celebrating our Independence Day thousands of Gorkhaland supporters are being hounded, arrested, and threatened for demanding what is guaranteed under Article 3 of our constitution - a new state.

Freedom is an essence for which our ancestors sacrificed their everything, and today that very freedom is being denied to our people. I therefore appeal to every citizen of our nation, to pledge to stand with us in our struggle for justice, equality, and freedom from tyrany, oppression and discrimination that we are facing in West Bengal.

On behalf of the Gorkhas, I once again wish you all a very Happy Independence Day.

Jai Hind, Jai Gorkhaland

Bimal Gurung
President, Central Committe
Gorkha Janmukti Morcha

6th August a day when Gorkhaland was defeated in 2017

8:11 PM
Press Release

We fought a leaderless battle. 6th August is day when Gorkhaland was defeated in 2017.

This exact day, the aspiration of thousands washed off, when the so called brave leader of Gorkhas, Bimal Gurung ran for his life making mockery out of the sacrifices given by the martyrs. He chose his personal wellbeing over the cause of gorkhas and absconded when Darjeeling Police raided Gurung’s strong hold in the midst of the agitation last year.

Bimal Gurung 
It’s to be noted that, last year, during the end of July, that there were more number of people on the streets than police in the hills. The police was on the back foot as they didn’t want to aggravate the boiling situation after the death of nearly 12 people then. The police was seen locked in their confined areas as there were massive protests rallies and an ongoing indefinite hunger strike in the hills.

That was the time when Bimal Gurung should have come out in the public and showed his appearance as the agitation was seen to be going nowhere and the fact of ‘no leader on the ground’ too could not be ignored.

The speeches in the Bazar were given by GJM local town leaders along with some CPRM and GNLF leaders. In this given situation, the role of Binoy Tamang has to be appreciated. Even Maan Ghisingh was seen leading GNLF rallies and Binoy Tamang made an attempt to meet the sitting in for a hunger strike in chowrasta. There was a desperate attempt by GJM leadership begging Bimal Gurung to come to out and address the public but all went for vain as Bimal Gurung was reluctant to come out and he claimed to say that there would ‘be law and order’ situation.

Bimal Gurung, right from the start failed to come out. The Darjeeling police had even given him a chance to attend the 13th June, all party meeting in Gymkhana which he denied saying the police could not be trusted.

However, it was like any other typical monsoon day on 6th August, last year, the town was foggy and gloomy, while the ongoing strike had entered its 53rd day. And just after the everyday rally, the people were returning home, there was sudden buzz about how police were gathered to go down to Patlebas for a raid.

This was the first raid in Patlebas after June.

I would like to describe here about the situation in Patlebas, in July.
It was guarded by more than 1000 boys with patang (long sharp weapon) in military uniform with black masks. These boys were seen checking cars of the visitors who had come to visit Bimal Gurung. The people who visited Gurung then were being frisked at every 1 KM starting from St Micheal’s School. There were numerous camps of such masked people from Singmari to Patlebas.

The town was tensed as the police slowly approached Singmari. The people feared that these armed masked men would attack the police and the situation in the hills would deteriorate once again, but on contrary, these masked men were seeing fleeing for their lives while the police slowly approached down. Many of them fractured their hands and legs while jumping from tea gardens as Darjeeling Police marched down.

The so called “Gorkhaland ko Lagi Pran Dinchu” boys ran for their lives leaving their camps.

The news of the police raid quickly reached Bimal Gurung who had his camp in Singla. Instead of tackling with the police and facing them, Gurung crossed the border and entered Sikkim for his safety. Once Bimal Gurung was on the run, there was no leadership in the hills where Binoy and Anit were forced to take the leadership in their hands.

This was day when Police got the pulse of the coward leader and from that day the police never took a ‘U’ turn on him.

But, the million dollar questions which arise here is,

‘Is Bimal Gurung the real leader of billion Gorkhas? If you still nod your heads in agreement, then why would such leader leave the agitation directionless and abscond? Should we consider the fugitive one, our leader?

