Showing posts with label Mahendra P. Lama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mahendra P. Lama. Show all posts

Reasons for DDUDF's defeat in the Lok Sabha Elections

9:56 AM
The Darjeeling Dooars United Development Front (DDUDF) cited organisational weakness from the grass-root level, the impact of Modi wave across the country and the lack of adequate election funds as the key reasons for its defeat in the Lok Sabha Elections this year. The DDUDF conducted a general body meeting today to address the election debacle and its strategy ahead at the Shyama Devi Hall in the Thakur Bari area of Kalimpong. The meeting was chaired by organisation chief Dr. Mahindra P Lama, in the presence of prominent DDUDF members including Dr. Anosdas Pradhan, P Arjun, Sukman Moktan and R Moktan among various other members.

The DDUDF meeting in progress in Kalimpong on Sunday
The DDUDF meeting in progress in Kalimpong on Sunday
Dr. Pradhan, while talking to press after the meeting, informed the apex body formed in collaboration with the BGP and other government and non-government organisation for the elections has been dissolved. “The responsibly for the defeat of DDUDF chief Dr. Mahindar P Lama has been taken by apex committee. The organisation has therefore decided to dissolve the committee,” he stated.

Meanwhile, Dr. Lama said, “We tried to make the organisation strong in just 5-6 months, which was not adequate. We could also not reach the people from the grassroot level, which was important considering the number of people in rural areas of the hills. We also did not have enough funds to spend for the election as compared to other parties, while the Modi-wave which swept the entire nation also did not help us.” He also rubbished all the rumours about him and his organisation about the defeat and urged the people not to believe such rumours.

Dr. Lama had expected about 2 lakh votes but receive only about a third of the expected numbers. “It is not easy for any other party to secure the amount of votes we secured in just five months, but the votes also made it clear that only 55,000 people believe in change and development,” he analysed. Despite the defeat, the organisation will continue its commitment towards Gorkhaland and will work for its development. “The DDUDF has been formulating strategies and plans to continue its activity in the hills,” Dr Lama added.

The DDUDF chief also said he has not yet decided on forming a separate party and will take a decision on it in future after taking consultation with the stakeholders. “This is not something that can be decided by one person, it would need approval and commitment from everyone involved. We are currently trying to take public opinion and consulting within the organisation. A decision will be taken when the right time comes,” Dr. Lama stressed.

Hitting at the GJM, the DDUDF spokesperson P Arjun said, “Morcha did not win the election on its strength, in fact it was the impact of Modi-wave that helped the BJP candidate win the election this year. Moreover, BJP has never said anything in public regarding the formation of Gorkhaland, yet the GJM has won the election twice in the name of separate state. We have a doubt on the Morcha leadership.”

Source: EOI

Lama confident, says he has already won D-seat

10:12 PM
Agitation in Parliament--- Lama, Dr. will lose --- Bimal

Dr. Mahendra P.Lama, a former Sikkim University Vice Chancellor and the lone independent candidate for the Darjeeling lok sabha seat is confident that he will make it to the parliament as a debutant after counting is over on May 16. Lama however has the support of CPRM, ABGL and his own apolitical body the Darjeeling Dooars United Development Foundation (DDUDF).

MP lama DDUDF meeting at Darjeeling
DDUDF meeting at Darjeeling
Addressing an election rally slated for April 17, Lama regarded as a noted academician said he has already won the elections. “Pressing the button of EVM on April 17 will be a mere formality,” Lama said in confidence at a time when the lok sabha polls for the Darjeeling seat is gone on to be unpredictable. 

The seat this time has a four cornered contest between Bhaichung Bhutia the TMC candidate, S.S. Ahluwalia the BJP nominee, Dr. Mahendra P.Lama an independent and Saman Pathak the left nominee. In the past the seat has been won by a party which managed to seek support from the hill party.

While Lama is harping on raising his voice in the parliament for Gorkhaland, the GJM backed BJP is fighting for the seat promising to look into the Gorkha demand ‘sympathetically’, the Left however is banking on implementation of sixth schedule and the Trinamool is against the Gorkhaland demand.

“I am worried about the future of the youths here. That is the reason why i have come to the hills back. After I win, protest for the demand of Gorkhaland will not be held here. There will be no strike and schools will not get shut. My agitation for Gorkhaland will be staged in the parliament,” added Lama who claimed to have worked closely with the Indian government. 

He alleged, “The elected MP’s so far from the seat have failed to address the issue in the parliament. Our demand is 100 years old but how many times the issue has been raised. The number of discussions that took place in the parliament for creation of Telangana is innumerable”.

Lama who was once a close aide of Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan Chamling however did not miss the opportunity to speak his mind on Sikkim. “The Sikkim legislative Assembly did pass a resolution on Gorkhaland but was not forwarded in the right place,” he added. 

