Showing posts with label Kalimpong Live News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kalimpong Live News. Show all posts

TMC Bhaichung Bhutia - Honesty will make politics an easy game

10:58 AM
Kalimpong - Darjeeling TMC Lok Sabha candidate Bhaichung Bhutia, who is campaigning in Kalimpong, today held a press meet where he said he would leverage his experiences in the football field by adopting them in the field of politics.

TMC Bhaichung Bhutia - Honesty will make politics an easy game
TMC Bhaichung Bhutia 
Despite having no practical experience in politics, working honestly will make it an easy game for him, according to Bhaichung. The man, renowned for his proficiency in soccer, added, “My coach used to say football is a game played with the foot instead of the lips. Thus I don’t want to engage in the politics of lies. I want to work with sincerity in this field. By successfully contesting from Darjeeling, I want to prove elections cannot be won money and muscle power alone.”

Bhaichung admitted he is aware of the people’s aspirations being attached to the Gorkhaland issue, but he will mainly focus on the issues of employment, education, housing and other basic needs. Averring that nothing has been gained from past statehood movements, the TMC candidate said the BJP will also fail to do anything in this regard. He accused BJP MP Jaswant Singh of not even bringing in development to the hills leave alone the formation of a state.

Slamming Singh further, he said, “As per information gained from a RTI filing, 99.9 per cent of the MP fund has been invested in Darjeeling constituency. But for what purposes have these funds been used? There are no records.”


GJM-backed BJP SS Ahluwalia poll campaign in Kalimpong

10:39 AM
Kalimpong - GJM-backed BJP candidate SS Ahluwalia today kick-started his poll campaign in Kalimpong. After he arrived around noon, Ahluwalia marched from Jangabir Sapkota Park to Dambarchowk waving to supporters accompanied by GJM assistant secretary Binay Tamang, GTA deputy chief executive Ramesh Alley, GTA chairman Lopsang Lama and other local GTA sabhashads. 

SS Ahluwalia in Kalimpong on Friday.
SS Ahluwalia in Kalimpong on Friday.
Ahluwalia met the GJM town leadership, party workers, minority community representatives, Hotel and Restaurant Association members and RSS activists. He assured them all of working with diligence to fulfill the aspirations of the hill people if elected to Parliament.

Speaking on his familiarity with the issues related to the region, the BJP candidate said, “I am well aware of the aspirations and problems of the Gorkhas. When the GJM ignited the statehood movement, I played my part of stalling the Sixth Schedule bill in Parliament. As I am acquainted with the problems of the Gorkha community, Bimal Gurung proposed my name from Darjeeling.”

He added, “If elected MP, I will fulfill my responsibility by earnestly raising the issues of the region in Parliament.”

The MP hopeful also said it is certain the saffron party will come to power at the Centre this time. Admitting the BJP government crumbled back in 1998 as it could not win the vote of confidence by a solitary number, Ahluwalia said, “One Darjeeling seat bears a lot of significance. If we can bag this seat, Narendra Modi’s government is certain to form at the Centre and the BJP government that comes to power will be the decisive one for the Gorkhas.”

He also took a dig at the Mamata Banerjee government and termed the recent warrants against GJM leaders and activists as “terror” tactics. “Just a few days ago, GJM leaders Bimal Gurung and Roshan Giri shared the dais with Mamata Banerjee at the Brigade Ground in Kolkata. Why didn’t the police arrest them then? But no sooner did the GJM announce its support to the BJP, the TMC government issued arrest warrants in the names of GJM leaders and workers to unleash a rule of terror,” asserted Ahluwalia.

He said he will submit his nomination papers on March 24 while hinting Narendra Modi may likely visit Siliguri next week as part of his poll campaign.


Kalimpong - 35 GJM workers joined the CPM

10:58 AM
Around 35 workers of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha from Kalimpong subdivision joined the CPM here today, saying the hill party had become corrupt.

Led by Morcha leader Rohit Biswarkarma, the 30-odd youths walked into Anil Biswas Bhawan, the Darjeeling district CPM office. They joined the CPM in the presence of the party’s district secretary Jibesh Sarkar, former minister Asok Bhattacharya and Saman Pathak, the CPM candidate for the Darjeeling Parliament seat.

“We are disillusioned with the Morcha which has become a party of corruption now. Also, we sincerely feel that a permanent solution to the hill problem cannot be found by local and regional parties like the Morcha or Trinamul, which are opportunist,” said Biswakarma.

In the past two-three years, it was Morcha workers who have mostly switched to the Trinamul. Today’s switch was the first time when Morcha workers joined the CPM.