Satish Pokhrel
Vice President
Gorkha Janmukti Morcha
Central Committee

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

हामीले नेतृत्वविहीन युद्ध लड़्यौ। 6 अगस्त गोर्खाल्याण्ड हारेको एउटा दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण दिन।

6 अगस्त गोर्खाल्याण्डको मुद्दाको हार भएको दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण दिन हो किनभने 2017 मा ठीक यही दिन गोर्खाहरूको आँटी अनि इमान्दार मानिएको नेता विमल गुरूङले पातलेबासमा पुलिसले छापामारी गर्दा आफ्नो ज्यान बचाउन गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनलाई समेत अधकल्चोमा छोड़ेर सुइँकुच्चा ठोकी भागेका थिए।

सबैलाई अवगत भएकै कुरा हो, गतवर्ष जुलाईको अन्तमा गोर्खाल्याण्डप्रेमी जनता हजारौं संख्यामा आफ्नो ज्यानको पर्वाह नगरी सड़कमा निस्किएका थिए। पुलिसबलभन्दा धेर संख्यामा गोर्खाल्याण्डप्रेमी जनता गोर्खाल्याण्डको माग गर्दै सड़कमा उत्रिएको थियो। फलस्वरूप दार्जीलिङ पहाड़मा कुनै प्रकारको हिँसा नहोस् भनेर पुलिस बलसमेत ब्याकफुटमा जानु परेको थियो। किनभने योभन्दा अघि नै हिँसा भएको कारणले गर्दा 12 जना गोर्खाहरू शहीद बनिसकेको थियो। पुलिसहरू आ-आफ्नो इलाकामा नै तैनाथ रहनु परेको थियो भने दार्जीलिङ पहाड़मा हजारौंको संख्यामा मानिसहरू सड़कमा उर्लेर विरोध रयाली, जुलुस गरिरहेको थियो भने आमरन अनशनसमेत चलिरहेको थियो।

यस्तो स्थितिमा विमल गुरूङ एक आँटी अनि इमान्दार नेता भएको भए आफ्नो समर्थक आन्दोलनकारीहरूको बीचमा आएर आन्दोलनकारीहरूलाई मनोबल प्रदान गर्नुपर्ने थियो अनि आन्दोलनलाई अझ प्रभावशाली बनाएर अघि लानुपर्नेथियो। तर हजारौं समर्थकहरूको घेराबन्दी रहँदा-रहँदै पनि विमल गुरूङ कहिल्यै आन्दोलनकारीहरूको मनोबल बड़ाउन मैदानमा आएनन्। आन्दोलनकारीहरूको मनोबल बड़ाउन बजारका क्षेत्रीय नेता अनि क्रामाकपाका केही नेताहरूमात्रै भाषणहरू दिने गरेतापनि आन्दोलनको 105 दिन नै विमल गुरूङ आफ्नो ज्यान बचाउन लुकेर बसे। शहीदलाई श्रद्धाञ्जलि चड़ाउनसमेत उनलाई मैदानमा आउने आँट भएन। इमान्दार अनि आँटी मानिएको नेता विमल गुरूङलाई गोर्खाल्याण्ड अनि शहीदको वलिदानको भन्दा धेर मूल्य आफ्नो प्राणको रहयो।

यस्तो विकट स्थितिमा पनि भाषण दिने बजारका ती क्षेत्रीय नेतृत्त्व अनि क्रामाकपाका नेतृत्त्वहरू बरू विमल गुरूङभन्दा इमान्दार अनि साहसी देखियो। यसबाहेक अति सम्वेदनशील स्थितिमा पनि आफ्ना समर्थकहरूसित रयालीमा आउने गोरामुमो अध्यक्ष अनि आफू पक्रा पर्ने तथा ज्यान जाने डरलाई समेत पन्साएर चौरास्तामा अनशनकारीहरूसित भेट्न पुग्ने अनि दार्जीलिङ शहरका कतिपय विरोधमूलक कार्यक्रमहरूमा जनताबीच पुगेर मनोबल पड़ाउने विनय तामाङ विमल गुरूङभन्दा कैयौं गुणा साहसी अनि इमान्दार रहेको बुझियो। कानून व्यवस्था ठीक नभएको तथा आफ्नो ज्यानको खतरा रहेको कायरपूर्ण बयान दिँदै विमल गुरूङ आन्दोलनकालभरि केही भागिरहे। आन्दोलनको शुरूआतदेखि नै विमल गुरूङ भागिरहे यहाँसम्म कि 13 जूनमा जीमखानामा आयोजित अल पार्टी मीटिङमा सहभागी बन्न पुलिसले अनुमति दिँदा पनि पुलिस प्रशासनको विश्वास नरहेको उल्लेख गर्दै पक्रा पर्ने डरले उनी उक्त मीटिङमा पनि सामेल भएनन्।