Bimal Gurung the GJM chief however prompt to react stated in his facebook page saying that Lama in realism is only dividing the hills votes in a bid to help the opposition forces that are anti-Gorkhaland. “Lama clearly knows that he defeat is sure. With Lama dividing hills votes it could be easy for the anti-Gorkhaland forces to win the seat,” the facebook post read. 

GJM Youths of Darjeeling takes a rally in support of BJP candidate S.S. Ahluwalia

More than five hundred GJM youths hit the streets on Monday in support of BJP candidate S.S. Ahluwalia who later converged at Chowrastha and appealed the general people to vote for BJP for betterment of the Gorkhas.

Indian Gorkhas

Lama’s act of confidence

9:39 PM
Our take: Confidence to win worthless, confidence to attain statehood makes sense

Top political leaders visited Darjeeling over the past couple of days. Narendra Modi, the BJP prime ministerial candidate urged voters to vote for change. Mamata Bannerjee, the Bengal chief minister spoke in Nepali to urge the voters. And here we saw the ‘Son of the soil’ (read Dr. Mahendra P.Lama) who declared himself a winner instead of urging the voters.

Dr. Mahendra P.Lama public meeting in Darjeeling
Dr. Mahendra P.Lama public meeting in Darjeeling
It makes us simply to say, being confident is a good gesture but over-confident will lead you down. A over confident message suckled out from his mouth in an election campaign rally could be a disaster for the economist. It must be realized at this hour that candidates in the poll fray are just beggars asking for votes.

The lack of clear political maturity is visible even before you are beginning to fight for demand. Bimal Gurung, the GJM chief a few years back lacked the same political maturity by saying, “People can shoot me in the forehead if i don’t bring Gorkhaland by 2010”. The year 2010 has gone cut past, it is now 2014 and we are yet looking for a true leadership to raise our voice in the parliament.

Dr. Mahendra P.Lama is acting in the same way as Bimal Gurung. It is every leadership’s quality to say before the polls that ‘I will raise the demand in the parliament’. People in the hills need to know the actual roadmap for achieving Gorkhaland. Your confidence to win is of little importance for the people. Your confidence to achieve statehood is of utmost importance. 

The need of the hour in the hills is not that who will represent the people in the Lok Sabha. The need of the hour in the hills is unification which is in squat and shambles because of outer political forces slowly invading the hill political arena.

The unity is at stake and requires revamp. The hills are in need for a leadership who can first unite the hill people. Only then the demand for separate statehood would be taken forward.

Indian Gorkhas

Dr. M P Lama condemned Narendra Modi for humiliating gorkha community

1:36 AM
Dr. Mahendra P Lama DDUDF (Darjeeling Dooars United Development Forum) independent LS candidate  has condemned Narendra Modi BJP PM candidate for his comment made during his election rally in Siliguri.M.P. Lama regarded Modi's comment as humiliating Gorkha community in India. “His comment describing the Gorkhas as mere security guards is highly condemnable. It has undermined and humiliated our contributions,” Lama said.Dr Lama said Modi, SS Ahluwalia and Bimal Gurung ows apologies for to the entire Gorkha Community.
Dr. M P Lama condemned Narendra Modi for humiliating gorkha community
Dr. Mahendra P Lama DDUDF independent LS candidate

He advised Modi to study history to understand the contributions made by the Gorkhas in building the nation. During his speech in Khaprail, Modi had said, “Gorkhas work as security guards across the country; people do not trust the police, but they trust the Gorkhas.”

Lama said Modi’s comments clearly show his lack of knowledge about the Gorkhas. Lama said he had placed a condition in exchange of his support saying the BJP should pledge in its election manifesto a Gorkhaland state would be created within six months of the saffron party coming to power, but Modi’s statement has proved the party’s promise is an empty one.

Lama said, “Modi is misleading us by claiming his dream and that of the Gorkhas is the same. A Gorkha’s dream is not just Gorkhaland, but many other aspirations intertwined. Modi totally failed to address the aspiration of the Gorkhas in his speech.”

Insisting there is no reason to trust the BJP, Lama said, “We elected BJP veteran Jaswant Singh in the last general elections. Telangana was created during his tenure, but the BJP did not speak a word about Gorkhaland.”

The DDUDF leader also said the saffron party is getting goose-bumps seeing the strong support for him, adding Ahluwalia is headed for a shameful loss. Rebuking GJM chief Bimal Gurung, the independent candidate said, “On one hand he shouts slogans demanding Gorkhaland, and on the other, he claps in agreement when Gorkhas are called security guards. How can such a dubious individual bring Gorkhaland?”

Further, Lama criticised GNLF chief Subash Ghising for his decision to support the TMC and termed it “technically flawed”. “The GNLF’s struggle for Gorkhaland boiled down to the DGHC. Then they shouted for Sixth Schedule status, but now they are turning to the DGHC again. It has been mentioned in the GTA accord the DGHC stands dissolved.”