The new entrants into the CPM said Trinamul candidate for Darjeeling, Bhaichung Bhutia, might not solve basic problems faced by the people.

“All of us have joined CPM as we don’t think Bhaichung Bhutia can address our basic problems. We don’t think he can realise the problems faced by us like collecting drinking water from hilly streams because of the absence of water supply. It is only the CPM, which has the grassroots support, can address such issues,” said a Morcha worker.

Another Morcha worker said: “In the name of development, the Trinamul government has created a rift within different hill communities.”


Kalimpong - GNLF workers meeting held at Ramkrishna Rangamancha

9:16 AM
The sub-divisional branch of Gorkha National Liberation Front today held an interactive workers meeting here at Ramkrishna Rangamancha. This was the first large-scale political meeting GNLF has held here after reforming its Kalimpong committee. Despite Lok Sabha elections being just a month away, the leaders chose to skip the topic while addressing the gathering and focused on their long standing demand for sixth schedule.

Maurice Kalikotay addressing the GNLF
meeting in Kalimpong on Saturday
Branch president Maurice Kalikotay and leaders like Roshan Lama, Anil Lopchan, Sanjay Lama, Taramani Chettri and others stressed on patience, discipline and peaceful politics. The meeting also addressed by women wing branch president Sang Lamu Sherpa, advisors Gayatri Mukhia and Herakumari Tamang, student leaders Vivel Rasaily and Alka Tamang among others.

Kalikotay urged the party workers to expand and strengthen the party in both the rural and urban areas. “We must send a strong message of our resurgence in the hill politics. We must win people’s faith that GNLF can give them political security and direction,” he stressed.

Branch assistant secretary Anil Lopchan asserted on the demand for sixth schedule saying, “Taking a proper look at the complex history and geographical location of Darjeeling, Gorkhaland is more possible through sixth schedule than section 3A of the constitution.”

He also rubbished the allegations that sixth schedule would divide the Gorkha community and called it to be misleading. “Once all the sub-communities living here are granted the ST status where does the question of division arise? Aren’t the mushrooming demands for development boards already breaking the community?” Lopchan questioned. “The truth is the communities are going for development boards because of their dissatisfaction with the GTA,” he pointed out.

Lopchan batted for peaceful politics in the hills and said the party will not think of taking revenge on GJM for all the violence meted out to its supporters. He urged the party workers to move ahead with GNLF chief Subash Ghising’s ideology and agenda.


Kalimpong DDUDF branch set up

10:08 AM
Supporters of independent Lok Sabha candidate Dr. Mahendra P Lama today formed the Kalimpong unit of the Darjeeling Dooars United Development Foundation to intensify campaigning.
DDUDF logo
DDUDF logo

During a meeting at the Shyamadevi Bhawan, Lama’s supporters including BGP president Dr. Enos Das Pradhan, R Moktan, Bhawani Bagdas, Tshering Bhutia and many well-known figures of Kalimpong decided to launch an open campaign for the independent candidate.

National School Safety programme held in Kalimpong

9:11 AM
Kalimpong : A training programme on National School Safety was held here at the Ramakrishna auditorium under the joint initiative of the sub-divisional disaster management department, municipality and SDO office. Teachers associated with the National Service Scheme, National Cadet Corps, Scouts and Guides from about 50 schools in the sub-division participated in the event. Deputy Magistrate Bardan Lepcha, sub-divisional disaster management officer Dirmit Lepcha and Siliguri SDDMO Rinchen Lamu Sherpa were among the prominent guests.

A trainer explaining safety measures at the National School Safety Programme.
A trainer explaining safety measures at the
National School Safety Programme.
Dirmit Lepcha highlighted the targets of the national level programme on school safety while experts and departmental officers including NK Pradhan, SK Dikshit, Niyog Tamang and Sandesh Tamang were resource persons. They elucidated the trainee teachers on various safety measures that can be adopted during emergency situations during times of natural calamities.

Gorkha National Students’ Front formed in Kalimpong

10:32 AM
The Kalimpong unit of the Gorkha National Liberation Front today revived its student wing, the Gorkha National Students’ Front, during a meeting at the Shyamadevi Bhawan in Thakurvari. Considered an important wing of the GNLF, the GNSF had maintained a stony silence ever since the rise of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha. 

New GNSF cadres in Kalimpong.
New GNSF cadres in Kalimpong.

The sub-division committee of the GNSF has Vivek Rasaily as its president, Upendra Sharma as vice-president, Alka Tamang as secretary, Manjil Chettri as assistant secretary, Samir Ali as treasurer and Roshan Rai as publicity secretary along with 11 other members.


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