गतवर्ष 6 अगस्तको दिन गोर्खल्याण्ड आन्दोलन सल्केको 53 दिन भएको थियो। सोहीमा  दिन पातलेबासमा पुलिसले छापामारी अभियान चलाएको थियो। जून महीनापछि पातलेबासमा गरिएको यो पहिलो छापामारी थियो। जुलाई महीनासम्म पातलेबाँसमा फौजी पोशाक लगाएर  मुखमा कालो पट्टी बाँधेका लगभग 1000 केटाहरू पाताङ (धारिलो हतियार) लिएर विमल गुरूङको निगरानीमा बस्दथ्यो। ती युवाहरूले विमल गुरूङलाई भेट्न आउने सबैको गाड़ी अनि शरीर निरीक्षण गर्थे। विमल गुरूङलाई भेट्न जानेहरूलाई पातलेबासदेखि लगभग एक किमी माथि स्थित सेन्ट माइकल स्कूलदेखि नै निरीक्षण अनि निगरानी गर्थे। सिङमारीदेखि पातलेबाससम्म यस्तै मास्क लगाउने केटाहरूको धेरै ठाउँमा  बस्ने गर्थे। 

पुलिसले छापामारी गर्दा ती केटाहरू अनि पुलिसमाझ हिस्रक भिड़न्त हुनसक्ने तथा दार्जीलिङ पहाड़को स्थिति भयावह भएर जाने मानिसहरूले चिन्ता व्यक्त गरिरहेका थिए। तर जब पुलिसले पातलेबासमा छापामारी गरियो गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति प्राण दिन्छु भन्ने ती युवकहरू पनि आफ्नो ज्यान बचाउन चम्पट कसे। यतिमात्र होइन जब पुलिस छापामारीको खबर सिङ्लामा क्याम्प लगाएर बसेको विमल गुरूङले सुने उनी अडिग भएर बस्नुको साटो आफ्नो सुरक्षाको निम्ति तत्कालै सिक्किम सीमा नाघेर चम्पट कसे। एकातिर गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति ज्यान समेत दिएर जनताले उनलाई सहयोग गरिरहेका थिए भने विमल गुरूङ पक्रा पर्ने डरले सिक्किमतिर भागेका थिए। विमल गुरूङ भागेपछि गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलन दिशाहीन बन्ने अवस्थामा बाध्यतावश विनय तामाङ अनि अनित थापाले आन्दोलनको नेतृत्त्व सम्हालेका थिए। उनीहरूमाथि पनि विमल गुरूङजत्तिकै खतरा भएतापनि उनीहरूले दार्जीलिङ पहाड़ छोड़ेनन् आन्दोलनको मैदान छोड़ेर भागेनन्। परिस्थितिलाई डटेर सामना गरे। आँटी अनि इमान्दार नेतृत्त्व विमल गुरूङ हुन् कि विनय तामाङ र अनित थापा हुन् भन्ने यसैले पनि स्पष्ट पार्छ।
6 अगस्त अर्थात् आजको दिन विमल गुरूङ आन्दोलनको मैदान छोड़ेर सिक्किम भागेपछि नै आन्दोलनमा पुलिस प्रशासनको दबाउ बड़्दै गएको हो। किनभने जनताले आँटी र इमान्दार भनेर विश्वास गरेको नेता विमल गुरूङ नै डरछेरूवा भएर भागेपछि पुलिसले विमल गुरूङको नाड़ी छामे।
सबैभन्दा ठूलो अनि महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न के रहेको छ भने विमल गुरूङले शहीदहरूको वलिदान अनि जनताको भावनालाई कदर गर्दै नभागी डटेर परिस्थितिको सामना गरेको भए के उनको सुरक्षा आन्दोलनमा खटिएका हजारौं गोर्खाहरूले गर्ने थिएन?  अथवा गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति उनी पक्रा नै परेको भएतापनि जनताको मन- मस्तिष्कमा उनको प्रभाव अझ बड़ेर उनी क्रान्तिकारी कहलाइने थियो र गोर्खाल्याण्डप्रेमी जनता अझ समर्पित भएर आन्दोलनमा उत्रिने थिए र सम्भवतः गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलन निरन्तर रहिरहने थियो।
तर मुखलेमात्रै बाघ हुँ भन्ने विमल गुरूङ आफैले डरछेरूवा मानसिकता देखाएर गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलन भताभुङ्ग बनाए भने सरकारलाई गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलन दबाउने प्रशस्त मार्गहरू पनि बनाइदिए। डेड़ करोड़ गोर्खाहरूको प्रतिनिधिले पक्रा पर्ने डरले डेड़ करोड़ गोर्खाहरूको सपना अनि बलिदानलाई लत्याएर भागेको आजको दिन गोर्खाहरूको भाग्यमा ग्रहण लागेको दिन हो। वीर गोर्खाहरूको इतिहाँसमा आजको दिन विमल गुरूङको कायरपनाको बदनाम इतिहाँस कोरिएको छ।