Source: EOI

DDUDF Releases Election Manifesto for Lok Sabha polls 2014

1:51 AM
DDUDF Releases its Election Manifesto for upcoming Lok Sabha Election 2014 on  7th April 2014.

DDUDF Releases Election Manifesto for Lok Sabha polls 2014
Mask rally at Darjeeling for Dr M.P Lama

Dr. M P Lama, Darjeeling Dooars United Development Forum (DDUDF) candidate,  has released his election manifesto.To say the least, it is highly ambitious and seems to contain the wish list of all the Darjeeling residents.Main features include:

1. Formation of Gorkhaland
2. Introduction of 3-Tier Panchayati system in Darjeeling district, re-formation of Zilla Parishad system.
3. Land rights for tea garden labourers
4. Inclusion of Darjeeling, Terai and Dooars into North-East Council.
5. Establishment of a Central University, AIIMS like Medical college, turning Darjeeling region into education hub
6. Reforming Plantation Labour Act of 1951 to include Tea gardens into the ambit of Minimum Wages Act and increasing wages from Rs 90/day to Rs 250-350 per day. Labourers will be given share in profit and tea companies. Formation of Tea auction centers in Darjeeling and Dooars
7. Modernisation of Cinchona Plantations
8. Implementation of Forest Rights Act 2006
9. Protection and promotion of Tribal Cultural Heritage
10. Promotion of Modern Agriculture practices and development of markets and marketing channels for farmers.
11. Inclusion of Municipalities across Darjeeling constituency residents into Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM). Re-demarcation of MLA and MP constituencies. Darjeeling Municipality to be converted to Municipal Corporation
12. Promotion of Youth and Sports
13. Promotion of women's empowerment
14. Tax breaks for businesses and individuals
15. Facilities for senior citizens and Otherly Abled citizens
16. Electricity to be provided to all the households, including subsidy for the ares where electricity is actually produced. Promotion of sustainable electricity production.
17. Promotion of tourism
18. Implementation of all the schemes proposed by the Government of India.
19. Promotion of small-scale industries and processing plants
20. Will push for making right to employment a fundamental right.
21. MNREGA work days to be increased to 200 days in a year and wages to be increased to Rs 300 per day.
22. Improving the implementation of Below Poverty Line (BPL) programs
23. Introducing acts to stop and prevent corruption
24. Improving the Public Distribution System (PDS)
25. Conservation of all the language, culture, heritage, traditions, festivals, history.

Table Lamp same Poll symbol for Mahendra P Lama, SKM

11:23 PM
Mahendra P Lama, a Lok Sabha aspirant from Darjeeling Hills and the founder of Darjeeling Dooars United Development Foundation (DDUDF), will go to polls with the table lamp as his election symbol, same as the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha here. The new development has renewed speculations that both sides may have a tacit understanding of their mutual support in the forthcoming elections. Poll analysts suggest that their common symbol is not just a mere coincidence but there is more than meets the eye. Lama had resigned as Pro Vice Chancellor of IGNOU to become a full-time politician under the banner of Darjeeling Development Forum.

Table Lamp same Poll symbol for Mahendra P Lama, SKM
Table Lamp same Poll symbol for Mahendra P Lama, SKM
There were rumors in the past that Lama had brokered a secret meeting between SKM chief PS Golay and a senior BJP leader to solicit contributions and financial support for the regional party, although it couldn’t be independently verified. The meeting had allegedly taken place in New Delhi. It was alleged that the SKM was looking for a ‘sell off’ in return for ‘solid backing’.

The sources had also alleged that the BJP wanted the regional party to become a proxy for them in the state, while Lama would function as SKM’s ideologue. It was alleged that it was in this meeting that a strategy to impose President’s rule in Sikkim prior to polls was discussed, as part of their game plan to dislodge the ruling SDF government.

Source: sikkimfirst

Enos Das Pradhan responds GJM invitation to support BJP

10:38 PM
Enos Das Pradhan, President, Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh (BGP), who recently declared BGP's support to M.P Lama in the upcoming Lok Sabha election came up with the following respond to GJM's request to support BJP in the election.
Enos Das Pradhan, President, Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh (BGP)
Enos Das Pradhan, President, Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh (BGP)

"Our response to GJMM President Shri Bimal Gurung's repeated invitation to our independent candidate Dr Mahendra P Lama to support BJP candidate Dr M Dr. Mahendra P Lama to support BJP" Said Enos Das Pradhan
  1. Let GJM reject GTA,
  2. Let BJP come out with a written commitment that they will bring a bill for creation of Gorkhaland within six months of coming to power in Delhi.