सतीश पोखरेल
गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चा,केन्द्रिय समिति|

Bimal Gurung's Press Release on NRC list Assam

12:58 PM
Press release from President Shri Bimal Gurung:

“I extend my solidarity and support to all those genuine citizens of India whose name have been left out of the NRC list, and request the central government to take handle their cases with utmost care, and also request the Govt of Assam and the Central Govt to consider all genuine cases of those who have been living in Assam prior to 25th of March, 1971. 

We are also struggling for our identity here, and are very worried at the situation developing due to NRC in Assam. We fear that this could lead to the marginalization of the indigenous Gorkha-Kamtapuri and Adivasis of North Bengal, and we want to ensure that no such unfortunate situation in allowed to develop. We won’t allow the indigenous Gorkha, Adivasi, Kamtapuri, Meche and other indigenous communities to suffer injustice. If actions are taken to undermine the locals Bimal Gurung won’t stay silent.
Bimal Gurung
Bimal Gurung 

I have been made aware of the fact that state government is secretly measuring land in our hills, if this is being done to settle illegal Bangladeshis who have been removed from Assam, then it creates a national security threat.

Darjeeling Terai and Dooars help connect mainland India to the north east states, this Chicken Neck region is therefore highly sensitive in entire South Asia, and there are possibilities of anti-National, anti-India forces fomenting trouble in this region. In such a situation, if conspiracy is hatched to settle illegal immigrants who have been removed from another state to our lands with which we share a very long border, this will put to grave risk the national security of our country. I will not permit any political entity from the state to jeopardize our national security.

No one should dream of undermining the indigenous population of north Bengal by hoping to settle illegal Bangladeshis who have been kicked out to Assam. If they attempt anything like this, then all the Rajbanshis, Kamtapuris, Adivasis, Meche and Gorkhas from Dooars and all the Gorkhas from the hills will speak with one voice against this.

I once again request, the central government to consider the cases of genuine citizens of India with utmost care, and sympathy.


प्रेस विज्ञप्ति - ४ अगस्त २०१८

आसाममा एनआरसी सूचिको कारणले जन्मिएको विवादमा प्रभावित बनेका त्यहाँका पीडित साँचो नागरिकहरू सन्दर्भमा मेरो समवेदना राख्दै उनीहरूको समस्यालाई गहनतासँग लिनुपर्ने म केन्द्र सरकारलाई अपील गर्दछु|
२५ मार्च १९७१ भन्दा अघि आसाम पसेकाहरूको उजुरीलाई आसामको राज्य सरकार अनि केन्द्र सरकारले पुनः गम्भीर रूपमा हेरोस् भन्ने मेरो अनुरोध छ| हाम्रो छातीमा पीडितहरूप्रति समवेदना छ|