He further added "We do not want to repeat the same mistake we committed by trusting BJP and GJMM in 2009. We also do not want to repeat yet another mistake we committed by trusting GJMM on 12th August 2013 by joining Gorkhaland Joint Action Committee. Both BJP and GJMM have forfeited their right to ask for our confidence in them. Therefore we want action before we respond to Bimal's invitation. Ball is now thrown back to your courts, Bimaljee and Rajnathjee."

'BGP supported the Gorkhaland cause, not Dr. Lama' - Rev. Enos Das Pradhan

2:19 PM
Rev. Dr. Enos Das Pradhan Backtracks says "(Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh) BGP has not supported Dr. Mahendra P Lama, but the Gorkhaland cause." Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh Working President C P Giri had accuses Rev Dr. Enos Das Pradhan of subverting BGP Constitution on his declaring BGP's support in favour of Independent candidate from Darjeeling, Dr. M P Lama.

"BGP supported the Gorkhaland cause, not Dr. Lama" - Rev. Enos Das Pradhan
"BGP supported the Gorkhaland cause, not Dr. Lama" - Rev. Enos Das Pradhan

After facing criticism for Bharatiya Gorkha Parsangh central committee members over the issue of Rev. Dr. Enos Das Pradhan 'arbitrarily' supporting Dr. Mahendra P Lama, Rev. Pradhan tried to clear the air by saying, "BGP has not supported Dr. Mahendra P Lama, but the Gorkhaland cause... formation of Gorkhaland is BGP's number one cause, and this is what has created the confusion..."

Declaring that there is no internal strife within BGP, Rev. Dr. Pradhan said, "the decision to support Dr. Lama was taken by the BGP West Bengal unit, as Dr. Lama is support's the demand for Gorkhaland."

This is indeed a marked difference in tone after Rev. Dr. Pradhan had announced BGP support for Dr. M P Lama publicly.

Kalimpong - DDUDF election committee formed

10:48 AM
The Darjeeling Dooars United Development Foundation (DDUDF) and its associates, namely the CPRM, BGP, GRNM and AIGL, today formed a sub-division level election committee at a meeting held at the Shyamadevi Bhavan.

DDUDF apex committee members at a meeting in Kalimpong
DDUDF apex committee members at a
meeting in Kalimpong
Speaking to journalists later, DDUDF apex committee chairman and BGP president Enos Das Pradhan said Sonam Tshering has been elected as the convener of the sub-divisional election committee along with seven other members, including the CPRM’s Mohan Paudayal, BGP’s PK Pradhan, AIGL’s Pratap Khati and GRNM’s Dawa Pakhrin.

Pradhan said more election committees will be formed at the municipal and block levels to campaign for independent candidate Dr. Mahendra P Lama at the grassroots. The meeting as resolved to hold an interactive programme at the town hall here on March 31 where various community and religious organisations including representatives from educational institutes, civil society and students will also be invited. Further, the election committee will host a public meeting at Mela Ground on April 12 and several other functions will also be held in various places, informed Pradhan.

He also urged the GNLF to support Lama saying, “Ghisingh is the one who ignited the dream of statehood among us. It may be via the Sixth Schedule, but his ultimate goal is a Gorkhaland state. Dr Lama is in a mission to fulfill the dream he ignited. Ghisingh must support Lama at this crucial juncture.”

Taking a dig at the GJM and the BJP, Pradhan called them “fake pro-Gorkhaland” forces, adding no basis remains for believing their claims. He said, “People such as Ahluwalia are fake pro-Gorkhaland forces. They talk one thing in the parliamentary constituency and in another way in their manifestos. The BJP has not mentioned Gorkhaland anywhere in its election manifesto.”

He also condemned Mamata Banerjee for her speech in Gorubathan saying it was full of “threats”. Pradhan asserted Banerjee’s speech not only intended to “threaten a specific political party”, but was an “aggression on the self-esteem of the Gorkha community” as a whole.

Source: EOI

Mahendra P Lama filed his nomination, closed doors for tie-up with BJP-GJM

10:59 AM
Noted academician and president of the newly floated Darjeeling-Dooars United Development Foundation, Mahendra P Lama, filed his nomination today as an Independent candidate, closing all doors for a tie-up with the BJP-GJM in Lok Sabha election 2014.

Mahendra P Lama on his way to file  his nomination as an Independent candidate
Mahendra P Lama on his way to file
 his nomination as an Independent candidate
As has been seen in the last couple of days, Lama too arrived with a large entourage of supporters to file his nomination at the district magistrate office in Darjeeling.

Speaking after submitting his papers, the DDUDF president said, "I am delighted to file my nomination on behalf of the hills people. I am sure victory will be ours.”

Leaders and supporters of the Communist Party of Revolutionary Marxist and the All India Gorkha League, who have decided to support Lama's candidature, also participated in the silent rally taken out by the DDUDF.