हामी पनि यता आफ्नो परिचयको लडाई लडिरहेको अवस्थामा आसाममा एनआरसी सूचिको कारणले जन्मिएको समस्याको कारणले गोर्खा-कामतापुरी-आदिवासीको बाहुल्यता भएको उत्तर बङ्गालको क्षेत्रमा यहाँका रैथानेहरू अल्पसंख्यक बन्न नपरोस्, त्यस्तो कुनै कार्य नहोस् त्यो सुनिस्चित गर्न चाहन्छौं|
हामी दार्जीलिङ-कालेबुंग पहाड, तराई अनि डुवर्सका रैथाने गोर्खा, कामतापुरी, आदिवासी, मेचे आदिलाई अन्याय हुनदिनेछैनौं| यस्तो अवस्था आएको खण्डमा विमल गुरुङ चुपचाप बस्नेछैन| अहिले पहाड, तराई अनि डुवर्सको विभिन्न स्थानमा राज्य सरकारले गोप्य रूपमा जमीन नापी गरेको सुन्दैछु| यदि आसामबाट निकालिएको अनि बंगलादेशबाट छिरेकोहरूलाई स्थापित गराउने षडयन्त्रमा जमीन नापीएको हो भने त्यसले देशको राष्ट्रिय सुरक्षालाई खतरा उत्पन्न गर्छ|

दार्जीलिंग तराईको भूमिले मात्र भारत देशलाई आफ्नो पूर्वोत्तर राज्यसँग जोडेर राखेको छ| देशलाई पूर्वोत्तरसँग जोड्ने यो चिकन नेक क्षेत्र दक्षिण एसिया कै निम्ति अति नै संवेदनशील क्षेत्र भएकोले यहाँ राष्ट्रको विरुद्धमा अन्तराष्ट्रिय चलखेल हुनसक्ने आशंका जहिले पनि छ| यस्तो संवेदनशील क्षेत्रमा अर्थात् यसको छेउछाउमा यहि देशको एउटा राज्यमा उच्छेद गरिएको बंगलादेशीलाई ल्याएर राख्नु भनेको देशको राष्ट्रिय सुरक्षासँग खेलवाड गर्नु हो|

विमल गुरुङले यसरी राज्यको कुनैपनि राजनैतिक शक्तिलाई राष्ट्रिय सुरक्षासँग खेलवाड गर्न दिंदैन| आसामबाट उच्छेद गरिएको बंगलादेशीलाई ल्याएर उत्तर बंगालको उहिलेदेखि बसेको रैथानेहरूलाई अल्पसंख्यक बनाउने सपना कसैले नदेखेको राम्रो हो| यस्तो भएको खण्डमा डुवर्सका समस्त राजवंशी कामतापुरी, आदिवासी, मेचे, गोर्खा लगायत पहाडका गोर्खाहरूले राष्ट्रहीतमा एकै स्वरमा विरोध जनाउनेछन्|
यसको साथै आसाममा अहिले पीडित बनेकाहरू सन्दर्भमा केन्द्र सरकारले मानवीय अनि सठीक पहल गर्नुपर्नेछ भनि म आग्रह गर्दछु|

विमल गुरुङ
अध्यक्ष, गोजमुमो,
केन्द्रिय कार्यालय, दार्जीलिङ

Bimal Gurung's press release on 'Manipur People Act Bill 2018'

7:03 PM

The Government of Manipur passed the 'Manipur People Act Bill 2018' during the monsoon session of the state Assembly last week. The Bill paves the way for the implementation of Inner Line Permit in the state. A similar bill passed by the state assembly in 2015 had caused violent protest from the tribal people in the Hills District, leading to the death of 8 protestors in Churachandpur District and a political stalemate lasting for almost a year.
Bimal Gurung on Manipur People Act
Bimal Gurung file photo

While the Government avoided the mistakes of the past this time by initiating due consultation with the Hills Area Committee and taking the tribal people into confidence, the Bill has brought a sense of panic and insecurity amongst the non-indigenous minority citizens of the state. While there are very few protests reported in the media, the deep sense of fear prevailing amongst the people has prevented them from coming out strongly in protest of the Bill.

The following are some major point of concerns raised by the public:
- The Manipur People Act Bill passed by the State Assembly is not very different from the previous 'Protection of Manipur People Bill 2015' which was termed 'anti-tribal' by the Hill tribes of the state. The only change in the new bill is the inclusion of 'Scheduled Tribes' in the definition of 'Manipur People' and adding a provision that any interest to acquire land or property must get the consent of the Hill Area Committee.
- The cut-off year of 1951 is based on a non-existent 'National Register of Citizens' allegedly published in the year 1951. However, an RTI response has revealed that the Manipur government and directorate of census operations do not have records of the National Register of Citizens, 1951.
- The revised bill does not address the Central Government's earlier objection that it violates the Article 19 of the constitution. Article 14 (4) & (5) is a fundamental right which grants each and every citizen of India 'the freedom to migrate and settle in any parts of India.'