The GJM had initially snubbed Lama's appeal for support citing that the latter had announced his candidature without making any communication. A few days ago, however, GJM president Bimal Gurung appealed to Lama to forget differences for the greater cause (of a separate state) and extend support to BJP candidate Ahluwalia, through a post on a social network page, but this was rebuffed by the DDUDF president as expected.

Asked to lay out his election campaign strategies, Lama pointed out the need of the hour was to bring about a change in people's perceptions.

"Foremost in our six point agenda is the creation of a separate state by including the Darjeeling and Dooars regions. I have found that people are deeply frustrated and confused with the present state of affairs. But I want to tell them to forget all the past and concentrate on a new future," the DDUDF backed independent candidate said.

Besides a separate state, other issues in DDUDF's election manifesto include placing Darjeeling in the North East Council, ushering in a Panchayati Raj, re-opening of all international borders for trade activity, boosting of the local economy, implementing the minimum wage act in tea gardens and bringing the best educational institutions to develop the future of the youths.

Other Independent candidates who filed their nominations today were Nima Lama of the Gorkha Rasthriya Congress, which advocates the merger of Darjeeling with Sikkim, Niranjan Saha of Aamra Bangali, a Siliguri-based anti-statehood outfit, and Arun Kumar Agarwal.

BJP-GJM candidate SS Ahluwalia, meanwhile, already campaigning in the hills, today met the Lepcha community under the All India Lepcha Association banner in Darjeeling. The Lepchas have been demanding a Primitive Tribe status since 1997 along with other issues pertaining to the welfare and development of their community.


Controversy over Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh Dr. Enos Das Pradhan declaring support to M.P. Lama

10:36 AM
Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh Working President C P Giri, accuses Rev Dr. Enos Das Pradhan of subverting BGP Constitution

Controversy has erupted over Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh executive President Rev Dr. Enos Das Pradhan declaring BGP's support in favour of Independent candidate from Darjeeling, Dr. M P Lama.
Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh executive President Rev Dr. Enos Das Pradhan
Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh executive President Rev Dr. Enos Das Pradhan
Talking to the press BGP Working President Shri C P Giri said, "BGP is fundamentally a non-political organization and therein lies its mandate and its strength. Our Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh.... we are a pan-India organization for reason, we are not expected to indulge in politics... but Dr. Enos Das Pradhan and a few other executive members have udnermined that mandate and indulged in active politics."

Making further clarification, Mr. Giri said, "on March 9th, 2014 we all attended a meeting in Siliguri for deciding BGP policy, and we had not discussed anything about supporting Dr. Lama... However Rev Enos Das Pradhan called a press meet and declared BGP support for Dr. Lama... which he should not have done."

National Vice President Arun Upadhyay has also confirmed that BGP did not take any official decision to support Dr. Lama and clarified that what Dr. Enos Das Pradhan did was on his personal capacity and that he should not have dragged the BGP name in it.

Both Mr. Giri and Mr Upadhyay have accused Dr. Pradhan of his personal agenda clouding his judgement and impairing his ability to function as the President of a national level body.

CPIM set to poll campaigning for Dr. Mahendra P Lama

9:49 AM
The Communist Party of Revolutionary Marxists is all set to put all its power behind independent candidate Dr. Mahendra P Lama. CPRM today formed a regional election committee in Kalimpong to launch poll campaigning for the DDUDF founder. Party general secretary Taramani Rai said, “We will back Dr. Lama with our entire support base to help him win the Darjeeling seat. He is not only a native from the Hills, but also a learned and capable candidate.”

CPRM general secretary Taramani Rai (R) talking to reporters in Kalimpong on Sunday.
CPRM general secretary Taramani Rai (R)
talking to reporters in Kalimpong on Sunday.
Rai informed the decision to support Dr. Lama was taken after holding two crucial meeting with DDUDF. The two parties have also decided to form a committee consisting of experts on Parliamentary affairs after the elections. “If Lama is elected to Parliament, he will take the expert suggestion of the committee in policy making,” added Rai.

The CPRM and DDUDF also has decided to raise various issues together including development in the Darjeeling Hills and the demand for Gorkhaland in the Parliament. Rai further said DDUDF founder Dr. Lama has also agreed to CPRM's proposal that if his voice goes unheard in Parliament, he will resign from the post and undertake a mass movement.

On the issue of supporting a particular party to form the government, he said if Dr. Lama wins the election he will consult with the expert committee and make a decision. Besides, Lama has also agreed to CPRM’s condition that the MP fund will be utilized only with consultation of the policy making body.

Rai said, “Soon the election manifesto will be out with Gorkhaland as the primary agenda. Issued related to development of the region, upliftment of farmers, forest dwellers and tea workers along with education, employment and other issues will also be included.” Rai was also confident that Dr. Lama as an independent candidate will win the Darjeeling LS seat.