The definition of “Indian” as laid down by the constitution does not seem to apply in this Bill, which requires that all 'non-native, non-ST/SC Indians' should prove that they are descendants of people who were living in the state before 1951. Even if the Government had any census record of that time, there is serious doubt that the directory would include every single citizen living in the remote parts, given the accessibility challenges and lack of awareness and education during the time.

While the primary objective of the Bill is to protect the interest of the indigenous people of the state, there is no detailed provision that discusses how the native people rights will be protected through the law. Instead, it focuses more on the need to issue permits, and provisions of a Registration Authority to manage the permit issue and identification of unregistered non-locals. On hindsight, the bill looks more intended towards targeting those who are regarded as “non locals” residing in Manipur, rather than to actually restrict illegal migrations.

Every member of the public understands that the demand for implementation of an ILP-like system is the need of the hour in the wake of huge illegal immigration to the entire North East region. However, it is equally important that the Government instills a sense of security and concern for the people who are most affected by the Bill.

I therefore request the Hon. Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji, Hon. Home Minister Rajnath Singh ji, and Hon’ble Chief Minister of Manipur Nongthombam Biren Singh ji to kindly take necessary steps to protect the rights of all Indian citizens. I am most hopeful that the Government of Manipur will deliver justice and ensure that everyone living in the state feels protected and safe at all times.

Gurung congratulats Pawan Chamling for becoming the longest serving Chief Minister in India

9:06 PM

Bimal Gurung's Press Release congratulating Shri. Pawan Kr. Chamling for becoming the longest serving Chief Minister in India.

On behalf of the people of Darjeeling-Terai-Duar region, and the Gorkha community living across India and the world, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to Shri. Pawan Kr. Chamling for becoming the longest serving Chief Minister in India.

The life of Shri. Pawan Kumar Chamling is an inspiration for all of us to follow. There was a time when he was forced to live outside Sikkim following threats to his life, but he never gave up on the land of his forefathers, and its people. Instead he struggled to restore democracy and rule of law in Sikkim. It is his never give up attitude, perseverance, and dedication towards Sikkim that has today resulted in him becoming one of the most enduring and popular Chief Ministers of our nation.

Through his actions, he has inspired generations of youths not only in Sikkim but also all over India to dream big and have the courage and the conviction to make those dreams come true. Sikkim today leads on numerous fronts - from becoming the first state to achieve 100% sanitation goals, to becoming the first and only organic state in India. All of these achievements have been made possible, because of his inspirational leadership.

His unflinching support to the people of Darjeeling during all our hardships has earned him love and respect from all sections of our society. His government's support to Gorkhaland statehood has given hope to all our people, and his constant reiteration of fraternity and brotherhood between Darjeeling and Sikkim is what inspires us to realize, we will never be alone

Once again, I congratulate Shri. Pawan Kr Chamling ji, and thank him for being an inspiration that everyone in India can look up to.

Bimal Gurung on suspicious movement of Rohingyas in the region

12:51 PM


The Darjeeling, Terai and Duars touches three international boundaries - Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Tibet (China) is also located right above our region. Given which the significance and importance of this highly sensitive and strategic border area, that connects the Indian mainland to the rest of North East India, cannot be overstated.

Of late, I have been hearing ground reports from our cadres about suspicious movements of new people in our region, many of whom reportedly do not even speak Hindi, and they fear that these people are Rohingyas who are now being gradually pushed into our region with the intention of diluting the existing Gorkha, Adivasi, Rajbonshi and Indian Bengali population. It seems like sinister plans are afoot to further marginalize the original inhabitants of these land, and render us homeless.

It has been widely acknowledged that Rohingyas pose a national security threat, and it seems like certain political elements are allowing them to settle here for one and only reason - 'vote-bank' politics. Despite the central intelligence agencies having repeatedly raised the national security risk posed by Rohingyas, some political outfits are allowing politics of votes to supersede national interests.

I am hopeful that the Honourable Prime Minister and Union Home Minister will kindly take cognizance of the situation developing in our region, and do the needful to put an end to these sinister designs.

I request everyone living in our region to kindly remain vigilante and report all such suspicious settlements that may be coming up near you.

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