Mahendra Lama's interview with Hindustan Times

11:20 PM
The following is the exclusive interview of Dr Mahendra Lama with Hindustan Times in Darjeeling. In the interview Dr Lama talks about Gorkhaland for identity and development and Gorkhaland for  strengthening national security.

Mahendra Lama taught at Jawaharlal Nehru University and then headed Sikkim University. Now contesting as an independent, he spoke to HT at his Darjeeling residence. Excerpts:

Mahendra Lama's interview with HT
Photo - Mahendra P Lama Sampreshan Ep 30 Promo

Why do you support Gorkhaland?

All Himalayan regions in India have a separate state except this patch of land. This is a common geographical demand. Nepali-speakers want a state to protect identity. Bengalis will get a larger playing field. Marwaris can sense a business opportunity. Adivasis want it for their rights, identity and development.

We can name it something else too. But this is a national security issue because the region is connected to four international borders – Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and China. Chicken's Neck, which connects Northeastern states to the rest of India, is also in Darjeeling district.

There is threat because of unregulated borders and free movement of people, encouraged by the Bengal government. If you have a good government and powerful prosperous state here, it will strengthen security.

Even if you win, how can a lone independent MP get a state?

The problem has been that Darjeeling has either elected candidates who don't know Delhi, or MP's who know Delhi but don't know the hills. Baichung Bhutia knows neither Delhi nor Darjeeling, and Ahluwalia has nothing to do with this place.

I will focus on the 500 MPs – all those except from Bengal – and mobilise Northeast, hill and tribal MPs to support the cause. There were only three Nepali-speaking MPs in 1992, but we managed to get Nepali language officially recognised.

Do you see yourself as Darjeeling's Kejriwal?

The genesis is the same, of civil society members coming out for the first time. I have written to AAP to support me here.


CPRM to support Mahendra P. Lama for the Darjeeling LS seat

9:32 AM
Darjeeling- The CPRM today said it would support Mahendra P. Lama for the Darjeeling Lok Sabha seat, a day after BJP nominee S.S. Ahluwalia had approached the hill party for alliance.

Today, CPRM leaders announced their decision at a press conference along with Lama, while the CPM candidate for the seat, Saman Pathak, was waiting with a letter seeking the party’s support.

Mahendra P. Lama with R.B Rai
Mahendra P. Lama with R.B Rai
Gorkha Janmukti Morcha-backed BJP nominee, Ahluwalia, had met the CPRM leaders here yesterday seeking support in an attempt to ensure that the hill votes were not divided. The CPRM leaders had said they would announce their decision on March 23.

“We had three options. One was to support a national party that clearly mentions the word Gorkhaland in its manifesto, second was to support a son of the soil who is committed to the statehood cause and the third was to field our own candidate,” said CPRM general secretary Taramani Rai. “During the meeting with Shri S.S. Ahluwaliaji, it became clear that the BJP would not use the word ‘Gorkhaland’ in its national poll manifesto. That is why we have decided not to support the BJP,” said Rai.

In 2009, the BJP had used words like, “long pending demands of the Gorkhas” would be “sympathetically” considered. This year, too, the party is expected to use similar words.

“We have decided to support Mahendra P. Lama because he has agreed to raise the issue of Gorkhaland in Parliament and if it goes unheard, he has agreed to intensify the statehood demand,” said Rai.

The CPRM is known to have a considerable support.

Lama, an Independent, said he had appealed to the Morcha and GNLF president Subash Ghisingh to support him. “We are not supporting the BJP because the earlier MP Jaswant Singh did not raise the (statehood) issue when Telangana was formed. It is time that the Morcha president also rethinks his decision of supporting the BJP.”

While the press conference was on, CPM leaders Saman Pathak, Ashok Bhattacharya, Jibesh Sarkar and others were waiting to meet the CPRM leaders. Asked about the visit, Pathak merely said: “This is just a courtesy visit.” But Bhattacharya said: “We had also come to seek his (Rai’s) blessing along with an approach letter.”

Rai was heard saying that Pathak was like a relative. “He does not need our support. His party has a lot of supporters.”

Source: Telegraph

Bimal Gurung has sold statehood cause - M.P Lama

2:35 PM
Lama snubs Gurung: ‘He has sold statehood cause’ Lama has reportedly started an extensive campaign against Gurung in the region and the Morcha has reasons to be apprehensive.
Gorkha Janmukti Mocha chief Bimal Gurung came in for scathing criticism from former vice-chancellor of Sikkim University, who is an Independent candidate in Darjeeling, Mahendra P Lama.

Bimal Gurung has sold statehood cause - M.P Lama
Lama snubs Gurung
Responding to Gurung’s appeal to him to join hands with the GJM and support BJP candidate SS Ahluwalia in Darjeeling, Lama said the GJM chief has “sold out the Gorkhaland cause”. “Gurung sold out the Gorkhaland cause long time ago. He is exposed now. Which is why he wants to get support from me to make the BJP candidate win in Darjeeling,” Lama told The Indian Express.

While Gurung’s party has enjoyed a monopoly in the hill politics for the last six years, witnessing landslide victories in the three Assembly constituencies of Darjeeling in 2011, it now seems to be on a shaky ground with several strong candidates in the fray.

Even as the GJM has refused to accord any importance to TMC candidate and star footballer Baichung Bhutia, it party seems rattled with Lama’s influence.

Gurung has on Facebook appealed to Lama to join hands for the “cause” of Gorkhaland. “I would like to specially appeal to Dr Mahendra P. Lama to come out in support of BJP for the sake of the greater cause. Let us set aside all difference and not let go this golden opportunity. I am ready to talk to Dr Lama for the sake of Gorkhaland,” Gurung has posted on the social networking website.

Lama, however, said, “Bimal Gurung has no political ground in Darjeeling. When he realised that I will sweep the polls, he wants me to withdraw from the fray and support him. The people of Darjeeling are in favour of my candidature.”

Lama said he would hold a meeting with Gurung on three conditions: A written assurance from Gurung that the Morcha would support Lama’s candidature; withdrawal of support from the BJP; and it would fight for separate statehood and not settle down for any other arrangement.
“I will talk to him (Gurung) on separate statehood, on inclusion of Darjeeling in the north-eastern council, and on introducing three-tier panchayat system in Darjeeling,” added Lama. Lama has already held more then 100 public meetings in several remote and interior parts in the hills. Political observers said he has started an extensive campaign against Gurung in the region and the Morcha has reasons to be apprehensive about him.

Lama is at present the Pro Vice-Chancellor of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi. He authored the First Plan of Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council in 1989, First Sikkim Human Development Report in 2001; Nathu la Trade Report in 2005 and First Economic Survey of Sikkim in 2007.

Source:Indian Express

Bimal Gurung appeals Dr Mahendra P. Lama to support BJP

1:48 PM
GJM chief Bimal Gurung appeals  Dr Mahendra P. Lama an independent candidate to come forward and support BJP in this Lok Sabha (2014) election in Darjeeling constituency.Feeling the heat this time around in Darjeeling for Lok Sabha seat, GJM chief , Gurung calls for unity in the hill for the sake of Gorkhaland and support BJP as he says "BJP is expected to come to power and they have already decided to support our cause. ".

Bimal Gurung appeals Dr Mahendra P. Lama to support BJP
Bimal Gurung appeals Dr Mahendra P. Lama to support BJP
However, this is the same GJM party who in the recent past had suspended Mr P Arjun, then prominent member of the party's intellectual wing, when he came out and supported  Dr Mahendra P. Lama.This is for the first time in the history of Darjeeling that Lok Sabha votes will be divided hugely.The move of GJM to appeal Dr M P. Lama to support BJP could be the result of this division of votes in the Darjeeling hill.

Bimal Gurung came up withe the following Facebook update :-

"This year's Lok Sabha election is now clearly divided between those who are supporting Gorkhaland and those who are against the demand.

This election is not about local issues but about our long standing demand of Gorkhaland. The BJP is expected to come to power and they have already decided to support our cause. This is a golden opportunity as a government which is set to come in power is supporting our long cherished demand.

I, want to appeal to all the Gorkhaland loving people to unite to the sake of Gorkhaland.
I would like to specially appeal to Dr Mahendra P. Lama to come out in support of BJP for the sake of the greater cause. Let us set aside all difference and not let go this golden opportunity. I am ready to talk to Dr Lama for the sake of Gorkhaland."

Dr. Mahendra P Lama earns support from Social organisations and prominent citizens

12:07 PM
In a motivating development for independent candidate Dr. Mahendra P Lama, various social organisations and prominent citizens of town have pledged their support for him. A meeting was today held at the GDNS hall in the presence of BGP president Dr. Enos Das Pradhan, GDNS president Uday Kumai, Hill Social Welfare Society secretary Sobha Chettri, Kalimpong Sangrakshak Samiti Sonam T Bhutia, political analyst and educationist PK Pradhan and noted educationist TB Thakuri, among others.

Dr. Mahendra P Lama earns support from Social organisations and prominent citizens
Dr. Mahendra P Lama 
Noted public figures and representatives of social organisations declared Lama the most eligible candidate and pledged their support to him.

Addressing media persons later, PR Pradhan said, “Dr. Lama is the only eligible candidate. In all circumstances I will vote for him.”

He added he may not be able to move around campaigning for Lama, but will encourage people to vote for him in his own way. Pradhan also lashed out at Mamata Banerjee saying the TMC chief has made “anti-Gorkha comments” on several occasions to expose her attitude towards the Gorkha community.

“The Trinamool government is not in favour of the Gorkha community. Besides it has nominated Bhaichung Bhutia as its candidate. Football is not played in Parliament,” said Pradhan amid laughter.

The educationist also rejected CPM candidate Saman Phatak’s ability to satisfy the people of the hills.

Pradhan said, “Even if Phatak wins, he will be obliged to follow the party dictums. He won’t be able to work for the people here even if he desires.”

BGP president Dr Enos Das Pradhan also spoke in strong support of Lama. Pradhan has been campaigning for Lama and he said, “A trend of hiring candidates from outside Darjeeling is being seen here. Last time we elected Jaswant Singh with a huge margin considering his heavyweight stature. We all know what he has accomplished for the people of his constituency.”

Dr. Pradhan added political parties have been forcing their candidates down voters’ throats and urged the electorate to think twice before casting their ballot. “We should elect a representative by using our conscience and not by a political party’s influences,” he noted.

The BGP president informed a meeting will be held on March 29 and it will include more organisations and noted individuals of town and its surrounding areas. He added the DDUDF will host a public meeting on April 12 while other campaigning activities will continue as planned.


DDUDF programmes in Nagari-Dhaje constituency

10:52 AM
DDUDF - Taking forward its outreach mission, the Darjeeling-Dooars United Development Foundation today organised interactive programmes in Nagari-Dhaje constituency. A team comprising DDUDF founder Dr. Mahendra P Lama, convener Hem Baraily and members including Pravin Zimba, Dhurba Mukhia, Bikram Golay and Suresh Kumar Chettri visited Nagari Farm and Mangerjong tea garden and held three meetings with residents.

Dr. Mahendra P Lama
Dr. Mahendra P Lama
Lama expressed deep concern over the depleting conditions at the tea gardens and promised the DDUDF will strive towards resolving all problems of garden workers. He stressed wages in tea gardens must conform to the Minimum Wages Act and all tea gardens of the hills should be enlisted in the World Heritage list. Hi-tech for value addition must be introduced into the tea industry, Lama further added.

Talking about the statehood movement, the DDUDF’s primary agenda, Lama said earlier movements have all failed to achieve the goal as the leadership could not raise the demand at the right time and in the right places. He also spoke on the need for high-quality educational institutions, three-tiered Panchayat system and briefed the gathering about the 25-point agenda of the DDUDF. (EOIC)


Gorkha community served a lot for the country, got nothing in return - Mahendra P Lama

10:21 AM
Noted academician and Darjeeling Dooars United Development Foundation (DDUDF) chief Dr. Mahendra P Lama who has been spearheading activities to garner support for himself in the upcoming LS elections, today addressed a meeting here at Puhguri Dara Gaon community hall.
Lama pointed out that even though the Gorkha community has served a lot for the country, it has got nothing in return.
Dr. MP Lama addressing a meeting in Mirik on Sunday.
Dr. MP Lama addressing a meeting in Mirik on Sunday.
Stressing on the need to promote education in the hills, Lama said education is the primary requisite to win other rights. He also claimed today’s meeting in Phuguri was the 102nd meeting that he has addressed during his campaign.  “I have visited 102 places in the district and interacted with the people. I feel that people have become more aware during this period and are understanding things in their correct sense” Lama asserted.
He said DDUDF has not been formed to instigate or pull anyone down, but to fight for educational and other development of the region.

Source :EOI

Mahendra P Lama - 30th state of India should include Terai, Dooars Darjeeling hills

8:01 AM
Dr. Mahendra P Lama Academician and independent Lok Sabha candidate from Darjeeling constituency,  today said the 30th state of the county should include Terai, Dooars and the Darjeeling hills consisting of all the communities residing in the respective areas.

Dr. Lama, made the statement today on the sidelines of a public meeting organized at the Monteviot Ground in Kurseong today under the banner of the Darjeeling Dooars United Development Forum, (DDUDF), an apolitical organization.

Addressing the meeting, he said the way in which a separate state of Telangana was formed, it has been clearly established that no permission is needed from the concerned state government for separation. According to Dr. Lama a new state can be achieved with the help and the inclusion of all communities residing in the areas proposed by him for the separate state,

In his speech, Dr. Lama criticized the activities of the GJM and its leadership, without mentioning their names. He said, “In the pretext and different claims of development, some people have been misleading us. Development is after all the right of the people.”

He further said the people should be aware and alert, because several conspiracies have been made to divide the people of the hills on different aspect. Many people have been frequently visiting the hills these days making false claims, he added without naming anyone.

Mr. Lama also informed the public regarding the different facilities and schemes of the central government and also expressed his views and plans on various sectors.


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